1. Accidents and emergencies in children / Rosemary J. Morton and Barbara M. Phillips. Oxford handbooks in emergency medicine. Morton, Rosemary J. [Browse] Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1992. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RJ370 .M67 1992 Bookmark
2. Autoradiography : a comprehensive overview / John R.J. Baker. Microscopy handbooks ; 18, Oxford science publications Baker, John R. J. [Browse] Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press ; [Oxford] : Royal Microscopical Society, 1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JSE 89-1201 Bookmark
3. Beekeeping; a beginner's guide to profitable honey and beeswax production. Oxford tropical handbooks Smith, Francis G. [Browse] London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1963. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AD-10 899 Bookmark
4. Building construction in warm climates [by] R. L. Fullerton. Oxford tropical handbooks. Fullerton, R. L. (Richard Lewis) [Browse] London, Ibadan [etc.] Oxford U. P. 1968-77. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » VEC (Fullerton, R. L. Building construction in warm climates)View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
5. Building construction in warm climates / R. L. Fullerton. Oxford tropical handbooks Fullerton, R. L. (Richard Lewis) [Browse] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1967-1977. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » TH153 .F8 Bookmark
6. Building construction in warm climates, volume 2. Oxford tropical handbooks. Fullerton, R. L. (Richard Lewis) [Browse] London, Oxford University Press, 1968. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TH 9030 F959 v.2 Bookmark
7. Building construction in warm climates, volume one. Oxford tropical handbooks. Fullerton, R. L. (Richard Lewis) [Browse] London, Oxford University Press, 1967. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » TH 9030 F959 Bookmark
8. Chebyshev polynomials in numerical analysis [by] L. Fox and I. B. Parker. Oxford mathematical handbooks Fox, L. (Leslie) [Browse] London, New York, [etc.] Oxford U.P., 1968. Book Loading...Lewis Library - Stacks » QA297 .F65 Bookmark
9. Chebyshev polynomials in numerical analysis [by] L. Fox and I. B. Parker. Oxford mathematical handbooks Fox, L. (Leslie) [Browse] London, New York, [etc.] Oxford U.P., 1968. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » OIW (Fox, L. Chebyshev polynomials in numerical analysis) Bookmark
10. Coffee growing, by A.E. Haarer. Oxford tropical handbooks Haarer, A. E. (Alec Ernest) [Browse] London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1963. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » AD-10 957 Bookmark
11. Colloidal gold : a new perspective for cytochemical marking / Julian E. Beesley. Microscopy handbooks ; 17., Oxford science publications., Microscopy handbooks ; 17 Beesley, Julian E. [Browse] Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press ; Oxford [England] : Royal Microscopical Society, 1989. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QR187.I482 B44 1989 Bookmark
12. Communication in the language classroom / Tony Lynch. Oxford handbooks for language teachers Lynch, Tony [Browse] Oxford [Cambridgeshire, England] ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1996. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PB36 .L92 1996 Bookmark
13. Constitutional adjudication in Africa / edited by Charles M. Fombad. Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law ; 2., Oxford constitutional law., Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law ; 2 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2017. Book Online Oxford Constitutions of the World Bookmark
14. Constitutional adjudication : institutions / edited by Armin von Bogdandy, Peter M Huber, Christoph Grabenwarter. Max Planck handbooks in European public law ; 3., Oxford scholarship online., The Max Planck handbooks in European public law ; 3 London, England : Oxford University Press, [2020]©2020 Book Online Oxford Scholarship - Oxford University Press: Law Bookmark
15. Constitutional foundations / edited by Armin Von Bogdandy, Peter M. Huber, Sabrina Ragone. Max Planck handbooks in European public law ; volume II., Oxford scholarship online, The Max Planck handbooks in European public law ; volume II Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2023. Book Online Oxford Scholarship - Oxford University Press: Law Bookmark
16. Constitutionalism and the economy in Africa / edited by Charles M. Fombad and Nico Steytler. Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law, Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022. Book Online Oxford Scholarship - Oxford University Press: Law Bookmark
17. Corruption and constitutionalism in Africa / edited by Charles M. Fombad, Nico Steytler. Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law ; 4., Oxford constitutional law., Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law ; 4 Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020. Book Online Oxford Constitutions of the World Bookmark
18. Decision modelling for health economic evaluation / Andrew Briggs, Karl Claxton, Mark Sculpher. Handbooks in health economic evaluation series., Oxford handbooks in health economic evaluation Briggs, Andrew H. [Browse] Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RA394 .B75 2006 Bookmark
19. Democracy, elections, and constitutionalism in Africa / edited by Charles M. Fombad and Nico Steytler. Stellenbosch handbooks in African constitutional law, Oxford scholarship online Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021. Book Online Oxford Scholarship - Oxford University Press: Law Bookmark
20. Early modern theatricality / edited by Henry S. Turner. Oxford twenty-first century approaches to literature., Oxford handbooks online. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013 Book Online Oxford Handbooks Online Literature Bookmark