1. 1897, compiled laws of New Mexico [electronic resource] : in accordance with an act of the legislature, approved March 16th, 1897 : including the Constitution of the United States, the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the Gadsen treaty, the original act organizing the territory, the organic acts as now in force, the original Kearny code, and a list of laws enacted since the compilation of 1884, as well as those in that work ... . Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926. [Electronic resource], Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926 New Mexico [Browse] Santa Fe, N.M. : New Mexican Print. Co., 1897. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
2. 1905 Supplement to Deering's political code of California (issued in 1903) [electronic resource] : the amendments to the political code enacted at the Legislative session of 1905 ... / by James H. Deering. Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926. [Electronic resource], Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926 California [Browse] San Francisco : Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1905. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
3. 1911 Leyes. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Dominican Republic [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1911]Santo Domingo : Imp. y Librería de J.R. Vda. García, 1911. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
4. 1919 compilation of general ordinances of the city of Louisville including the Act for the government of cities of the first class, approved July 1, 1893, and amendments thereto, being the city charter [electronic resource] : with notes of the decisions of the Court of Appeals, and such sections of the state constitution as effect such city / pub. by authority of a resolution of the General council of the city of Louisville, approved December 8, 1919, and comp. and annotated under direction of the city attorney, by Davis W. Edwards of the Law department ; George Weissinger Smith, mayor ; Joseph S. Lawton, city attorney. Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926. [Electronic resource], Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926 Louisville (Ky.) [Browse] [Louisville : Printed by the Standard Press, 1920?] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
5. 1919 complication of general ordinances of the city of Louisville including the act for the government of cities of the first class, approved July 1, 1893, and amendments thereto, being the city charter. Supplement to the nineteen hundred and nineteen compilation of the general ordinances ... including amendments to city charter passed by the 1920 and 1922 session[s] of the General Assembly [electronic resource] / pub. by authority of a resolution of the General Council of ... Louisville, approved December 7, 1921, and comp. under the direction of the city attorney by Davis W. Edwards ... ; Clayton B. Blakely, city attorney. 1921. Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926. [Electronic resource], Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926 Louisville (Ky.) [Browse] Louisville, Ky. : Standard Print. Co., Inc., [1921?] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
6. 1919 supplement to United States compiled statutes, annotated [electronic resource] : embracing the statutes of the United States of a general and permanent nature enacted from December 20, 1916 to March 4, 1919 : and decisions construing and applying all the federal statutes contained in the U.S. comp. st. annotated, 1916, and in this supplement, from the close of the annotated edition of 1916 to March 1, 1919 / text and annotations compiled by the publishers' editorial staff. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. United States [Browse] St. Paul [Minn.] : West Pub. Co., 1920. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
7. The 1921 supplement to the Milwaukee code of 1914 containing amendments to the code passed prior to January 1, 1922 [electronic resource]. Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926. [Electronic resource], Making of modern law: Primary sources, 1620-1926 Milwaukee (Wis.) [Browse] [Milwaukee, Wis. : The Library], 1921. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
8. 1930 supplement to Revised statues of Kansas 1923 (cumulated) to be cited, "R.S. Supp. 1930" [electronic resource] : containing all laws of a general nature passed at the regular sessions of 1925, 1927, 1929, and special sessions of 1928 and 1930, which are still in force, following the same arrangement used in the Revised statues, with appropriate headings and cross references, as required by law, and fully annotated to decisions construing the statutes since 1923 / compiled and edited by Howard F. McCue. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Kansas [Browse] Topeka, Kan. : Kansas State Print. Plant, B.P. Walker, state printer, 1930. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
9. 1931 supplement to Revised statutes of Kansas 1923 (cumulative) to be cited, "R.S. Supp. 1931" [electronic resource] : containing all laws of a general nature, passed at the regular sessions of 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, and special sessions of 1928 and 1930, which are still in force, following the same arrangement used in the Revised statutes, with appropriate headings and cross references, as required by law, and fully annotated to decisions construing the statutes since 1923 / compiled and edited by A. Harry Crane, and Franklin Corrick. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Kansas [Browse] Topeka, Kan. : Kansas State Print. Press, B.P. Walker, state printer, 1931. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
10. 1933 supplement to Revised statutes of Kansas 1923 (cumulative) to be cited, "R.S. 1933 Supp." [electronic resource] : containing all laws of a general nature, passed at the regular sessions of 1925, 1927, 1929, 1931, 1933, and special sessions of 1928, 1930, 1933, which are still in force, following the same arrangement used in the Revised statutes, with appropriate headings and cross references, as required by law, and fully annotated to decisions construing the statutes since 1923 / compiled, edited and indexed by Franklin Corrick. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Kansas [Browse] Topeka, Kan. : Kansas State Print. Plant, W.C. Austin, state printer, 1934. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
