1. A surgeon in the Army of the Potomac / Francis M. Wafer ; edited by Cheryl A. Wells. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 32 Wafer, Francis M., 1830-1876 [Browse] Montréal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2008. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » R464.W24 A3 2008 Bookmark
2. Who killed the Queen? : the story of a community hospital and how to fix public health care / Holly Dressel. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 30 Dressel, Holly Jewell [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2008. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RA395.C3 D74 2008 Bookmark
3. J. Wendell Macleod : Saskatchewan's Red Dean / Louis Horlick. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 29 Horlick, Louis [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2007. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » R464.M33 H67 2007 Bookmark
4. SARS in context : memory, history, policy / edited by Jacalyn Duffin and Arthur Sweetman. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 27 Montreal ; Ithaca : School of Policy Studies, Queen's University : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2006. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RA644.S17 S276 2006 Bookmark
5. J.B. Collip and the development of medical research in Canada : extracts and enterprise / Alison Li. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 16 Li, Alison, 1963- [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » R464.C65 L5 2003 Bookmark
6. The Labrador memoir of Dr. Harry Paddon, 1912-1938 / edited by Ronald Rompkey. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 17 Paddon, Harry, 1881-1939 [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2003. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » R464.P33 A3 2003 Bookmark
7. For patients of moderate means : a social history of the voluntary public general hospital in Canada, 1890-1950 / David Gagan and Rosemary Gagan. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 13 Gagan, David Paul, 1940- [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2002. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » RA983.A1 G34 2002 Bookmark
8. Jessie Luther at the Grenfell Mission / edited by Ronald Rompkey. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 10 Luther, Jessie, 1860-1952 [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2001. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » RM699.7.L88 A3 2001 Bookmark
9. Committed to the state asylum : insanity and society in nineteenth-century Quebec and Ontario / James E. Moran. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 10 Moran, James E. [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2000. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » RC447 .M672 2001 Bookmark
10. The war diary of Clare Gass / edited and introduced by Susan Mann. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health and society ; 9 Gass, Clare, 1887-1968 [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, c2000. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » D630.G38 A3 2000 Bookmark
11. The weariness, the fever, and the fret : the campaign against tuberculosis in Canada, 1900-1950 / Katherine McCuaig. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 8 McCuaig, Katherine, 1959- [Browse] Montreal ; London ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » RC314 .M336 1999 Bookmark
12. Into the house of old : a history of residential care in British Columbia / Megan J. Davies. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services (Hannah Institute) studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; no. 14 Davies, Megan Jean, 1959- [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2003. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » RA998.C2 D39 2003 Bookmark
13. Strange trips : science, culture, and the regulation of drugs / Lucas Richert. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 51., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 51 Richert, Lucas, 1979- [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
14. The Grenfell Medical Mission and American support in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1890s-1940s / edited by Jennifer J. Connor and Katherine Side. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 49., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 49 Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
15. Mobilizing mercy : a history of the Canadian Red Cross / Sarah Glassford. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 45., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 45 Glassford, Sarah Carlene, 1978- [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2017] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
16. Expelling the plague : the Health Office and the implementation of quarantine in Dubrovnik, 1377-1533 / Zlata Blažina Tomić and Vesna Blažina. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 43., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 43 Blažina-Tomić, Zlata [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2015]©2015 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RC178.C872 D82 2015 Bookmark
17. Expelling the plague : the Health Office and the implementation of quarantine in Dubrovnik, 1377-1533 / Zlata Blažina Tomić and Vesna Blažina. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 43., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 43 Blažina-Tomić, Zlata [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2015] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
18. Telling the flesh : life writing, citizenship, and the body in the letters to Samuel Auguste Tissot / Sonja Boon. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 44., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 44 Boon, Sonja [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2015] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
19. Telling the flesh : life writing, citizenship, and the body in the letters to Samuel Auguste Tissot / Sonja Boon. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 44., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 44 Boon, Sonja [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2015] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » R727.3 .B66 2015 Bookmark
