1. Pistols of the world. Blair, Claude [Browse] London, Batsford, 1968. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » TS537 .B53 1968q Oversize Bookmark
2. European armour, circa 1066 to circa 1700. Blair, Claude [Browse] London, Batsiford [1958] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » U825.B55 Bookmark
3. Haughmond Abbey : excavation of a 12th-century cloister in its historical and landscape context / Jeffrey J West and Nicholas Palmer ; with contributions by Claude Blair [and 28 others] ; and illustrations by Nigel Dodds [and 6 others]. West, Jeffrey J. [Browse] Swindon : English Heritage, 2014. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » BX2596.H38 W47 2014g Bookmark
4. Pollard's history of firearms / general editor, Claude Blair. Pollard, Hugh B. C. (Hugh Bertie Campbell), 1888- [Browse] Feltham, Middlesex : Country Life Books, 1983. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » JSF 85-16 Bookmark
5. The complete encyclopaedia of arms & weapons / edited by Leonid Tarassuk and Claude Blair ; [translated from the Italian by Sylvia Mulcahy, Simon Pleasance and Hugh Young]. London : Batsford, 1982. Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » U800 .C6513 1982g Bookmark
6. European armour, circa 1066 to circa 1700. Blair, Claude [Browse] London, Batsford, [1972, c1958] Book AvailableReCAP - Remote Storage » JSE 79-462 Bookmark