1. An assessment of alternative transport for future mobility planning / Myron Hura, John Matsumura, Richard Robinson. R (Rand Corporation) Hura, Myron, 1943-. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1993. Book Bookmark
2. The Defense Officer Personnel Management Act of 1980 : a retrospective assessment / Bernard Rostker [et al.] R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1993. Book Bookmark
3. Post-Cold War U.S. security strategies for the Persian Gulf / Marcy Agmon. R (Rand Corporation) Agmon, Marcy, 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1993. Book Bookmark
4. Sharp dressed men : Peru's Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement / Gordon H. McCormick. R (Rand Corporation) McCormick, Gordon H. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1993. Book Bookmark
5. Central Asia : the new geopolitics / Graham E. Fuller. R (Rand Corporation). Fuller, Graham E., 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
6. Changes in follow-up care for medicare surgical patients under the prospective payment system / Gerald F. Kominski, Andrea K. Biddle. R (Rand Corporation) Kominski, Gerald F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
7. Common carrier video delivery by telephone companies / Leland L. Johnson. R (Rand Corporation). Johnson, Leland L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
8. Cuba adrift in a postcommunist world / Edward Gonzalez, David Ronfeldt. R (Rand Corporation) Gonzalez, Edward [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
9. Defense spending and the trade performance of U.S. industries / Loren Yager, C.R. Neu. R (Rand Corporation) Yager, Loren, 1954- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
10. Educational matchmaking : academic and vocational tracking in comprehensive high schools / Jeannie Oakes [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
11. From the sierra to the cities : the urban campaign of the Shining Path / Gordon H. McCormick. R (Rand Corporation) McCormick, Gordon H. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
12. The future of allied tactical fighter forces in NATO's Central Region / Mark A. Lorell. R (Rand Corporation)., R (Rand Corporation) Lorell, Mark A., 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
13. The future U.S. military presence in Europe : forces and requirements for the post-Cold War era / Richard L. Kugler. R (Rand Corporation). Kugler, Richard L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
14. Immigration policies : legacy from the 1980s and issues for the 1990s / Elizabeth Rolph. R (Rand Corporation) Rolph, Elizabeth S. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
15. Improving the delivery of military child care : an analysis of current operations and new approaches / Gail L. Zellman, Anne S. Johansen, Lisa S. Meredith, with Molly Selvin. R (Rand Corporation) Zellman, Gail [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
16. The nature and role of prototyping in weapon system development / Jeffrey A. Drezner. R (Rand Corporation) Drezner, Jeffrey A. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992 Book Bookmark
17. Patterns of attrition among Indiana teachers, 1965-1987 / David W. Grissmer, Sheila Nataraj Kirby ; with Priscilla M. Schlegal, Robert Young. R (Rand Corporation) Grissmer, David W. (David Waltz), 1941- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
18. Performance-oriented logistics assessment (POLA) : users' manual for the logistics decision model (LDM), version IV / James H. Bigelow. R (Rand Corporation) Bigelow, J. H. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
19. Profit regulation of defense contractors and prizes for innovation / William P. Rogerson. R (Rand Corporation) Rogerson, William P. (William Paul), 1955- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
20. Superfund and transaction costs : the experiences of insurers and very large industrial firms / Jan Paul Acton, Lloyd S. Dixon ; with Deborah Drezner, Laural Hill, Steven McKenney. R (Rand Corporation) Acton, Jan Paul [Browse] Book Bookmark
21. Time for reform / Susanna Purnell, Paul Hill. R (Rand Corporation) Purnell, S. W. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992. Book Bookmark
22. Turkey faces East : new orientations toward the Middle East and the old Soviet Union / Graham E. Fuller. R (Rand Corporation) Fuller, Graham E., 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1992.©1992 Book Bookmark
23. A change of course : the importance to DOD of international standards for electronic commerce / Judith E. Payne with Robert H. Anderson. R (Rand Corporation) Payne, Judith E., 1950- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
24. Design and development of an enlisted force management system for the Air Force / Warren E. Walker and the Enlisted Force Management Project Team. R (Rand Corporation) Walker, Warren E. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
25. Developing robust support structures for high-technology subsystems : the AH-64 Apache helicopter / Marc L. Robbins [et al.] R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND ; 1991. Book Bookmark
26. Direct broadcast satellites : a competitive alternative to cable television? / Leland L. Johnson, Deborah R. Castleman. R (Rand Corporation). Johnson, Leland L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
