1. The 1978 Selected Reserve reenlistment bonus test : executive summary / David W. Grissmer [et al.] ; prepared for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics). R (Rand Corporation); R-2864 Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1982] Book Bookmark
2. Acquisition policy effectiveness : Department of Defense experience in the 1970s / Edmund Dews and Giles K. Smith, Allen Barbour, Elwyn Harris, Michael Hesse ; a report prepared for the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. R (Rand Corporation) Dews, Edmund, 1921- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1979] Book Bookmark
3. Active/reserve cost methodology : case studies / Michael Shanley. R (Rand Corporation) Shanley, Michael G., 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
4. Adapting the RAND Strategy Assessment System to force assessment studies in the Joint Staff / Robert D. Howe, David A. Shlapak, Carl M. Jones. R (Rand Corporation) Howe, Robert D. (Robert Dale), 1936- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
5. An adequate insurance approach to critical dependencies of the Department of Defense / Benjamin Zycher, Kenneth A. Solomon, Loren Yager. R (Rand Corporation) Zycher, Benjamin [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
6. Age, time, and the measurement of mortality benefits / Jonathan A.K. Cave. R (Rand Corporation) Cave, Jonathan A. K., 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
7. The aggregate effects of federal education programs / Jackie Kimbrough, Paul T. Hill. R (Rand Corporation) Kimbrough, Jackie, 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1981. Book Bookmark
8. AIDS-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in Los Angeles County / David E. Kanouse [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
9. Aircraft airframe cost estimating relationships : study approach and conclusions / R.W. Hess, H.P. Romanoff. R (Rand Corporation) Hess, Ronald W. (Ronald Wayne), 1946- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987] Book Bookmark
10. Aircraft turbine engine monitoring experience : an overview and lessons learned from selected case studies / J. L. Birkler, J. R. Nelson. R (Rand Corporation) Birkler, J. L., 1944- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1980] Book Bookmark
11. Air Force command and control information processing in the 1980s : trends in software technology : a report prepared for United States Air Force Project Rand / Donald W. Kosy. R (Rand Corporation) R-1012-PR., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-1012-PR Kosy, Donald W. [Browse] Santa Monica : Rand, 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-1012-PR Bookmark
12. Air Force outlay control : management implications and options : a Project Air Force report / prepared for the United States Air Force ; H.G. Massey [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985] Book Bookmark
13. Airpower in peripheral conflict : the French experience in Africa / Mark A. Lorell. R (Rand Corporation) Lorell, Mark A., 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989] Book Bookmark
14. Alcoholism and treatment : prepared under a grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare / David J. Armor, J. Michael Polich, Harriet B. Stambul. R (Rand Corporation) R-1739-NIAAA., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-1739-NIAAA Armor, David J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA. : Rand, 1976. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » US 976.3 Bookmark
15. Alcohol problems : patterns and prevalence in the U.S. Air Force / J. Michael Polich, Bruce R. Orvis. R (Rand Corporation) ; R-2308-AF., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-2308-AF Polich, J. Michael [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : Rand, 1979. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » UH630 .P6 Bookmark
16. Algorithms for health planners / by L. Jeff Harris ... [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) R-2215/1-6-HEW., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-2215/1-6-HEW Santa Monica, CA : Rand, 1977. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » WA 900 AA1 A396 1977 Bookmark
17. Allocating chlorofluorocarbon permits : who gains, who loses, and what is the cost? / Adele R. Palmer and Timothy H. Quinn. R (Rand Corporation) R-2806-EPA, [Report] / Rand Corporation ; R-2806-EPA Palmer, Adele R., 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif. : The Rand Corporation, 1981. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-2806ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-2806 Bookmark
18. Alternatives for mobilizing Soviet Central Asian labor : outmigration and regional development : a Project Air Force report, prepared for the United States Air Force / S. Enders Wimbush, Dmitry Ponomareff. R (Rand Corporation) Wimbush, S. Enders [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1979] Book Bookmark
19. Alternative systems for case mix classification in health care financing / Shan Cretin, Linda G. Worthman. R (Rand Corporation) Cretin, Shan [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986] Book Bookmark
20. AM broadcast emergency relay (AMBER) : final report / Edward Bedrosian [et al.] ; prepared for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
21. American counterinsurgency doctrine and El Salvador : the frustrations of reform and the illusions of nation building / Benjamin C. Schwarz. R (Rand Corporation) Schwarz, Benjamin C. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
22. Analysis of Air Force aircraft multiyear procurements with implications for the B-2 / Susan Bodilly, Frank Camm, Richard Pei ; prepared for the Director of Defense Research and Engineering. R (Rand Corporation) Bodilly, Susan J. [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif. : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
23. An analysis of Cuban debt / Donald Putnam Henry, Kip T. Fisher, Richard M. Rosenberg. R (Rand Corporation). Henry, Donald Putnam, 1957- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
24. Analysis of early military attrition behavior / Richard Buddin. R (Rand Corporation) Buddin, Richard J., 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
25. Analysis of subjective judgement matrices / Cindy Williams, Gordon Crawford. [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-2572-AF Williams, Cindy, 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : Rand, [1980] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-2572-AF Bookmark
