1. Let me continue to speak the truth : Bertha Pappenheim as author and activist / Elizabeth Loentz. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 34 Loentz, Elizabeth [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c2007. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS134.42.P37 L64 2007 Bookmark
2. My dear daughter : Rabbi Benjamin Slonik and the education of Jewish women in sixteenth-century Poland / Edward Fram. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 33 Fram, Edward [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2007. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM729.W6 F72 2007 Bookmark
3. Exile in Amsterdam : Saul Levi Morteira's sermons to a congregation of "new Jews" / Marc Saperstein. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 32 Saperstein, Marc [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2005. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM755.M585 S36 2005 Bookmark
4. Remember Amalek! : vengeance, zealotry, and group destruction in the Bible according to Philo, Pseudo-Philo, and Josephus / Louis H. Feldman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 31 Feldman, Louis H. [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2004. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS1199.A44 F45 2004 Bookmark
5. Between snow and desert heat : Russian influences on Hebrew literature, 1870-1970 / Rina Lapidus ; translated from the Hebrew by Jonathan Chipman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 27 Lapidus, Rina [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2003. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » PJ5018 .L37 2003 Bookmark
6. Happiness in premodern Judaism : virtue, knowledge, and well-being / Hava Tirosh-Samuelson. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 29 Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava, 1950- [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM645.J67 T57 2003 Bookmark
7. Loosen the fetters of thy tongue, woman : the poetry and poetics of Yona Wallach / Zafrira Lidovsky Cohen. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 30 Cohen, Zafrira Lidovsky [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press, c2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ5054.W26 Z63 2003 Bookmark
8. From ideology to liturgy : Reconstructionist worship and American liberal Judaism / Eric Caplan. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 26 Caplan, Eric, 1963- [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2002. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM660 .C36 2002 Bookmark
9. A letter that has not been read : dreams in the Hebrew Bible / Shaul Bar ; translated by Lenn J. Schramm. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 25 Bar, Shaul [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2001. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BF1099.B5 B27 2001 Bookmark
10. To worship God properly : tensions between liturgical custom and halakhah in Judaism / Ruth Langer. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 22 Langer, Ruth, 1960- [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, c1998. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM660 .L26 1998 Bookmark
11. Ideals face reality : Jewish law and life in Poland, 1550-1655 / Edward Fram. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 21 Fram, Edward [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1997. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS135.P6 F676 1997 Bookmark
12. No way out : the politics of Polish Jewry, 1935-1939 / Emanuel Melzer. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 19 Melzer, Emanuel [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1997. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS135.P6 M4313 1997 Bookmark
13. "Were our mouths filled with song" : studies in liberal Jewish liturgy / Eric L. Friedland. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 20 Friedland, Eric L. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1997. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM660 .F68 1997 Bookmark
14. "Your voice like a ram's horn" : themes and texts in traditional Jewish preaching / Marc Saperstein. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 18 Saperstein, Marc [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; West Orange, NJ : Distributed by Behrman House, c1996. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM730 .A3 S25 1996 Bookmark
15. "To write the lips of sleepers" : the poetry of Amir Gilboa / by Warren Bargad. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 17 Bargad, Warren [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press, 1994. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » PJ5054.G5 Z585 1994 Bookmark
16. Karaite separatism in nineteenth-century Russia : Joseph Solomon Lutski's Epistle of Israel's deliverance / [edited by] Philip E. Miller. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 16 Lutski, Joseph Solomon ben Moses, 1777?-1844 [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1993. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Special Collections Use Only » BM185 .L8713 1993Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM185 .L8713 1993 Bookmark
17. Baraita de-melekhet ha-mishkan : a critical edition with introduction and translation / Robert Kirschner. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 15 Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » BM507.5.E6 E5 1991 Bookmark
18. Jewish lore in Manichaean cosmogony : studies in the Book of giants traditions / John C. Reeves. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 14 Reeves, John C. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BT1410 .R44 1992 Bookmark
19. The emergence of Jewish scholarship in America : the publication of the Jewish encyclopedia / Shuly Rubin Schwartz. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 13 Schwartz, Shuly Rubin [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1991. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS102.8 .S38 1991 Bookmark
20. The redaction of the Babylonian Talmud : Amoraic or Saboraic? / Richard Kalmin. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 12 Kalmin, Richard Lee [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Hobken, N.J. : Distributed to KTAV Pub. House, 1989. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM501 .K35 1989 Bookmark
21. Torah and Sophia : the life and thought of Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera / by Raphael Jospe. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 11 Jospe, Raphael [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Hoboken, N.J. : Distributed by Ktav Pub. House, 1988. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » B759.F334 J67 1988 Bookmark
22. Modernism and cultural transfer : Gabriel Preil and the tradition of Jewish literary bilingualism / by Yael S. Feldman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 10 Feldman, Yael S., 1941- [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Hoboken, N.J. : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1986, c1985. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5054.P7 Z68 1986 Bookmark
23. From Reform Judaism to ethical culture : the religious evolution of Felix Adler / by Benny Kraut. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 5 Kraut, Benny [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1979. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP605.E84 K72 1979 Bookmark
24. Eupolemus; a study of Judaeo-Greek literature. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, no. 3 Wacholder, Ben Zion [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974 [i.e. 1975] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » DS115.9.E97 W334 1975 Bookmark