27. German unification and its ramifications / Ronald D. Asmus . R (Rand Corporation) Asmus, Ronald D. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
28. IID : an intelligent information dictionary for managing semantic metadata / Stephanie Cammarata, Darrell Shane, Prasad Ram. R (Rand Corporation). Cammarata, Stephanie [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
29. Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan : its character and prospects / Graham E. Fuller. R (Rand Corporation) Fuller, Graham E., 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
30. Islamic fundamentalism in Pakistan : its character and prospects / Graham E. Fuller. R (Rand Corporation) Fuller, Graham E., 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
31. Islamic fundamentalism in the Northern Tier countries : an integrative view / Graham E. Fuller. R (Rand Corporation) Fuller, Graham E., 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
32. Networked information technology and the transition to retirement : a field experiment / T.K. Bikson [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
33. New and returning teachers in Indiana : the role of the beginning teacher internship program / Lisa Hudson, David W. Grissmer, Sheila Nataraj Kirby. R (Rand Corporation) Hudson, Lisa [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
34. A new approach for the design and evaluation of land defense concepts / Philip J. Romero. R (Rand Corporation) Romero, Philip J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
35. No-fault approaches to compensating people injured in automobile accidents / Stephen J. Carroll [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation). Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
36. Promoting democracy and free markets in Eastern Europe / Charles Wolf, Jr., editor ; prepared for the Agency for International Development. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
37. Soviet foreign policy and the revolutions of 1989 in Eastern Europe / Ronald D. Asmus, J.F. Brown, Keith Crane. R (Rand Corporation). Asmus, Ronald D. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
38. Soviet international finance in the Gorbachev era / C.R. Neu ; prepared for the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy. R (Rand Corporation). Neu, C. R. (Carl Richard), 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1991. Book Bookmark
39. Civil-military relations in a multiparty democracy : report of a conference / organized by the RAND Corporation and the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs ; editors, Keith W. Crane, Steven W. Popper, Barbara A. Kliszewski. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
40. The concept of operations for a U.S. Army combat-oriented logistics execution system with VISION (Visibility of Support Options) / Robert S. Tripp, Morton B. Berman, Christopher L. Tsai. R (Rand Corporation) Tripp, Robert S., 1944- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990]. Book Bookmark
41. Multiplying inequalities : the effects of race, social class, and tracking on opportunities to learn mathematics and science / Jeannie Oakes with Tor Ormseth, Robert Bell, Patricia Camp. R (Rand Corporation) Oakes, Jeannie [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1990. Book Bookmark
42. Patient, provider, and hospital characteristics associated with inappropriate hospitalization / Albert L. Siu, Willard G. Manning, Bernadette Benjamin. R (Rand Corporation) Siu, Albert L. (Albert Louis), 1954- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
43. The role of Shevardnadze and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the making of Soviet defense and arms control policy / John Van Oudenaren. R (Rand Corporation). Van Oudenaren, John [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990]. Book Bookmark
44. Soviet-Japanese economic relations / Sumiye O. McGuire. R (Rand Corporation) McGuire, Sumiye O. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990]. Book Bookmark
45. Supporting combined-arms combat capability with shared electronic maintenance facilities / William G. Wild, Jr. R (Rand Corporation) Wild, William G. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1990] Book Bookmark
46. Competition, pricing, and regulatory policy in the international telephone industry / Leland L. Johnson. R (Rand Corporation). Johnson, Leland L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
47. The economic cost of Soviet military manpower requirements / Steven W. Popper. R (Rand Corporation) Popper, Steven W., 1953- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
48. Families in the Army : looking ahead / Peter A. Morrison [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
49. Foreign policy benefits from subsidization of trade with Eastern Europe / Benjamin Zycher. R (Rand Corporation). Zycher, Benjamin [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
50. Health insurance : the trade-off between risk pooling and moral hazard / Willard G. Manning, M. Susan Marquis. R (Rand Corporation). Manning, Willard G. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
51. Indicators for monitoring mathematics and science education: a sourcebook / editors, Richard J. Shavelson, Lorraine M. McDonnell, Jeannie Oakes. R (Rand Corporation). Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
