1. Dark Eden / a Made in Germany production ; in co-production with ZDF, 3SAT and Basis Berlin Postproduktion ; a film by Jasmin Herold and Michael Beamish ; directors, Jasmin Herold and Michael Beamish ; co-producer, Tobias Siebert. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2017] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition Bookmark
2. Hamada / Momento Film presents ; in coproduction with Fuglene, Ma.ja.de Filmproduktion ; a film by Eloy Domínguez Serén ; directed by Eloy Domínguez Serén ; produced by David Herdies and Michael Krotkiewski. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2018] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition Bookmark
3. John Berger or The art of looking / Ma.ja.de. Filmproduktion presents ; a film by Cordelia Dvorák ; producers, Heino Deckert, Daniel Saltzwedel ; in co-production with BBC, ZDF ; in association with ARTE, SRF, SVT. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2016] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition Bookmark
4. Little yellow boots / a Millenium Film production ; in co-production with ma.ja.de filmproduktion, Aldeles Sjau ; producer: Kristiina Pervilä-Andersson ; co-producers, Heino Deckert, Elisabeth Kleppe ; written and directed by John Webster. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2017] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition Bookmark
5. Selfie / Arte France and Magneto ; with Casa Delle Visioni and Rai Cinema in collaboration with Istituto Luce Cinecittà present ; a film by Agostino Ferrente ; writer and director, Agostino Ferrente ; producers, Marc Berdugo, Barbara Conforti. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2019] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition Bookmark
6. Tarzan's testicles / Hi Film, Seppia present ; a film by Alexandru Solomon ; directed by Alexandru Solomon ; producers, Ada Solomon, Cedric Bonin, Pascaline Geoffroy. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2017] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Third Edition Bookmark
7. Anne Clark : I'll walk out into tomorrow / Tag/Traum Filmproduktion [and 3 others] present ; a film by Claus Withopf ; written and directed by Claus Withopf ; co-producers, Mike Beilfuß [and 4 others]. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
8. A family quartet / Basalt Film and 24classics present ; in coproduction with NTR ; a film by Simonka de Jong ; written and directed by Simonka de Jong ; producers, Simone van den Broek, Corine Haitjema. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
9. I had a dream / by Claudia Tosi ; Movimenta in co-production with Cosmographe ; producers, Claudia Tosi, Nathalie Combe ; in collaboration with France Télévisions, France 3 Corse ViaStella. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
10. Little man, time and the troubadour / the Film Kitchen presents ; in co-production with Inti Films, Stout&Smits and EOdocs ; producers, Ineke Kanters, Jan van der Zanden ; written and directed by Ineke Smits ; co-author and marionette theatre, Sipa Labakhua. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
11. Najbrzydszy Samochód Świata / Anagram, Telewizja Polska S.A., Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej ; scenariusz i reżyseria, Grzegorz Szczepaniak ; producent, Grzegorz Szczepaniak. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
12. Never whistle alone / Deckert Distribution presents ; a Candy Glass production ; in co-production with VPRO and Basement ; written and directed by Marco Ferrari ; produced by Priscilla Robledo, Francesco Crespi, Marco Ferrari. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
13. Nine month war / ELF Pictures ; directed by László Csuja ; producer, Ágnes Horváth-Szabó, András Pires Muhi ; Filmpartners. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
14. Pavlensky : man and might / Lichtfilm, Wolfgang Bergmann presents ; a film by Irene Langemann ; writer and director, Irene Langemann ; producer, Wolfgang Bergmann, Thomas Lorenz ; a co-production of Lichtfilm with SWR/ARTE, Film- and Medienstiftung NRW and BKM. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
15. Spuren / Ma.ja.de. filmproduktion ; in Koproduktion mit ZDF/Arte ; ein Film von Aysun Bademsoy ; buch und regie, Aysun Bademsoy-Petzold ; produzent, Heino Deckert. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
16. Varză, cartofi și alți demoni = Cabbage, potatoes and other demons / Elefant Films presents ; with the participation of the Romanian Television Society ; co-producers, Kolectiv Film, Ma.ja.de. Filmproduktion ; a film by Șerban Georgescu ; produced by Alex Iordăchescu, co-produced by Șerban Georgescu, Heino Deckert. [Leipzig, Germany] : [Distributed by] Deckert Distribution, [2020] Video/Projected medium Online Docuseek2 Complete Collection: Second Edition - United States Bookmark
17. Pipeline [videorecording] / a film by Vitalij Manskij. Leipzig, Germany : distributed by Deckert Distribution GmbH, c2013. Video/Projected medium Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage: Video Collection » DVD Bookmark