1. 展覧会岡本太郎 = Okamoto Taro : a retrospective / 東京都美術館, 下倉久美, 藪前知子, NHKプロモーション編集 Tenrankai Okamoto Tarō = Okamoto Taro : a retrospective / Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Shimokura Kumi, Yabumae Tomoko, NHK Puromōshon henshū Okamoto, Tarō, 1911-1996 [Browse]岡本太郎, 1911-1996 [Browse] [Tōkyō] : NHK ; [Tōkyō] : NHK Puromōshon, 2022[東京] : NHK ; [東京] : NHKプロモーション, 2022 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » N7359.O39 A4 2022 Bookmark
2. イサム・ノグチ発見の道 = Isamu Noguchi : ways of discovery / 主催, 編集: 東京都美術館, 朝日新聞社, NHK ; 企画・構成: 中原淳行. Isamu Noguchi hakken no michi = Isamu Noguchi : ways of discovery / shusai, henshū: Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Asahi Shinbunsha, NHK ; kikaku, kōsei: Nakahara Atsuyuki. Noguchi, Isamu, 1904-1988 [Browse]ノグチイサム, 1904-1988 [Browse] Tōkyō : Asahi Shinbunsha ; Tōkyō : NHK, 2021.東京 : 朝日新聞社 ; 東京 : NHK, 2021. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » NB237.N6 A4 2021q Oversize Bookmark
3. 日本三大浮世絵コレクション / 編集, 岩切友里子 [and many others] ; 主催, 東京都美術館, 太田記念美術館, 日本浮世絵博物館, 日本経済新聞社 [and three others] = The Ukiyo-e 2020 : Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation / edited by Iwakiri Yuriko [and many others] ; organizers, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Nikkei Inc. [and three others]. Nihon sandai ukiyoe korekushon / henshū, Iwakiri Yuriko [and many others] ; shusai, Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Ōta Kinen Bijutsukan, Nihon Ukiyoe Hakubutsukan, Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha [and three others] = The Ukiyo-e 2020 : Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation / edited by Iwakiri Yuriko [and many others] ; organizers, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Nikkei Inc. [and three others]. [Tōkyō] : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, 2020.[東京] : 日本経済新聞社, 2020. Book No holdings available for this record Bookmark
4. The Ukiyo-e 2020 : Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation : 日本三大浮世絵コレクション / 編集岩切友里子 [and five others]. The Ukiyo-e 2020 : Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation : Nihon sandai ukiyoe korekushon / henshū Iwakiri Yuriko [and five others]. [Tokyo] : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, 2020.[Tokyo] : 日本経済新聞社, 2020. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NE1321.8 .U35 2020q OversizeLoading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » NE1321.8 .U35 2020q Oversize Bookmark
5. 江戶絵画ミラクルワールド, 奇想の系譜展 = Lineage of eccentrics : the miraculous world of Edo painting Edo kaiga mirakuru warudo, kiso no keifu ten = Lineage of eccentrics : the miraculous world of Edo painting [Tokyo] : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha : NHK : NHK Puromōshon, 2019[Tokyo] : 日本経済新聞社 : NHK : NHK プロモーション, 2019 Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » ND1053.6.E33 E36 2019 Bookmark
6. Foujita : a retrospective : commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death = 没後50年藤田嗣治展 / 編集東京都美術館 [and 3 others] ; 執筆高階秀爾 (美術史家/美術評論家) [and 19 others]. Foujita : a retrospective : commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death = Botsugo 50-nen Fujita Tsuguharu ten / henshū Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan [and 3 others] ; shippitsu Takashina Shūji (bijutsushika/bijutsu hyōronka) [and 19 others]. Foujita, Tsugouharu, 1886-1968 [Browse]藤田嗣治, 1886-1968 [Browse] [Tokyo] : Asahi Shinbunsha, 2018.[Tokyo] : 朝日新聞社, 2018. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1059.F6 A4 2018q Oversize Bookmark
7. 巡りゆく日本の夢 = Van Gogh & Japan / ファン・ゴッホ ; 編集圀府寺司, コルネリア・ホンブルク, 佐藤幸宏. Meguriyuku Nihon no yume = Van Gogh & Japan / Fan Gohho ; henshū Kōdera Tsukasa, Koruneria Honburuku, Satō Yukihiro. Gogh, Vincent van, 1853-1890 [Browse] Kyōto-shi : Seigensha, 2017.京都市 : 青幻舎, 2017. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND653.G7 A4 2017b Bookmark