52. Managing U.S.-Soviet relations in the 1990s / Abraham S. Becker, Arnold L. Horelick. R (Rand Corporation)., R (Rand Corporation) Becker, Abraham S. (Abraham Samuel), 1927-2003 [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1989. Book Bookmark
53. Medicare patients and postacute care : who goes where? / C.R. Neu, Scott C. Harrison, Joanna Z. Heilbrunn. R (Rand Corporation) Neu, C. R. (Carl Richard), 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989] Book Bookmark
54. A new view of weapon system reliability and maintainability / J.R. Gebman, D.W. McIver, H.L. Shulman. R (Rand Corporation) Gebman, J. R. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
55. The Nicaraguan resistance and U.S. policy : report on a May 1987 conference / David Ronfeldt, Brian Jenkins. R (Rand Corporation). Ronfeldt, David F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
56. Recruiting effects of Army advertising / James N. Dertouzos [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
57. Supporting the transfer of simulation technology / James R. Kipps, Iris Kameny, Jeff Rothenberg. R (Rand Corporation). Kipps, James R. (James Randall), 1960- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
58. U.S. involvement in Central America : three views from Honduras / David Ronfeldt with Konrad Kellen, Richard Millett. R (Rand Corporation). Ronfeldt, David F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1989]. Book Bookmark
59. Age, time, and the measurement of mortality benefits / Jonathan A.K. Cave. R (Rand Corporation) Cave, Jonathan A. K., 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
60. Assessing teacher supply and demand / Gus W. Haggstrom, Linda Darling-Hammond, David W. Grissmer [et al.] R (Rand Corporation) Haggstrom, Gus W. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA: Rand, Center for the Study of the Teaching Profession, [1988] Book Bookmark
61. Beyond stereotypes : who becomes a single teenage mother? / Allan F. Abrahamse, Peter A. Morrison, Linda J. Waite. R (Rand Corporation) Abrahamse, Allan F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
62. The Demand for episodes of medical treatment in the health insurance experiment / Emmett B. Keeler [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988] Book Bookmark
63. Health risk from a coal tar disposal site / J.G. Bolten ... [et al.] ; prepared for the Electric Power Research Institute, Inc. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
64. A Preliminary perspective on regulatory activities and effects in weapons acquisition / G.K. Smith [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988] Book Bookmark
65. Public libraries face California's ethnic and racial diversity / Judith Payne with Martha Samulon [et al.] ; prepared for the Stanford University Libraries with a grant from the California State Library. R (Rand Corporation). Payne, Judith E., 1950- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
66. Racial equity in sentencing / Stephen P. Klein, Susan Turner, Joan Petersilia. R (Rand Corporation). Klein, Stephen P., 1938- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
67. Sealing the borders : the effects of increased military participation in drug interdiction / Peter Reuter, Gordon Crawford, Jonathan Cave ; with Patrick Murphy [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Reuter, Peter, 1944- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1988.©1988 Book Bookmark
68. The Soviet military leadership and the question of Soviet deployment retreats / Harry Gelman. R (Rand Corporation) Gelman, Harry, 1930- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
69. Specialization agreements in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance / Keith Crane, Deborah Skoller. R (Rand Corporation). Crane, Keith, 1953- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
70. Steady work : policy, practice, and the reform of American education / Richard F. Elmore, Milbrey Wallin McLaughlin [et al.] R (Rand Corporation) Elmore, Richard F. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1988©1988 Book Bookmark
71. Telephone assistance programs for low-income households : a preliminary assessment / Leland L. Johnson ; supported by the National Science Foundation, the John and Mary R. Markle Foundation. R (Rand Corporation). Johnson, Leland L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
72. Trends in attrition of high-quality military recruits / Richard Buddin. R (Rand Corporation) Buddin, Richard J., 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
73. Using survivor functions to estimate occupation-specific bonus effects / Daniel F. Kohler. R (Rand Corporation) Kohler, Daniel F., 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988]. Book Bookmark
74. Variability in the demands for aircraft spare parts : its magnitude and implications / Gordon B. Crawford. R (Rand Corporation) Crawford, Gordon B. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1988] Book Bookmark
75. The arms debate and the Third World : have we learned from Vietnam? / Robert A. Levine. R (Rand Corporation) Levine, Robert A. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1987.©1987 Book Bookmark
76. Building, learning, and tutoring tools for object-oriented simulation systems / David McArthur. R (Rand Corporation). McArthur, David, 1951- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
