101. Closing the gap : forty years of economic progress for Blacks / James P. Smith, Finis R. Welch. R (Rand Corporation). Smith, James P., 1943- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
102. The costs and benefits of the Soviet empire, 1981-1983 / Charles Wolf, Jr. [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
103. The costs of the Soviet empire / Charles Wolf, Jr. [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
104. Current and future effects of Mexican immigration in California / Kevin F. McCarthy, R. Burciaga Valdez. R (Rand Corporation) McCarthy, Kevin F., 1945- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
105. The enlistment bonus experiment / J. Michael Polich, James N. Dertouzod, S. James Press. R (Rand Corporation) Polich, J. Michael [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND, [1986]. Book Bookmark
106. Extending the Medicare prospective payment system to posthospital care : planning a demonstration / C.R. Neu [et al.] ; prepared for the Health Care Financing Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
107. Improving the NATO force planning process : lessons from past efforts / James C. Wendt, Nanette Brown. R (Rand Corporation) Wendt, James C., 1944- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
108. Indications for selected medical and surgical procedures : a literature review and ratings of appropriateness : carotid endarterectomy / Nancy J. Merrick [et al.] ; Arlene Fink, series editor. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986] Book Bookmark
109. Indications for selected medical and surgical procedures : a literature review and ratings of appropriateness : cholecystectomy / David H. Solomon [et al.] ; Arlene Fink, series editor ; prepared for the Commonwealth Fund [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1986 Book Bookmark
110. Indications for selected medical and surgical procedures : a literature review and ratings of appropriateness : colonoscopy / Katherine L. Kahn [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
111. Indications for selected medical and surgical procedures : a literature review and ratings of appropriateness : coronary angiography / Mark R. Chassin [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
112. Indications for selected medical and surgical procedures : a literature review and ratings of appropriateness : coronary artery bypass graft surgery / Mark R. Chassin [et al.] ; prepared for the Commonwealth Fund [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986] Book Bookmark
113. Indications for selected medical and surgical procedures : a literature review and ratings of appropriateness : diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy / Katherine L. Kahn [et al.] ; Arlene Fink, series editor. R (Rand Corporation). Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
114. Planning a demonstration of per-case reimbursement for inpatient physician services under Medicare / Paul B. Ginsburg [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986] Book Bookmark
115. Prison versus probation in California : implications for crime and offender recidivism / Joan Petersilia, Susan Turner, with Joyce Peterson ; prepared for the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. R (Rand Corporation) Petersilia, Joan [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
116. Product uses and market trends for potential ozone-depleting substances, 1985-2000 / James K. Hammitt [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
117. Prospective payment for medicare posthospital services : some empirical considerations / C.R. Neu, Scott Harrison. R (Rand Corporation) Neu, C. R. (Carl Richard), 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1986. Book Bookmark
118. The public school in American dentistry / Steven L. Schlossman, JoAnne Brown, Michael Sedlak. R (Rand Corporation) Schlossman, Steven L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA: Rand, [1986] Book Bookmark
119. A quantitative assessment of R&D requirements for solids processing technology / Edward W. Merrow. R (Rand Corporation) Merrow, Edward W. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
120. Rebels and separatists in Ethiopia : regional resistance to a Marxist regime / Paul Henze. R (Rand Corporation) Henze, Paul B., 1924- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
121. Soviet research on the transport of intense relativistic electron beams through low-pressure air / Nikita Wells. R (Rand Corporation)., R (Rand Corporation) Wells, Nikita, 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
122. Strategic defenses and the transition to assured survival / Glenn A. Kent, Randall J. DeValk. R (Rand Corporation) Kent, Glenn A., 1915- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark
123. The analysis of subjective judgment matrices / Gordon Crawford, Cindy Williams. R (Rand Corporation) Williams, Cindy, 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
124. Bargaining responses to the technology revolution : the case of the newspaper industry / James N. Dertouzos, Timothy H. Quinn. R (Rand Corporation). Dertouzos, James N., 1950- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
125. Commercial and military communication satellite acquisition practices / G.K. Smith, J.P. Stucker, E.J. Simmons. R (Rand Corporation) Smith, Giles K., 1928- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