8. 若冲生誕三〇〇年記念 = Jakuchu, the 300th anniversy of his birth / 若冲 ; カタログ監修小林忠, 太田彩 ; 編集東京都美術館, 日本経済新聞社, NHK, NHK プロモーション. Jakuchū seitan 300-nen kinen = Jakuchu, the 300th anniversy of his birth / Jakuchū ; katarogu kanshū Kobayashi Tadashi, Ōta Aya ; henshū Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, NHK, NHK Puromōshon. Itō, Jakuchū, 1716-1800 [Browse]伊藤若冲, 1716-1800 [Browse] [Tokyo] : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha : NHK : NHK Puromōshon, 2016.[Tokyo] : 日本経済新聞社 : NHK : NHK プロモーション, 2016. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1059.I79 A4 2016q Oversize Bookmark
9. 日本美術院再興一〇〇年特別展, 世紀の日本画 / 監修古田亮 (東京藝術大学大学美術館准教授) ; 編集東京都美術館, NHK, NHK プロモーション, 朝日新聞社 = The centennial exhibition of the Japan Art Institute's revival : the masterpieces of nihonga / supervised by Ryo Furuta, Associate Professor of the University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts ; edited by Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, NHK, NHK Promotions, Inc., The Asahi Shinbun. Nihon Bijutsuin saikō 100-nen tokubetsuten, seiki no nihonga / kanshū Furuta Ryō (Tōkyō Geijutsu Daigaku Daigaku Bijutsukan Junkyōju) ; henshū Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, NHK, NHK Puromōshon, Asahi Shinbunsha = The centennial exhibition of the Japan Art Institute's revival : the masterpieces of nihonga / supervised by Ryo Furuta, Associate Professor of the University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts ; edited by Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, NHK, NHK Promotions, Inc., The Asahi Shinbun. [Tokyo] : NHK : NHK Puromōshon : Asahi Shinbunsha, 2014.[Tokyo] : NHK : NHK プロモーション : 朝日新聞社, 2014. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » ND1054.5 .N529 2014 Online Online Content Bookmark
10. 水墨画の展開. 掛軸篇 / 全国水墨画美術協会編. Suibokuga no tenkai : Kakejiku hen / Zenkoku Suibokuga bijutsu kyōkai hen. Tōkyō : Shūsakusha shuppan, 2012-東京 : 秀作社出版, 2012- Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Marquand Library Use Only » ND2071 .S85 2012q Oversize Bookmark
11. 東京都美術館ものがたり : ニッポン・アート史ダイジェスト / 東京都美術館編 ; 浅生ハルミン絵. Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan monogatari : Nippon ātoshi daijesuto / Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan hen ; Asao Harumin e. Tōkyō : Kajima Shuppankai, 2012.東京 : 鹿島出版会, 2012. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » N3750.T65 A87 2012 Online Online Content Bookmark
12. アンコ-ルワットとクメ-ル美術の 1000年展 = Angkor Vat and a millennium of Khmer art / [編集東京国立博物館]. Ankōru Watto to Kumēru bijutsu no 1000-nen ten = Angkor Vat and a millennium of Khmer art / [henshū Tōkyō Kokuritsu Hakubutsukan]. [Tokyo] : Asahi Shinbunsha, c1997.[Tokyo] : 朝日新聞社, c1997. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » NB1015.2.A56 A55 1997q Oversize Bookmark
13. 冷泉家の至宝展 : 京の雅・和歌のこころ / [編集冷泉家時雨亭文庫, NHK]. Reizei-ke no shihōten : Kyō no miyabi, uta no kokoro / [henshū Reizei-ke Shiguretei Bunko, NHK] [Tokyo] : NHK : NHK Puromōshon, 1997.[Tokyo] : NHK : NHK プロモーション, 1997. Book Loading...Marquand Library - Remote Storage: Marquand Use Only » N7353 .R44 1997 Bookmark
14. マティス展 = Henri Matisse : the path to color / 編 オレリー・ヴェルディエ, 藪前知子 = edited by Aurélie Verdier, Tomoko Yabumae Matisu ten = Henri Matisse : the path to color / hen Orerī Verudie, Yabumae Tomoko = edited by Aurélie Verdier, Tomoko Yabumae. Matisse, Henri, 1869-1954 [Browse] [Tokyo, Japan] : Asahi Shinbunsha : NHK : NHK Puromōshon, [2023][Tokyo, Japan] : 朝日新聞社 ; NHK ; NHK プロモーション, [2023]©2023 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N6853.M33 A4 2023h Bookmark