77. The choice of discount rate applicable to government resource use : theory and limitations / James P. Quirk, Katsuaki L. Terasawa ; prepared for the Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation. R (Rand Corporation). Quirk, James P. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
78. Civil juries in the 1980s : trends in jury trials and verdicts in California and Cook County, Illinois / Mark A. Peterson. R (Rand Corporation). Peterson, Mark A., 1944- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA: Rand, Institute for Civil Justice, 1987. Book Bookmark
79. Evaluating expert system tools : a framework and methodology / Jeff Rothenberg [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation)., R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
80. The financial cost of export credit guarantee programs / Donald Putnam Henry. R (Rand Corporation). Henry, Donald Putnam, 1957- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
81. Health risks of toxic emissions from a coal-fired power plant / J.G. Bolten [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
82. The influence of criminal justice research / Joan Petersilia. R (Rand Corporation) Petersilia, Joan [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
83. Issues in international telecommunications : government regulation of Comsat / Leland L. Johnson. R (Rand Corporation). Johnson, Leland L. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
84. Measuring case mix and quality of care : validity studies for the graduate medical education study / Toni Richards [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation) Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1987. Book Bookmark
85. The military and political potential of conventionally armed heavy bombers / Stephen T. Hosmer, Glenn A. Kent. R (Rand Corporation) Hosmer, Stephen T. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987] Book Bookmark
86. Military enlistment and attrition : an analysis of decision reversal / John Antel, James R. Hosek, Christine E. Peterson. R (Rand Corporation) Antel, John J. [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
87. NATO's anti-tactical ballistic missile requirements and their relationship to the strategic defense initiative / David Rubenson, James Bonomo. R (Rand Corporation) Rubenson, David, 1954- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987] Book Bookmark
88. Ogarkov's complaint and Gorbachev's dilemma : the Soviet defense budget and party-military conflict / Abraham S. Becker. R (Rand Corporation) Becker, Abraham Samuel, 1927- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987] Book Bookmark
89. Police performance and case attrition / Joan Petersilia, Allan Abrahamse, James Q. Wilson ; supported by the National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice. R (Rand Corporation) Petersilia, Joan [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1987. Book Bookmark
90. Posttrial adjustments to jury awards / Michael G. Shanley, Mark A. Peterson. R (Rand Corporation). Shanley, Michael G., 1947- [Browse] Santa Monica, Calif., : Rand, Institute for Civil Justice, 1987. Book Bookmark
91. Racketeering in legitimate industries : a study in the economics of intimidation / Peter Reuter. R (Rand Corporation) Reuter, Peter, 1944- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1987.©1987 Book Bookmark
92. The Soviet civilian leadership and the military high command, 1976-1986 / Jeremy R. Azrael. R (Rand Corporation) Azrael, Jeremy R., 1935-2009 [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1987.©1987 Book Bookmark
93. Soviet research on the transport of intense relativistic electron beams through high-pressure air / Nikita Wells. R (Rand Corporation)., R (Rand Corporation) Wells, Nikita, 1937- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
94. Teacher attrition : the uphill climb to staff the Nations's schools / David W. Grissmer, Sheila Nataraj Kirby. R (Rand Corporation) Grissmer, David W. (David Waltz), 1941- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA: Rand, Center for the Study of the Teaching Profession, 1987. Book Bookmark
95. Toward a profile of Soviet behavior in international financial markets / C.R. Neu, John Lund. R (Rand Corporation). Neu, C. R. (Carl Richard), 1949- [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
96. Trends in tort litigation : the story behind the statistics / Deborah R. Hensler [et al.]. R (Rand Corporation). Santa Monica, CA: Rand : Institute for Civil Justice, 1987. Book Bookmark
97. United States policy toward Poland : a conference report / A. Ross Johnson, chair ; Barbara Kliszewski, rapporteur. R (Rand Corporation). Johnson, A. Ross [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1987]. Book Bookmark
98. Alternative systems for case mix classification in health care financing / Shan Cretin, Linda G. Worthman. R (Rand Corporation) Cretin, Shan [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986] Book Bookmark
99. Castro, Cuba, and the world / Edward Gonzalez, David Ronfeldt. R (Rand Corporation) Gonzalez, Edward [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, 1986. Book Bookmark
100. Castro, Cuba, and the world : executive summary / Edward Gonzalez, David Ronfeldt. R (Rand Corporation) Gonzalez, Edward [Browse] Santa Monica, CA : RAND Corporation, [1986]. Book Bookmark