126. Computer-mediated work : individual and organizational impact in one corporate headquarters / Tora K. Bikson, Cathleen Stasz, Donald A. Mankin ; prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment. R (Rand Corporation). Bikson, Tora K., 1940- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
127. Forecasting the wages of young men : the effects of cohort size / Hong W. Tan, Michael P. Ward. R (Rand Corporation) Tan, Hong W., 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
128. Guideline-based justice : the implications for racial minorities / Joan Petersilia, Susan Turner. R (Rand Corporation) Petersilia, Joan [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1985. Book Bookmark
129. Individual characteristics and unit performance : a review of research and methods / James P. Kahan [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
130. A model for systemic budgeting / John E. Dawson. R (Rand Corporation). Dawson, John E., 1932- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
131. Production of neutral beams from negative ion beam systems in the USSR / Nikita Wells. R (Rand Corporation) Wells, Nikita, 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
132. Radio frequency quadrupole and alternating phase focusing methods used in proton linear accelerator technology in the USSR / Nikita Wells. R (Rand Corporation) Wells, Nikita, 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
133. Regulation, efficiency, and competition in the exchange of electricity : first year results from FERC bulk power market experiment / Jan Paul Acton, Stanley M. Besen with the assistance of Toshi Hayashi. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
134. The retention of high quality personnel in the U.S. armed forces / Michael P. Ward, Hong W. Tan. R (Rand Corporation) Ward, Michael Paul, 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
135. Retention of volunteer physicians in the U.S. Air Force / Victoria L. Daubert. R (Rand Corporation) Daubert, Victoria, 1943- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985] Book Bookmark
136. ROSIE : a programming environment for expert systems / Henry A. Sowizral, James R. Kipps. R (Rand Corporation). Sowizral, Henry A., 1955- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1985.©1985 Book Bookmark
137. Setting enlistment standards and matching recruits to jobs using job performance criteria / Richard L. Fernandez with Jeffrey B. Garfinkle. R (Rand Corporation) Fernandez, Richard L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
138. Soviet free-electron laser research / Simon Kassel. R (Rand Corporation) Kassel, Simon [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
139. Soviet research on crystal channeling of charged particle beams / Simon Kassel. R (Rand Corporation) Kassel, Simon [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
140. Toward an ethics and etiquette for electronic mail / Norman Z. Shapiro, Robert H. Anderson. R (Rand Corporation). Shapiro, Norman Z. (Norman Zalmon), 1932-. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1985. Book Bookmark
141. Venezuela's pursuit of Caribbean Basin interests : implications for United States national security : a project Air Force report, prepared for the United States Air Force / David J. Myers. R (Rand Corporation) Myers, David J., 1940- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1985]. Book Bookmark
142. An analysis of Cuban debt / Donald Putnam Henry, Kip T. Fisher, Richard M. Rosenberg. R (Rand Corporation). Henry, Donald Putnam, 1957- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
143. Analysis of early military attrition behavior / Richard Buddin. R (Rand Corporation) Buddin, Richard J., 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
144. Barriers to U.S. service trade in Japan / Arthur J. Alexander, Hong W. Tan. R (Rand Corporation) Alexander, Arthur J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
145. The challenge to Soviet interests in Eastern Europe : Romania, Hungary, East Germany / F. Stephen Larrabee. R (Rand Corporation). Larrabee, F. Stephen [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
146. Comparisons and implications of alternative views of the Soviet economy / Mark M. Hopkins, Michael Kennedy ; prepared for the Director of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense. R (Rand Corporation) Hopkins, Mark Myron [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
147. Concepts of operations and USAF planning for Southwest Asia / Christopher J. Bowie. R (Rand Corporation). Bowie, Christopher J., 1954- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
148. EBBF : a guide to installing equitable beneficiary-based finance in local government / Anthony Pascal [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation). Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
149. The Effect of coinsurance on the health of adults : results from the Rand Health Insurance Experiment / Robert H. Brook [et al.] ; prepared under a grant from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark
150. The entrepreneurial city : innovations in finance and management for Saint Paul / Kevin Neels, Michael Caggiano. R (Rand Corporation). Neels, Kevin, 1950- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1984]. Book Bookmark