25. The Messiah: an Aramaic interpretation; the Messianic exegesis of the Targum, by Samson H. Levey. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, no. 2 Levey, Samson H. [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM625 .L484 1974 Bookmark
26. The prophets and the law. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, no. 4 Bergren, Richard Victor [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 5209.169 Bookmark
27. An analysis of Vatican 30, by Lewis M. Barth. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, no. 1 Barth, Lewis M. [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1973. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517 .M65 1973 Bookmark
28. The traditional Jewish law of sale : Shulhan arukh, Hoshen mishpat, chapters 189-240 / translated and annotated by Stephen M. Passamaneck. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-6527 ; no. 9 Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim, 1488-1575 [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1983, c1982. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KBM .K37 1983 Bookmark
29. Secular education in Philo of Alexandria / Alan Mendelson. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-5627 ; no. 7 Mendelson, Alan [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by Ktav Pub. House, 1982. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » LB85.P452 M46 1982 Bookmark
30. The world of a Renaissance Jew : the life and thought of Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol / David B. Ruderman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-5627 ; no. 6 Ruderman, David B. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1981. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Special Collections Use Only » BM755.F32 R83Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM755.F32 R83 Bookmark
31. "Guidance, not governance" : Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof and Reform responsa / Joan S. Friedman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 37., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 37 Friedman, Joan S., 1953- [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [2013] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM755.F693 F75 2013 Bookmark
32. "Guidance, not governance" : Rabbi Solomon B. Freehof and Reform responsa / Joan S. Friedman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 37., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 37 Friedman, Joan S., 1953- [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [2013] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
33. Yannai on Genesis : an invitation to piyyut / Laura Lieber. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 36., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 36 Lieber, Laura S. (Laura Suzanne) [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2010. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM670.P5 L485 2010 Bookmark
34. Yannai on Genesis [electronic resource] : an invitation to piyyut / Laura S. Lieber. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 36., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 36 Lieber, Laura S. (Laura Suzanne) [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, ©2010. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
35. "A great voice that did not cease" [electronic resource] : the growth of the rabbinic canon and its interpretation / Michael Chernick. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 35., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 35 Chernick, Michael L. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2009. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
36. A great voice that did not cease : the growth of the rabbinic canon and its interpretation / Michael Chernick. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 35., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 35 Chernick, Michael L. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, Mich. : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2009. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM496.6 .C48 2009 Bookmark
37. Sifra, Dibbura deSinai : rhetorical formulae, literary structures, and legal traditions / Howard L. Apothaker. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 28., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 28 Apothaker, Howard L., 1952- [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, c2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM517.S63 A66 2003 Bookmark
38. In the service of the king : officialdom in ancient Israel and Judah / Nili Sacher Fox. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 23., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 23 Fox, Nili Sacher [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2000. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » DS111.2 .F69 2000 Bookmark
39. To reveal our hearts : Jewish women writers in Tsarist Russia / Carole B. Balin. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 24., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 24 Balin, Carole B. [Browse] Cincinnati [Ohio] : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2000. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PG2998.J4 B35 2000 Bookmark
40. Karaite separatism in nineteenth-century Russia : Joseph Solomon Lutski's Epistle of Israel's deliverance / Philip E. Miller. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 16., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 16 Miller, Philip E. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1993. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
41. Let me continue to speak the truth [electronic resource] : Bertha Pappenheim as author and activist / Elizabeth Loentz. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 34., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 34 Loentz, Elizabeth [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2007. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
42. My dear daughter : Rabbi Benjamin Slonik and the education of Jewish women in sixteenth-century Poland / Edward Fram. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 33., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; number 33 Fram, Edward [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2007. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
43. Exile in Amsterdam Saul Levi Morteira's sermons to a congregation of "new Jews" / Marc Saperstein. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 32., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 32 Saperstein, Marc [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, ©2005. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
44. Happiness in premodern Judaism : virtue, knowledge, and well-being / Hava Tirosh-Samuelson. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 29., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 29 Tirosh-Samuelson, Hava, 1950- [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, ©2003. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
45. "Loosen the fetters of thy tongue woman" : the poetry and poetics of Yona Wallach / Zafrira Lidovsky Cohen. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 30., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 30 Cohen, Zafrira Lidovsky [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2003. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