20. Who killed the Queen? : the story of a community hospital and how to fix public health care / Holly Dressel. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society, McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society Dressel, Holly Jewell [Browse] Montreal [Que.] : McGill-Queen's University Press, ©2008. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
21. A young man's benefit : the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and sickness insurance in the United States and Canada, 1860-1929 / George Emery and J.C. Herbert Emery. Canadian electronic library. Books collection., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society Emery, George Neil, 1941- [Browse] Montreal ; Ithaca [N.Y.] : McGill-Queen's University Press, c1999. Book Online Canada Commons: Books & Documents Bookmark
22. Reimagining illness : women writers and medicine in eighteenth-century Britain / Heather Meek. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 62., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 62 Meek, Heather [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2023]©2023 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR113 .M44 2023 Bookmark
23. Patterns of plague : changing ideas about plague in England and France, 1348-1750 / Lori Jones. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 59., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 59 Jones, Lori (Medical historian) [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2022]©2022 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RC178.G7 J66 2022 Bookmark
24. An ambulance on safari : the ANC and the making of a health department in exile / Melissa Diane Armstrong. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 53., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 53 Armstrong, Melissa Diane, 1990- [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2020] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RA552.S6 A76 2020 Bookmark
25. An ambulance on safari : the ANC and the making of a health department in exile / Melissa Diane Armstrong. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 53., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 53 Armstrong, Melissa Diane, 1990- [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2020] Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
26. Challenging choices : Canada's population control in the 1970s / Erika Dyck and Maureen Lux. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 54., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 54 Dyck, Erika [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2020]©2020 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HQ766.5.C3 D93 2020 Bookmark
27. Ethnopsychiatry / Henri F. Ellenberger ; edited by Emmanuel Delille ; translated by Jonathan Kaplansky. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 56., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 56 Ellenberger, Henri F. (Henri Frédéric), 1905-1993 [Browse] Montreal, Quebec ; Kingston, Ontario ; London, England ; Chicago, Illinois : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2020]©2020 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
28. A new field in mind : a history of interdisciplinarity in the early brain sciences / Frank W. Stahnisch. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 52., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 52 Stahnisch, Frank [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RC338 .S73 2020 Bookmark
29. A new field in mind : a history of interdisciplinarity in the early brain sciences / Frank W. Stahnisch. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 52., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 52 Stahnisch, Frank [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2020]©2020 Book Online Canada Commons: Books & Documents Bookmark
30. The Grenfell Medical Mission and American Support in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1890s-1940s / edited by Jennifer J. Connor and Katherine Side. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 49., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 49 Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2019]©2019 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » RA390.C3 G74 2019 Bookmark
31. A new field in mind : a history of interdisciplinarity in the early brain sciences / Frank W. Stahnisch. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 52., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 52 Stahnisch, Frank [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2019. Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
32. Broken : institutions, families, and the construction of intellectual disability / Madeline C. Burghardt. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 50., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 50 Burghardt, Madeline C. [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2018]©2018 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HV3008.C3 B87 2018 Bookmark
33. Carving a niche : the medical profession in Mexico, 1800-1870 / Luz María Hernández Sáenz. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 47., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society. ; 47 Hernández Sáenz, Luz María, 1952- [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2018]©2018 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
34. Carving a niche : the medical profession in Mexico, 1800-1870 / Luz María Hernández Sáenz. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 47., McGill-Queen's/Associated medical services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 47 Hernández Sáenz, Luz María, 1952- [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2018]©2018 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » R465 .H47 2018 Bookmark
35. Carving a niche : the medical profession in Mexico, 1800-1870 / Luz Sáenz Hernández Sáenz. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 47., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society ; 47 Hernández Sáenz, Luz Sáenz [Browse] Montreal, Ontario : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018.©2018 Book Online Canada Commons: Books & Documents Bookmark
