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4. NIJ research portfolio, 1998.

5. National assessment of the Byrne Formula Grant Program.

25. National evaluation of the COPS Program : Title I of the 1994 Crime Act / by Jeffrey A. Roth ... [et al.] ; with Catherine Coles ... [et al.] ; co-principal investigators, Jeffrey A. Roth, Joseph F. Ryan.

26. Policing on American Indian reservations : a report to the National Institute of Justice / by Stewart Wakeling ... [et al.] ; Francis X. Hartmann, Joseph P. Kalt, co-principal investigators.

37. Measuring what matters : proceedings from the Policing Research Institute meetings / edited by Robert H. Langworthy ; cosponsored by the National Institute of Justice and the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.

40. Telemedicine can reduce correctional health care costs : an evaluation of a prison telemedicine network / prepared by Abt Associates Inc. for the Joint Program Steering Group, Office of Science and Technology, National Institute of Justice ; Douglas C. McDonald ... [et al.].

47. Crack, powder cocaine, and heroin : drug purchase and use patterns in six U.S. cities / K. Jack Riley.

50. Protective intelligence and threat assessment investigations : a guide for state and local law enforcement officials / by Robert A. Fein and Bryan Vossekuil.

51. State and local law enforcement wireless communications and interoperability : a quantitative analysis / National Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology Center, Rocky Mountain Region ; Mary J. Taylor, Robert C. Epper, Thomas K. Tolman.

53. Case management reduces drug use and criminality among drug-involved arrestees : an experimental study of an HIV prevention intervention / William Rhodes, Michael Gross.

56. Department of Justice and Department of Defense Joint Technology Program : second anniversary report / prepared by the Joint Program Steering Group ; John J. Pennella, Peter L. Nacci.

59. The nature of homicide : trends and changes : proceedings of the 1996 meeting of the Homicide Research Working Group / editors, Pamela K. Lattimore, Cynthia A. Nahabedian.

60. Policing in emerging democracies : workshop papers and highlights : Washington, D.C., December 14-15, 1995 / National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice ; Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State.

61. Preventing crime : what works, what doesn't, what's promising : a report to the United States Congress / prepared for the National Institute of Justice by Lawrence W. Sherman ... [et al.] in collaboration with members of the graduate program, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland.

63. Research on crime and justice.

77. Solving youth violence : partnerships that work : National conference proceedings, Washington, D.C., August 15-17, 1994 : conference sponsored / by U.S. Dept. of Justice ... [et al.].

78. Trends, risks, and interventions in lethal violence : proceedings of the third annual spring symposium of the Homicide Research Working Group, Atlanta, Georgia / editors, Carolyn Block, Richard Block.

88. Correctional boot camps : lessons from a decade of research.