1. Challenges and Potentialities for Implementing Social Protection Responses to Emergency Through Decentralized Administration : Lessons from Brazil's Auxilio Emergencial / Pedro Lara de Arruda. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Lara de Arruda, Pedro [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2022. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
2. Indonesia's Online Vacancy Outlook : From Online Job Postings to Labor Market Intelligence 2020. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2022. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
3. Balancing Workers' Protection and Labor Market Flexibility in China. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
4. Barriers and Opportunities to Employment for Persons with Disabilities in the Russian Federation / Nina Kolybashkina. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Kolybashkina, Nina [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
5. Closing the Gap between Workforce Development and Labor Markets : An Assessment of Indonesia's Workforce Development System Based on the SABER Tool. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
6. Disability Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean : A Path To Sustainable Development / Maria Elena Garcia Mora. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Garcia Mora, Maria Elena [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
7. Dominican Republic Jobs Diagnostic / Hernan Winkler. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Winkler, Hernan [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
8. Enhancing Resilience of Low Income Workers in Brazil : Financial Instruments and Innovations. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
9. Expanding Legal Migration Pathways from Nigeria to Europe : From Brain Drain to Brain Gain / Samik Adhikari. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Adhikari, Samik [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
10. Graduating from a Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Indonesia : Results of a Household Survey of Prosperous-Independent Graduates of the Family Hope Program in 2020 / Ekki Syamsulhakim. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Syamsulhakim, Ekki [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
11. Guatemala Jobs Diagnostic / Andreas Eberhard. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Eberhard, Andreas [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
12. Improving Access to Jobs for the Poor and Vulnerable in Somalia. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
13. Jobs, Recovery, and Peacebuilding in Urban South Sudan / Jan von der Goltz. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. von der Goltz, Jan [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
14. The Labor Market and the COVID-19 Outbreak in Vietnam : Impacts and Lessons Learned for Social Protection. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
15. Lao PDR : Building an Economy That Works Again. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
16. Lesotho Social Protection Programs and Systems Review. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. World Bank Group [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
17. Malawi COVID-19 Urban Cash Intervention Process Evaluation Report / Boban Varghese Paul. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Paul, Boban Varghese [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
18. Of Roads Less Traveled : Assessing the Potential of Economic Migration to Provide Overseas Jobs for Nigeria's Youth / Samik Adhikari. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Adhikari, Samik [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
19. A Path to Jobs for the Urban Poor / Jorge Avalos. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Avalos, Jorge [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark
20. The Payment System Used by Auxilio Emergencial : Introduction of the Digital Social Account, and the Banking of More than 100 Million People in 9 Months / Pedro Lara de Arruda. Other Social Protection Study., World Bank e-Library. Lara de Arruda, Pedro [Browse] Washington, D.C. : The World Bank, 2021. Book Online World Bank E-Library Publications Bookmark