11. 1934 supplement to revenue laws of California [electronic resource] : (annotated) 1932 / compiled by Dixwell L. Pierce. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. California [Browse] Sacramento : California State Print. Office, Harry Hammond, state printer, 1934. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
12. 1934 supplement to the code of laws of South Carolina, 1932 [electronic resource] : containing all general laws of 1932, 1933, and 1934, with full annotations / by the Code Commissioner and the Committee on Statutory Laws of the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. South Carolina [Browse] [Columbia, S.C.] : Printed under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, General Assembly of South Carolina, [c1934] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
13. 1935 cumulative supplement to the annotated code of the public general laws of Maryland [electronic resource] / edited by Horace E. Flack. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Maryland [Browse] Baltimore [Md. : Press of King Bros., Inc.], 1935. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
14. 1936 supplement to the Code of laws of South Carolina, 1932 [electronic resource] : containing all General laws of 1935 and 1936 with full annotations / by the Code Commissioner and the Committee on Statutory Laws of the General Assembly of the state of South Carolina. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. South Carolina [Browse] [Columbia, S.C.] : Printed under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, General Assembly of South Carolina, [c1937] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
15. 1937 cumulative supplement to Compiled statutes of Nebraska 1929 [electronic resource] : to be cited: "C.S. Supp., 1937" : containing all laws of a general nature passed at the 47th regular session of 1931, the 48th (special) session of 1931, the 49th session of 1933, the 50th session of 1935, the 51st (special) session of 1935, and the 52nd session of 1937, which are still in force, following the same arrangement used in the Compiled statutes, 1929, with appropriate running head lines, section catchheads, section histories, and complete annotations to decisions of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, the Supreme Court of the United States and the various federal courts, construing the statutes since 1929 / compiled and edited by Homer L. Kyle ; and published and distributed by Oliver F. Brown ; by authorization of George H. Turner ; under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Nebraska ; under authority of Chapter 109, Laws of Nebraska, 1937. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Nebraska [Browse] Lincoln, Neb. : Brown Print. Service, [c1937] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
16. 1937 supplement to General statutes of Kansas 1935 (cumulative) to be cited, "G.S. 1937 Supp." [electronic resource] : containing all laws of a general nature in force passed at the regular session of 1937, and special session of 1938, following the same arrangement used in the General statutes of 1935, duly arranged, numbered, annotated and indexed, with headings, history, notes, cross references and tables as required by law : to which have been prefixed annotations to decisions construing the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Kansas since 1935 / compiled, edited and indexed by Franklin Corrick. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Kansas [Browse] Topeka [Kan.] : Kansas State Print. Plant, W.C. Austin, state printer, 1938. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
17. 1937 supplement to the General statutes [electronic resource] : state of Connecticut, January session, 1937, special session, 1936. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Connecticut [Browse] Hartford, Conn. : The State, 1937 (New Haven, Conn. : Quinnipiack Press, Inc.) Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
18. 1938 supplement (annotated) to revenue laws of California (annotated) [electronic resource] : 1936 / compiled by Dixwell L. Pierce. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. California [Browse] Sacramento : California State Print. Office, George H. Moore, state printer, 1937. Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
19. 1938 supplement to the code of laws of South Carolina, 1932 [electronic resource] : 1937 and 1938 general laws codified in detail or by reference annotations / by the Code Commissioner and the Committee on Statutory Laws of the General Assembly of the state of South Carolina. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. South Carolina [Browse] [Columbia, S.C.] : Printed under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, General Assembly of South Carolina, [c1938] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark
20. 1939 cumulative supplement to Compiled statutes of Nebraska, 1929 [electronic resource] : to be cited: "Sec.--, C.S. supp., 1939" : containing all laws of a general nature passed at the 47th regular session of 1931, the 48th (special) session of 1931, the 49th session of 1933, the 50th session of 1935, the 51st (special) session of 1935, the 52nd session of 1937, and the 53rd session of 1939, which are still in force, following the same arrangement used in the Compiled statutes, 1929, with appropriate running head lines, section catchheads, section histories, and complete annotations to decisions of the Supreme Court of Nebraska, the Supreme Court of the United States and the various federal courts, construing the statutes since 1929 / compiled and edited by Homer L. Kyle ; and published and distributed by Oliver F. Brown ; by authorization of George H. Turner ; under the supervision of the Supreme Court of Nebraska ; under authority of Chapter 57, Laws of Nebraska, 1939. Making of modern law : primary sources, 1763-1970. Nebraska [Browse] Lincoln, Neb. : Brown Print. Service, [c1939] Book Online The making of modern law. Primary sources, 1620-1970 Bookmark