1. Evaluations of alternative maintenance structures / John B. Abell, H.L. Shulman. R (Rand Corporation) Abell, John B. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
2. Beyond stereotypes : who becomes a single teenage mother? / Allan F. Abrahamse, Peter A. Morrison, Linda J. Waite. R (Rand Corporation) Abrahamse, Allan F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
3. Demand for health care when time prices vary more than money prices / prepared for the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity and the New York City Health Services Administration [by] Jan Paul Acton. R (Rand Corporation) R-1189-OEO/NYC., [Report] - Rand Corporation ; R-1189-OEO/NYC Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] New York : New York City Rand Institute, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » W 74 A188d 1973 Bookmark
4. Do time-of-use rates change load curves? / Jan Paul Acton, Bridger M. Mitchell. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1980] Book Bookmark
5. The effect of time-of-use rates : facts vs. opinions / prepared for the John A. Hartford Foundation, Ford Foundation, and National Science Foundation [by] Jan Paul Acton and Bridger M. Mitchell. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1981.©1981 Book Bookmark
6. Evaluating public programs to save lives : the case of heart attacks / [by] Jan Paul Acton. R (Rand Corporation) ; R-590-RC., [Rand Corporation. Rand report] ; R-590-RC Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RA645.H4 Ac8 1973 Q Bookmark
7. Evaluating public programs to save lives : the case of heart attacks / [by] Jan Paul Acton. R (Rand Corporation) ; R-590-RC., Rand Corporation. Rand report] ; R-590-RC Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RC682 .A28 1973 Bookmark
8. Quantitative aspects of industrial use of electricity under time-of-use rates in France, England, and Wales / Jan Paul Acton, Derek McKay. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1983.©1983 Book Bookmark
9. Regulation, efficiency, and competition in the exchange of electricity : first year results from FERC bulk power market experiment / Jan Paul Acton, Stanley M. Besen with the assistance of Toshi Hayashi. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
10. Superfund and transaction costs : the experiences of insurers and very large industrial firms / Jan Paul Acton, Lloyd S. Dixon ; with Deborah Drezner, Laural Hill, Steven McKenney. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Book Bookmark
11. Post-Cold War U.S. security strategies for the Persian Gulf / Marcy Agmon. R (Rand Corporation) Agmon, Marcy, 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1993. Book Bookmark
12. Labor substitution in the military environment : implications for enlisted force management / Mark J. Albrecht. R (Rand Corporation) Albrecht, Mark J., 1950- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1979. Book Bookmark
13. Economic replacement policy. April 12, 1952. R (Rand Corporation) ; R-224., Rand report R-224 Alchian, Armen Albert, 1914- [Browse] Santa Monica Calif., Rand Corp., c1952. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TMK (Alchian, A. A. Economic replacement policy) Bookmark
14. Armor development in the Soviet Union and the United States / Arthur J. Alexander. R (Rand Corporation) R-1860-NA., [Report] - The Rand Corporation ; R-1860-NA Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : Rand, 1976. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-1860 Bookmark
15. Barriers to U.S. service trade in Japan / Arthur J. Alexander, Hong W. Tan. R (Rand Corporation) Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
16. Measuring technological change of heterogeneous products / Arthur J. Alexander, Bridger M. Mitchell. R (Rand Corporation) Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
17. Perestroika and change in Soviet weapons acquisition / Arthur J. Alexander. R (Rand Corporation) Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
18. Soviet science and weapons acquisition / Arthur J. Alexander. R (Rand Corporation) Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1982] Book Bookmark
19. Monthly average sea-surface temperatures and ice-pack limits on 1 ̊global grid : a report prepared for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency / R. C. Alexander and R. L. Mobley. R (Rand Corporation) R-1310-ARPA., [Rand report] ; R-1310-ARPA Alexander, Richard Coval, 1931- [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif. : Rand, 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS36 .R3 R-1310 Bookmark
20. East European military reliability : an émigré-based assessment / Alexander Alexiev and A. Ross Johnson ; with the assistance of Barbara Kliszewski. R (Rand Corporation) Alexiev, Alex [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986] Book Bookmark