1. Vuci Siculani [electronic resource] / Marc-Antonio Consoli. Consoli, Marc-Antonio [Browse] New York, N.Y. : DRAM, [2007] Audio Online Online Content Bookmark
2. Haiku of Bashō ; Moonsongs from the Japanese / Richard Wernick. Anecdote of the jar and [i.e. including] Piano interlude (The pleasures of merely circulating) ; Yet once again ; Wedding music / David John Boros [sound recording]. Wernick, Richard, 1934- [Browse] New York, N.Y. : CRI, p1977. Audio Loading...Mendel Music Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP) » A-200 C379 LP Bookmark
3. Presentation and complimentary supper, to Capt. George L. Cade [electronic resource] : The members of Pioneer Engine Company, No. 6, of Cambridge, wishing to express in some way their appreciation of the worth and character of Capt. George L. Cade, determined, at a meeting called for that purpose, to present to him, on his return from Hartford, a complete set of parlor furniture, and a complimentary supper. ... Supper furnished by J.B. Smith, caterer, of Boston, on the evening of March 1st, 1852, before a large company of the members, volunteers, and friends of Capt. Cade. The presentation speech was delivered in a very happy manner, by Mr. Joseph P. Howlett, which was responded to in the same spirit by Capt. Cade. The following is a compendium of the speeches ... Pioneer Engine Company, No. 6 (Cambridge, Mass.) [Browse] [Boston] : Bazin & Chandler, printers, 37 Cornhill., [1852] Book Online Newsbank America's Historical Imprints Bookmark