46. Sifra, Dibbura deSinai : rhetorical formulae, literary structures, and legal traditions / Howard L. Apothaker. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 28., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 28 Apothaker, Howard L., 1952- [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2003.Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, [2003]©2003 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
47. From ideology to liturgy : Reconstructionist worship and American liberal Judaism / Eric Caplan. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 26., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; number 26 Caplan, Eric, 1963- [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2002. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
48. A letter that has not been read : dreams in the Hebrew Bible / Shaul Bar ; translated by Lenn J. Schramm. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 25., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 25 Bar, Shaul [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [2001]Detroit : Wayne State University Press Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
49. In the service of the king : officialdom in ancient Israel and Judah / Nili Sacher Fox. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 23., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; number 23 Fox, Nili Sacher [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©2000.Detroit : Distributed by Wayne State University Press Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
50. To worship God properly [electronic resource] : tensions between liturgical custom and halakhah in Judaism / Ruth Langer. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 22., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 22 Langer, Ruth, 1960- [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, ©1998. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
51. Ideals face reality : Jewish law and life in Poland, 1550-1655 / Edward Fram. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 21., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 21 Fram, Edward [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©1997. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
52. No way out [electronic resource] : the politics of Polish Jewry, 1935-1939 / Emanuel Melzer. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 19., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 19 Melzer, Emanuel [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©1997. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
53. "Were our mouths filled with song" : studies in liberal Jewish liturgy / Eric L. Friedland. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 20., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 20 Friedland, Eric L. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©1997. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
54. "Your voice like a ram's horn" : themes and texts in traditional Jewish preaching / Marc Saperstein. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 18., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; number 18 Saperstein, Marc [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [1996] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
55. Baraita de-melekhet ha-mishkan [electronic resource] : a critical edition with introduction and translation / Robert Kirschner. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 15., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 15 Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1992. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
56. Jewish lore in Manichaean cosmogony [electronic resource] : studies in the Book of giants traditions / John C. Reeves. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 14., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 14 Reeves, John C. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©1992. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
57. The emergence of Jewish scholarship in America : the publication of the Jewish encyclopedia / Shuly Rubin Schwartz. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 13., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 13 Schwartz, Shuly Rubin [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, ©1991. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
58. Torah and Sophia : the life and thought of Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera / by Raphael Jospe. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 11., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 11 Jospe, Raphael [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Hoboken, N.J. : Distributed by Ktav Pub. House, 1988. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
59. Modernism and cultural transfer : Gabriel Preil and the tradition of Jewish literary bilingualism / by Yael S. Feldman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 10., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 10 Feldman, Yael S., 1941- [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Hoboken, N.J. : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1986, ©1985. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
60. An analysis of Vatican 30 [electronic resource] by Lewis M. Barth. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 1., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, no. 1 Barth, Lewis M. [Browse] Cincinnati, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1973. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
61. The dawn of Qumran : the sectarian Torah and the teacher of righteousness / Ben Zion Wacholder. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 8., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-5627 ; no. 8 Wacholder, Ben Zion [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1983. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM488.T44 W33 1983 Bookmark
62. The traditional Jewish law of sale : Shulhan arukh, Hoshen mishpat, chapters 189-240 / translated and annotated by Stephen M. Passamaneck. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 9., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-6527 ; no. 9 Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim, 1488-1575 [Browse]קארו, יוסף בן אפרים, 1488-1575 [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1983, ©1982. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
63. The world of a Renaissance Jew : the life and thought of Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol / David B. Ruderman. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 6., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-5627 ; no. 6 Ruderman, David B. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1981. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
64. A letter that has not been read : dreams in the Hebrew Bible / Shaul Bar ; translated by Lenn J. Schramm. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 25., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; 25 Bar, Shaul [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2001. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BF1099.B5 B27 2001 Bookmark
65. Let me continue to speak the truth : Bertha Pappenheim as author and activist / Elizabeth Loentz. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 34., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 34 Loentz, Elizabeth [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [2007], ©2007. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS134.42.P37 L64 2007 Bookmark
66. Between snow and desert heat : Russian influence on Hebrew literature, 1870-1970 / Rina Lapidus. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 27., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 27 Lapidus, Rina [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5018 .L37 2003 Bookmark
