61. OECD Productivity Working Papers / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [Browse] Paris, France : OECD, 2015. Journal
62. How Research Affects Policy: Experimental Evidence from 2,150 Brazilian Municipalities / Jonas Hjort, Diana Moreira, Gautam Rao, Juan Francisco Santini. Working Paper Series (National Bureau of Economic Research) no. w25941., NBER working paper series no. w25941 Hjort, Jonas [Browse] Cambridge, Mass. National Bureau of Economic Research 2019. Book Online NBER Working papers
63. Research for health policy / Erica Bell. Bell, Erica, Dr. [Browse] Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RA394 .B45 2010
64. Practising social work research : case studies for learning / Rick Csiernik and Rachel Birnbaum. Csiernik, Rick [Browse] Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2024] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HV11 .C7925 2024
65. National Nutrition Policy: Selected Papers on Nutrition Information and Programs [electronic resource] : A Working Paper. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service [Browse] [S.l] : [s.n.], 1974. Book Online Proquest Congressional
66. EIB Working Paper 2022/01 : Firm-level policy support during the crisis / European Investment Bank, Péter Harasztosi, Laurent Maurin, Rozália Pál, Debora Revoltella, Wouter van der Wiel. Harasztosi, Péter [Browse] [s.l.] : European Investment Bank, 2022. Book
67. National Nutrition Policy: Selected Papers on Food Security and Availability [electronic resource] : A Working Paper. Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service [Browse] [S.l] : [s.n.], 1974. Book Online Proquest Congressional
68. Pacific Basin working paper series. San Francisco, CA : Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies, Economic Research Dept., Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Journal Online Free E- Journals
69. Development policy, research and information : isolation or interaction? : Tilburg, The Netherlands, 1-4 September 1992 / European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), Working Group on Information and Documentation. Working paper (Chr. Michelsens institutt. Forsknings- og aksjonsprogrammet for utviklingsland) ; D 1993:1., Working paper / DERAP, 0800-2045 ; D 1993:1 Bergen : Chr. Michelsen Institute, Dept. of Social Science and Development, 1993. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD77 .D475 1993
70. Pacific Basin working paper series. San Francisco, CA : Center for Pacific Basin Monetary and Economic Studies, Economic Research Dept., Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Journal Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HG201 .P324
71. EIB Working Papers 2019/06 : Promoting energy audits / Pauline Ravillard, Philipp-Bastian Brutscher. EIB Working Papers Ravillard, Pauline [Browse] Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, 2019. Book
72. EIB Working Paper 2022/14 : The scarring effects of major economic downturns / European Investment Bank. European Investment Bank [Browse] Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, 2022. Book
73. EIB Working Paper 2023/05 : Which European Firms Were Hardest Hit by COVID-19? European Investment Bank, The [Browse] Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, Commission des Communautes europeennes, 2023.©2023. Book
74. EIB Working Paper 2022/09 : Productivity and responses to the pandemic / Péter Harasztosi, Simon Savšek. Harasztosi, Péter [Browse] Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, 2022. Book
75. EIB Working Paper 2022/15 : Estimating financial integration in Europe / European Investment Bank. European Investment Bank [Browse] Luxembourg : European Investment Bank, 2022. Book
76. EIB Working Paper 2021/12 : Complementarities in capital formation and production / European Investment Bank, Anna Thum-Thysen, Peter Voigt, Christoph Weiss. Thum-Thysen, Anna [Browse] [s.l.] : European Investment Bank, 2021. Book
77. Demographic research and spatial policy : a progress report / by Frans J. Willekens and Henk ter Heide. Working paper (Nederlands Interuniversitair Demografisch Instituut) ; no. 61., Working paper / NIDI ; no. 61 Willekens, Frans [Browse] Voorburg : Netherlands Interuniversity Demographic Institute, [1985] Book Loading...Stokes Library - Wallace Hall (SPR) » MP 2730
78. Business policy: teaching and research, edited by Bernard Taylor and Keith MacMillan. Taylor, Bernard, 1931- [Browse] New York, Wiley [1973] Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HF1106.T35
79. Policy research networks and policy making in Africa / Dirk Hansohm and Erwin Naimhwaka. NEPRU working paper ; no. 100., NEPRU working paper, 1026-9258 ; no. 100 Hansohm, Dirk [Browse] Ausspannplatz, Windhoek, Namibia : Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit, 2005. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD77.5 .A357 H36 2005
80. Recent policy-oriented research and current policy issues : a cursory review / Filologo Pante, and Mario B. Lamberte. Working paper (Philippine Institute for Development Studies) ; 89-17., Working paper series ; no. 89-17 Pante, Filologo [Browse] [Metro Manila] : Philippine Institute for Development Studies, 1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HC455 .P22 1989