36. Psychedelic prophets : the letters of Aldous Huxley and Humphry Osmond / edited by Cynthia Carson Bisbee [and 4 others]. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 48., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 48 Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2018]©2018 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
37. Psychedelic prophets : the letters of Aldous Huxley and Humphry Osmond / edited by Cynthia Carson Bisbee [and four others]. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 48., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 48 Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018.©2018 Book Online Canada Commons: Books & Documents Bookmark
38. Psychedelic prophets : the letters of Aldous Huxley and Humphry Osmond / edited by Cynthia Carson Bisbee, Paul Bisbee, Erika Dyck, Patrick Farrell, James Sexton, and James W. Spisak. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 48., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 48 Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2018]©2018 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR6015.U9 Z48 2018 Bookmark
39. Strange trips : science, culture, and the regulation of drugs / Lucas Richert. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 51., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 51 Richert, Lucas, 1979- [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2018]©2018 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RM316 .R53 2018 Bookmark
40. Strange trips : science, culture, and the regulation of drugs / Lucas Richert. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 51., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 51 Richert, Lucas, 1979- [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2018. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
41. The invisible injured : psychological trauma in the Canadian military from the First World War to Afghanistan / Adam Montgomery. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 46., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 46 Montgomery, Adam [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2017]©2017 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RC552.P67 M672 2017 Bookmark
42. Mobilizing mercy : a history of the Canadian Red Cross / Sarah Glassford. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 45., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 45 Glassford, Sarah Carlene, 1978- [Browse] Montreal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2017]©2017 Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HV580.C23 G53 2017 Bookmark
43. Expelling the plague : the Health Office and the implementation of quarantine in Dubrovnik, 1377-1533 / Zlata Blazina Tomić and Vesna Blazina. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 43., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services Studies in the History of Medicine, Health, and Society ; 43 Blažina-Tomić, Zlata [Browse] Montreal, Quebec : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2015.©2015 Book Bookmark
44. Telling the flesh : life writing, citizenship, and the body in the letters to Samuel Auguste Tissot / Sonja Boon. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 44., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 44 Boon, Sonja, 1969- [Browse] Montreal [Quebec] : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2015]Ottawa, Ontario : Canadian Electronic Library, 2015.©2015 Book Online Canada Commons: Books & Documents Bookmark
45. The black doctors of colonial Lima : science, race, and writing in colonial and early Republican Peru / José R. Jouve Martín. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 41., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 41 Jouve Martín, José Ramón [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2014]©2014 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » R482.P4 J69 2014 Bookmark
46. The black doctors of colonial Lima : science, race, and writing in colonial and early Republican Peru / José R. Jouve Martín. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 41., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 41 Jouve Martín, José Ramón [Browse] Montreal [Quebec] : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2014] Book Online Canada Commons: Books & Documents Bookmark
47. The black doctors of colonial Lima : science, race, and writing in colonial and early Republican Peru / José R. Jouve Martín. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 41., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 41 Jouve Martín, José Ramón [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2014]©2014 Book Online JSTOR DDA Bookmark
48. Bodily subjects : essays on gender and health, 1800-2000 / edited by Tracy Penny Light, Barbara Brookes, and Wendy Mitchinson. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 42., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 42 Montreal & Kingston : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2014] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » RA564.85 .B63 2014 Bookmark
49. Bodily subjects : essays on gender and health, 1800-2000 / edited by Tracy Penny Light, Barbara Brookes, and Wendy Mitchinson. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 42., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 42 Penny Light, Tracy [Browse] Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2014]©2014 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark
50. Sorrows of a century : interpreting suicide in New Zealand, 1900-2000 / John C. Weaver. McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 40., McGill-Queen's/Associated Medical Services studies in the history of medicine, health, and society ; 40 Weaver, John C [Browse] Montreal [Quebec] ; Kingston [Ontario] : McGill-Queen's University Press ; Wellington, New Zealand : Bridget Williams Books, [2014]Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2014.©2014 Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles Bookmark