67. "Loosen the fetters of thy tongue woman" : the poetry and poetics of Yona Wallach / Zafrira Lidovsky Cohen. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 30., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 30 Cohen, Zafrira Lidovsky [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, [2003], ©2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5054.W26 Z63 2003 Bookmark
68. Sifra, Dibbura deSinai : rhetorical formulae, literary structures, and legal traditions / Howard L. Apothaker. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College no. 28., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 28 Apothaker, Howard L., 1952- [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, c2003. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KBM517.S63 A66 2003 Bookmark
69. In the service of the king : officialdom in ancient Israel and Judah / Nili Sacher Fox. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 23., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 23 Fox, Nili Sacher [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press, 2000. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS111.2 .F69 2000 Bookmark
70. To reveal our hearts : Jewish women writers in Tsarist Russia / Carole B. Balin. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College no. 24., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 24 Balin, Carole B. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; Detroit, MI : Distributed by Wayne State University Press, c2000. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PG2998.J4 B35 2000 Bookmark
71. To worship God properly : tensions between liturgical custom and halakhah in Judaism / Ruth Langer. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 22., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 22 Langer, Ruth, 1960- [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1998. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM660 .L26 1998 Bookmark
72. Ideals face reality : Jewish law and life in Poland, 1550-1655 / Edward Fram. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 21., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 21 Fram, Edward [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1997. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS135.P6 F676 1997 Bookmark
73. "To write the lips of sleepers" : the poetry of Amir Gilboa / Warren Bargad. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 17., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 17 Bargad, Warren [Browse] Cincinnati, OH : Hebrew Union College Press, 1994. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5054.G5 Z585 1994 Bookmark
74. Karaite separatism in nineteenth-century Russia : Joseph Solomon Lutski's Epistle of Israel's deliverance / [edited by] Philip E. Miller. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 16., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 16 Lutski, Joseph Solomon ben Moses, 1777?-1844 [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [1993], ©1993. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM185 .L8713 1993 Bookmark
75. Baraita de-melekhet ha-mishkan : a critical edition with introduction and translation / Robert Kirschner. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 15., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 15 Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, c1992. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM507.5.E6 E5 1991 Bookmark
76. The emergence of Jewish scholarship in America : the publication of the Jewish encyclopedia / Shuly Rubin Schwartz. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 13., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 13 Schwartz, Shuly Rubin [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, [1991], ©1991. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS102.8 .S38 1991 Bookmark
77. Torah and Sophia : the life and thought of Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera / by Raphael Jospe. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 11., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 11 Jospe, Raphael [Browse] Cincinnati, Ohio : Hebrew Union College Press, 1988. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » B759.F334 J67 1987 Bookmark
78. Eupolemus ; a study of Judaeo-Greek literature. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 3., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 3 Wacholder, Ben Zion [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974 [i.e. 1975] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS115.9.E95 W3 Bookmark
79. The Messiah : an Aramaic interpretation; the Messianic exegesis of the Targum / by Samson H. Levey. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 2., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 2 Levey, Samson H. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » EZ31 L663 Bookmark
80. The Messiah : an Aramaic interpretation; the Messianic exegesis of the Targum / by Samson H. Levey. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 2., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 2 Levey, Samson H. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM625 .L48 Bookmark
81. The prophets and the law. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 4., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 4 Bergren, Richard Victor [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1974. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1198 .B45 1974 Bookmark
82. An analysis of Vatican 30 / by Lewis M. Barth. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 1., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 1 Barth, Lewis M. [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, 1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM517.M65 B37 Bookmark
83. From Reform Judaism to ethical culture : the religious evolution of Felix Adler / by Benny Kraut. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College no. 5., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 01905627 ; no. 5 Kraut, Benny [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press, 1979, c1978. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » BP605.E84 K72 1979 Bookmark
84. The traditional Jewish law of sale : Shulhan arukh, Hoshen mishpat, chapters 189-240 / translated and annotated by Stephen M. Passamaneck. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 9., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-6527 ; no. 9 Karo, Joseph ben Ephraim, 1488-1575 [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by KTAV Pub. House, 1983, ©1982. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » KBM .K38 1982 Bookmark
85. Secular education in Philo of Alexandria / Alan Mendelson. Monographs of the Hebrew Union College ; no. 7., Monographs of the Hebrew Union College, 0190-5627 ; no. 7 Mendelson, Alan [Browse] Cincinnati : Hebrew Union College Press ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by Ktav Pub. House, 1982. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » LB85.P452 M46 1982 Bookmark
86. Commerce and contraband in New Orleans during the French and Indian War; a documentary study of the Texel and Three Brothers Affairs, by Abraham P. Nasatir and James R. Mills. Monographs of the American Jewish Archives ; \no. 7., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. American Jewish Archives. Monographs, \no. 7 Nasatir, Abraham Phineas, 1904- [Browse] Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives, 1967. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » NYGB LA. L N471.2 Bookmark