81. Democrazia società civile e sviluppo in Africa subsahariana / a cura di Elisa Vasconi. Libri di Afriche e orienti ; 8., I libri di Afriche e Orienti ; 8 [San Marino] (RSM) : AIEP, 2016. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JQ1879.A15 .D45 2016 Bookmark
82. Storia dell'Africa e fonti nell'era della "rivoluzione digitale" / a cura di Livia Apa e Francesco Correale. Afriche e orienti ; 2017, n. 1., Afriche e orienti, 1592-6753 ; n. 1 (2017) Repubblica di San Marino (RSM) : AIEP editore, [2017] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DT19 .S757 2017 Bookmark
83. Lehrbuch der sabäischen Sprache / Peter Stein. Subsidia et instrumenta linguarum orientis ; 4., Subsidia et instrumenta linguarum orientis, 1867-8165 ; 4,1-4,2 Stein, Peter, 1970- [Browse] Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012-2013.©2012-©2013 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ6958 .S745 2012 Bookmark
84. Oriental societies and societal self-assertion : associations, funds and societies for the archaeological exploration of the 'Ancient Near East' / edited by Thomas L. Gertzen and Olaf Matthes. Investigatio orientis, 2698-1904 ; Band 10 Münster : Zaphon, 2024. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks Bookmark
85. Baghouz, l'ancienne Corsôtê : le tell archaïque et la nécropole de l'Age du Bronze / par le Comte du Mesnil du Buisson ; avec une préface de Ch. Virolleaud. Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui ; v. 3., Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui, v. 3 Du Mesnil du Buisson, Robert, comte, 1895-1986 [Browse] Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1948. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » GN855.M5 D8q Oversize Bookmark
86. The ancient chronology of Western Asia and Egypt. Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui ; v. 2., Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui ; v. 2 Meer, P. E. van der (Petrus Emmanuel van der), 1895-1963 [Browse] Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1947. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 10191.627 Bookmark
87. Senegal : culture in divenire nell'Africa Occidentale / a cura di Adriana Piga. Libri di Afriche e orienti ; n. 7., I libri di Afriche e orienti ; n. 7 Serravalle, Repubblica di San Marino : Aiep Editore, [2013]©2013 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DT549.8 .S455 2013 Bookmark
88. Sicurezza alimentare nei paesi in via di sviluppo / a cura di Corrado Tornimbeni. Libri di Afriche e orienti ; n. 5., I libri di afriche e orienti ; n. 5 Serravalle, Repubblica di San Marino : Aiep Editore, [2010]©2010 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HD9017.D4 S53 2010 Bookmark
89. Hieroglyphic Luwian : an introduction with original texts / Annick Payne. Subsidia et Instrumenta Linguarum Orientis (SILO) ; 2., Subsidia et Instrumenta Linguarum Orientis (SILO), 1867-8165 ; 2 Payne, Annick [Browse] Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz Verlag, 2014.©2014 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » P950 .P384 2014 Bookmark
90. The Elephantine papyri in English : three millennia of cross-cultural continuity and change / Bezalel Porten ; with J. Joel Farber [et al.] ; and contributions by Simon Hopkins, Ranon Katzoff. Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui ; v. 22., Documenta et monumenta Orientis antiqui (DMOA), Studies in Near Eastern archaeology and civilisation ; v. 22 Atlanta : Society of Biblical Literature, c2011. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ1680.E45 E45 2011 Bookmark
91. Contact zones in the Eastern Mediterranean : Judeans and their neighbours in intercultural contexts: places, middlemen, transcultural contacts - sixth to second century BCE / Lukasz Niesiolowski-Spano / Kacper Ziemba (eds.). Mundus Orientis, 2566-736X ; volume 5 Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2024]©2024 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage Bookmark
92. Salute e democrazia, in Africa subsahariana : storia, politiche e narrative del sistema sanitario in Ghana e in Uganda / Elisa Vasconi. I libri di Afriche e orienti ; n. 9 Vasconi, Elisa [Browse] San Marino, Repubblica di San Marino : Aiep editore, [2020] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RA552.G4 V37 2020 Bookmark
93. Ricerche sui sigilli a cilindro Vicino-Orientali del periodo di Uruk/Jemdet Nasr / Elena Rova ; con una nota metodologica [de] Sergio Camiz. Orientis antiqui collectio ; 20 Rova, Elena [Browse] Roma : Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OCM 95-7458 Bookmark
94. Il trattato fra Muršili II di Ḫattuša e Niqmepaʻ di Ugarit / Giuseppe F. Del Monte ; lavoro eseguito con contributo del C.N.R. Orientis antiqui collectio ; 18 Del Monte, Giuseppe F. [Browse] Roma : Istituto per l'Oriente C.A. Nallino : Centro per le antichità e la storia dell'arte del Vicino Oriente, 1986. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » *OCZE 92-15 Bookmark
95. Ergänzungsheft zum Grundriss der Akkadischen Grammatik (Analecta Orientalia 33) Analecta orientalia ; 47., Analecta orientalia, commentationes scientificae de rebus orientis antiqui, 47 Soden, Wolfram von, 1908-1996 [Browse] Roma, Pontificum Institutum Biblicum, 1969. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » PJ25 .A535 v.47 Bookmark
96. Concordance of Ugaritic. Analecta orientalia ; 36., Analecta orientalia, commentationes scientificae de rebus Orientis antiqui, 36 Young, G. Douglas (George Douglas), 1910-1980 [Browse] Roma, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1956. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » PJ25 .A535 v.36 Bookmark
97. Ugaritic handbook; revised grammar, paradigms, texts in transliteration, comprehensive glossary. Analecta orientalia ; 25., Analecta orientalia; commentationes scientificae de rebus orientis antiqui, 25 Gordon, Cyrus H. (Cyrus Herzl), 1908-2001 [Browse] Roma, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1947 [i.e. 1948] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » PJ4150 .G673 1948q (Oversize) Bookmark
98. Aspects of old Assyrian trade and its terminology, by K. R. Veenhof. Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia ; v. 10., Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia, v. 10 Veenhof, K. R. [Browse] Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1972. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HF368 .V4 1972 Bookmark
99. Studies in the Aramaic legal papyri from Elephantine. Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia ; v. 8., Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia, v. 8 Muffs, Yochanan [Browse] Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1969. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » KL190 .M84 1969 Bookmark
100. De civielrechtelijke engyē (garantieovereenkomst) in de Griekse papyri uit het Ptolemaeïsche tijdvak : (mit einer deutschen Zusammenfassung) / door H.W. van Soest. Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia ; v. 7., Studia et documenta ad iura Orientis antiqui pertinentia ; v. 7 Soest, H. W. van [Browse] Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1963. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KRM900 .S647 1963 Bookmark