1. Adjective valency in ancient languages. Dita Frantíková. Studien zur historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft ; 18., Studien zur historisch-vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft 18 Hamburg : Baar-Verlag Andrea Brendler 2021. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » P121-143.3
2. Advances in biblical Hebrew linguistics : data, methods, and analyses / edited by Adina Moshavi and Tania Notarius. Linguistic studies in ancient West Semitic ; 12., Linguistic studies in ancient West Semitic ; 12 Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 2017.©2017 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ4556 .A38 2017
3. Advances in Maltese linguistics / edited by Benjamin Saade, Mauro Tosco. Studia typologica v. 21., Studia typologica : Beihefte, STUF-Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung = Supplements, Language typology and universals, 1617-2957 ; volume 21 International Conference on Maltese Linguistics (5th : 2015 : Turin, Italy) [Browse] Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, [2017]©2017 Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ6891 .I58 2015
4. African Arabic : approaches to dialectology / edited by Mena Lafkioui. Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs ; 258., Trends in linguistics. Studies and monographs, 1861-4302 ; 258, Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs [TiLSM] ; 258 Lafkioui, Mena [Browse] Berlin : de Gruyter Mouton, is a Division of Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co, KG, 2013. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
5. Afroasiatica Tergestina : papers from the 9th Italian Meeting of Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic) linguistics, Trieste, April 23- 24, 1998 = contributi presentati al 9⁰ Incontro di linguistica afroasiatica (camito- semitica), Trieste, 23-24 aprile 1998 / edited by Marcello Lamberti ; Livia Tonelli. Incontro di linguistica afroasiatica (camito-semitica) (9th : 1998 : Trieste, Italy) [Browse] Padova : Unipress, 1999. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ992 .I54 1998
6. Afroasiatic : data and perspectives / edited by Mauro Tosco. Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science. Series IV, Current issues in linguistic theory ; Volume 339., Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 0304-0763 ; Volume 339 Amsterdam, [Netherlands] ; Philadelphia, [Pennsylvania] : John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2018.©2018 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
7. The Afroasiatic languages / edited by Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Erin Shay. Cambridge language surveys. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
8. The Akkadian of Ugarit / John Huehnergard. Harvard Semitic Studies ; 34., Harvard Semitic Studies ; 34 Huehnergard, John [Browse] Atlanta, Georgia : Scholars Press, [1989]©1989 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles
9. Alleged non-past uses of qatal in classical Hebrew / Max Rogland. Studia Semitica Neerlandica 44., Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 0081-6914 ; 44 Rogland, M. F. (Max Frederick), 1968- [Browse] Assen : Van Gorcum, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ4659 .R645 2003
10. Amurru Akkadian : a linguistic study / by Shlomo Izre'el ; with an appendix on the history of Amurru by Itamar Singer. Harvard Semitic studies ; no. 40-41 Izre'el, Shlomo [Browse] Atlanta, Ga. : Scholars Press, c1991. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ3595.A48 I98 1991