15. レオポルド美術館エゴン・シーレ展 : ウィーンが生んだ若き天才 / 東京都美術館, 朝日新聞社編集 = Egon Schiele : from the collection of the Leopold Museum : young genius in Vienna 1900 / Editors Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, The Asahi Shimbun Reoporudo Bijutsukan Egon Shīre ten : Wīn ga unda wakaki tensai / Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Asahi Shinbunsha henshū = Egon Schiele : from the collection of the Leopold Museum : young genius in Vienna 1900 / Editors Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, The Asahi Shimbun. Schiele, Egon, 1890-1918 [Browse] [Tokyo, Japan] : Asahi Shinbunsha, [2023][Tokyo, Japan] : 朝日新聞社, [2023]©2023 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N6811.5.S34 A4 2023g Bookmark
16. イサム・ノグチ発見の道 = Isamu Noguchi : ways of discovery / 主催, 編集: 東京都美術館, 朝日新聞社, NHK ; 企画・構成: 中原淳行. Isamu Noguchi hakken no michi = Isamu Noguchi : ways of discovery / shusai, henshū: Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Asahi Shinbunsha, NHK ; kikaku, kōsei: Nakahara Atsuyuki. Noguchi, Isamu, 1904-1988 [Browse]ノグチイサム, 1904-1988 [Browse] Tōkyō : Asahi Shinbunsha ; Tōkyō : NHK, 2021.東京 : 朝日新聞社 ; 東京 : NHK, 2021. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NB237.N6 A4 2021g Bookmark
17. 日本三大浮世絵コレクション / 編集, 岩切友里子 [and many others] ; 主催, 東京都美術館, 太田記念美術館, 日本浮世絵博物館, 日本経済新聞社 [and three others] = The Ukiyo-e 2020 : Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation / edited by Iwakiri Yuriko [and many others] ; organizers, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Nikkei Inc. [and three others]. Nihon sandai ukiyoe korekushon / henshū, Iwakiri Yuriko [and many others] ; shusai, Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Ōta Kinen Bijutsukan, Nihon Ukiyoe Hakubutsukan, Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha [and three others] = The Ukiyo-e 2020 : Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Hiraki Ukiyo-e Foundation / edited by Iwakiri Yuriko [and many others] ; organizers, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum operated by Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture, Ōta Memorial Museum of Art, Japan Ukiyo-e Museum, Nikkei Inc. [and three others]. [Tōkyō] : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, 2020.[東京] : 日本経済新聞社, 2020. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NE1315.J3 T66 2020g Bookmark
18. クリムト展 : ウィーンと日本1900 = Gustav Klimt : Vienna-Japan 1900 / 編集東京都美術館, 豊田市美術館, 朝日新聞社. Kurimuto ten : Wīn to Nihon 1900 = Gustav Klimt : Vienna-Japan 1900 / henshū Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan, Toyota-shi Bijutsukan, Asahi Shinbunsha. Klimt, Gustav, 1862-1918 [Browse] [Tokyo] : Asahi Shinbunsha, [2019][Tokyo] : 朝日新聞社, [2019] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » N6811.5.K55 A4 2019 Bookmark
19. ブリューゲル展 : 画家一族 150年の系譜 / [図錄監修千足伸行 ; 執筆セルジオ・ガッディ ... [et al.] ; 編集東京都美術館 ... [et al.]] = Brueghel : 150 years of an artistic dynasty / [academic advice for the catalogue Nobuyuki Senzoku ; essays by Sergio Gaddi ... [et al.] ; edited by Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum ... [et al.]] Buryūgeru ten : gaka ichizoku 150-nen no keifu / [zuroku kanshū Senzoku Nobuyuki ; shippitsu Serujio Gaddi [and others] ; henshū Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan [and others]] = Brueghel : 150 years of an artistic dynasty / [academic advice for the catalogue Nobuyuki Senzoku ; essays by Sergio Gaddi [and others] ; edited by Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum [and others]]. [Tokyo, Japan] : Nihon Terebi Hōsōmō, 2018.[Tokyo, Japan] : 日本テレビ放送網, 2018 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ND673.B7 B87 2018g Bookmark
20. Foujita : a retrospective : commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death = 没後 50年藤田嗣治展 / 編集東京都美術館 [and 3 others] ; 執筆高階秀爾 (美術史家/美術評論家) [and 19 others]. Foujita : a retrospective : commemorating the 50th anniversary of his death = Botsugo 50-nen Fujita Tsuguharu ten / henshū Tōkyō-to Bijutsukan [and 3 others] ; shippitsu Takashina Shūji (bijutsushika/bijutsu hyōronka) [and 19 others]. Foujita, Tsugouharu, 1886-1968 [Browse] [Tokyo] : Asahi Shinbunsha, 2018.[Tokyo] : 朝日新聞社, 2018. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ND1059.F6 A4 2018b Bookmark