26. The analysis of subjective judgment matrices / Gordon Crawford, Cindy Williams. R (Rand Corporation) Williams, Cindy, 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
27. An analysis of the apprehension activities of the New York City Police Department [by] Peter W. Greenwood. R (Rand Corporation) R-529-NYC., Rand Corporation. Rand Report R-529-NYC Greenwood, Peter W. [Browse] [Santa Monica, Calif.] Rand, 1970. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » US 979NY Bookmark
28. An analysis of weapon system acquisition intervals, past and present / G.K. Smith, E.T. Friedmann. R (Rand Corporation) Smith, Giles K., 1928- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1980] Book Bookmark
29. An analysis of weapon system acquisition schedules / Jeffrey A. Drezner, Giles K. Smith ; prepared for the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition. R (Rand Corporation) Drezner, Jeffrey A. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
30. Annual report of the housing assistance supply experiment. R (Rand Corporation), [Report] - Rand Corporation Rand Corporation [Browse] Santa Monica, CA, Rand. Journal ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R2302 Bookmark
31. Antarctic icebergs as a global fresh water resource : prepared for the National Science Foundation / J. L. Hult, N. C. Ostrander. R (Rand Corporation) ; R-1255-NSF., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-1255-NSF Hult, John L., 1916- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : Rand, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » GB2597 .H84 Bookmark
32. The Appeal of nuclear crimes to the spectrum of potential adversaries / Gail Bass [et al.] ; prepared for Sandia Laboratories. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1982] Book Bookmark
33. Armor development in the Soviet Union and the United States / Arthur J. Alexander. R (Rand Corporation) R-1860-NA., [Report] - The Rand Corporation ; R-1860-NA Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : Rand, 1976. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-1860 Bookmark
34. The arms debate and the Third World : have we learned from Vietnam? / Robert A. Levine. R (Rand Corporation) Levine, Robert A. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1987.©1987 Book Bookmark
35. The Army in a changing world : the role of organizational vision / John K. Setear [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
36. Art history, art criticism, and art production : an examination of art education in selected school districts / Michael Day [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984] Book Bookmark
37. Asbestos in the courts : the challenge of mass toxic torts / Deborah R. Hensler [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1985. Book Bookmark
38. Asian security in the 1980s : problems and policies for a time of transition : a report prepared for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs / Richard H. Solomon, editor. R (Rand Corporation) Conference on East Asian Security in the 1980s (1979 : Santa Monica, Calif.) [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1979. Book Bookmark
39. Asian security in the 1980s : problems and policies for a time of transition : a report prepared for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense, International Security Affairs / Richard H. Solomon, editor. [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-2492-ISA Conference on East Asian Security in the 1980s (1979 : Santa Monica, Calif.) [Browse] Santa Monica, CA. : Rand, 1979. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-2492 Bookmark
40. Assessing teacher supply and demand / Gus W. Haggstrom, Linda Darling-Hammond, David W. Grissmer [et al.] R (Rand Corporation) Haggstrom, Gus W. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA: Rand, Center for the Study of the Teaching Profession, [1988] Book Bookmark
41. An assessment of alternative transport for future mobility planning / Myron Hura, John Matsumura, Richard Robinson. R (Rand Corporation) Hura, Myron, 1943-. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1993. Book Bookmark
42. Assumption-based planning for Army 21 / James A. Dewar, Morlie H. Levin. R (Rand Corporation) Dewar, James A. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
43. The atmospheric response to a stratospheric dust cloud as simulated by a general circulation model / E.S. Batten. R (Rand Corporation) R-1324-ARPA., Rand Corporation. Rand report R-1324-ARPA, ARPA Order no. 189-1 Batten, E. S. [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif., Rand, 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-1234 Bookmark
44. Attributes of potential criminal adversaries of U.S. nuclear programs : a report prepared for Sandia Laboratories / Peter deLeon [et al.] R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1978. Book Bookmark
45. Attributes of potential criminal adversaries of U.S. nuclear programs : a report prepared for Sandia Laboratories / Peter deLeon ... [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) R-2225-SL., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-2225-SL Rand Corporation [Browse] Santa Monica : Rand Corp., 1978. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » US 951.4 Bookmark
46. AURA applications : division-level transportation and selected spares issues / Robert Shishko, Milton Kamins. R (Rand Corporation) Shishko, Robert [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984] Book Bookmark
47. Bargaining responses to the technology revolution : the case of the newspaper industry / James N. Dertouzos, Timothy H. Quinn. R (Rand Corporation). Dertouzos, James N., 1950- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
48. Barriers to U.S. service trade in Japan / Arthur J. Alexander, Hong W. Tan. R (Rand Corporation) Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
49. Beyond stereotypes : who becomes a single teenage mother? / Allan F. Abrahamse, Peter A. Morrison, Linda J. Waite. R (Rand Corporation) Abrahamse, Allan F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
50. The black cloud experiment / Anne B. Kahle, D. Deirmendjiam. R (Rand Corporation) R-1263-ARPA., Rand Corporation. Rand report R-1263-ARPA, ARPA Order no. 189-1 Kahle, Anne B. [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif., Rand, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-1263 Bookmark