1. Jurisprudence / John W. Salmond. Making of modern law. Salmond, John W. (John William), Sir, 1862-1924 [Browse] London, England : Stevens and Haynes, 1924. Book Bookmark
2. Recent Constitutional Developments in Egypt / William Hayter. Making of modern law. Hayter, William, 1869-1924 [Browse] Cambridge : University Press, 1924. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
3. Arbitration between Peru and Chile / National capital Press. Making of modern law. National capital Press [Browse] Washington, D.C. : National capital Press, 1923. Book Bookmark
4. Old Testament law for Bible students classified and arranged as in modern legal systems / Roger Sherman Galer. Making of modern law. Galer, Roger Sherman, 1863-1950 [Browse] New York, New York : Macmillan Company, 1922. Book Bookmark
5. Constitution of the state of Louisiana : adopted in convention at the city of Baton Rouge, June 18, 1921 / Authority of Louisiana. Making of modern law. Authority of Louisiana [Browse] Baton Rouge, Louisiana : Ramires-Jones Print. Co., 1921. Book Bookmark
6. Digest of the laws of Belgium and the French Code Napoléon / Emile Butaye, Gaston de Leval ; edited by John Kirkpatrick. Making of modern law. Gaston de Leval, Emile Butaye [Browse] London, England : Stevens and Sons, 1918. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
7. Famous Irish trials / M. McDonnell Bodkin. Making of modern law. Bodkin, M. McDonnell (Matthias McDonnell), 1850-1933 [Browse] Dublin : Maunsel & Co., Ltd., 1918. Book Bookmark
8. Constitutional conventions : their nature, powers, and limitations / by Roger Sherman Hoar. Making of modern law. Hoar, Roger Sherman [Browse] Boston : Little, Brown, and Co., 1917. Book Bookmark
9. Leading Cases on International Law / Lawrence B. Evans. Making of modern law. Evans, Lawrence B. (Lawrence Boyd), 1870-1928 [Browse] Chicago : Callaghan, 1917. Book Bookmark
10. Addresses on international subjects / Elihu Root, author ; Robert Bacon, James Brown Scott, editor. Making of modern law. Root, Elihu [Browse] Cambridge, London : Harvard University Press ; : Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press, 1916. Book Bookmark
11. European Anarchy / G. Lowes Dickinson. Making of modern law. Dickinson, G. Lowes (Goldsworthy Lowes), 1862-1932 [Browse] New York : The Macmillian company, 1916. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
12. A Guide to the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913 : containing a legal and general exposition of the act, with suggestions to local authorities, managers and others for the organization and administration of the work dealing with the mentally defective / by John Wormald and Samuel Wormald. Making of modern law. London, England : P.S. King & Son, [1913] Book Online Disability in the Modern World (Text) Bookmark
13. International Courts of Arbitration / Thomas Willing Balch, writer of introduction. Making of modern law. Willing Balch, Thomas [Browse] Philadelphia : Allen, Lane and Scott, 1912. Book Bookmark
14. Patent and Trade Mark Laws of the World / B. Singer. Making of modern law. Singer, B. [Browse] Chicago : Hammond Press, W.B. Conkey Company, 1911.©1911 Book Bookmark
15. History of the Roman-Dutch Law / J. W. Wessels. Making of modern law. Wessels, J. W. [Browse] Cape Colony, South Africa : African Book Co., 1908. Book Bookmark
16. International Problems and Hague Conferences / T. J. Lawrence. Making of modern law. Lawrence, T. J. (Thomas Joseph), 1849-1919 [Browse] London : J.M. Dent & Co., 1908. Book Bookmark
17. The Revolutionary records of the state of Georgia : compiled and published under authority of the Legislature / Allen Daniel Candler, editor. Making of modern law. Atlanta, Ga : The Franklin-Turner Company, 1908. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
18. Rise and Growth of the Argentine Constitution / Estanislao Severo Zeballos. Making of modern law. Zeballos, Estanislao Severo, 1854-1923 [Browse] Buenos Aires : Albion Printing Press, 1907. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
19. Rise and progress of the English constitution / Edward Shepherd Creasy. Making of modern law. Creasy, Edward Shepherd, 1812-1878 [Browse] London, England : Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1907. Book Bookmark
20. Limitations of the taxing power : including limitations upon public indebtedness : a treatise upon the constitutional law governing taxation and the incurrence of public debt in the United States, in the several states, and in the territories / James McIlvaine Gray. Making of modern law. Gray, James McIlvaine, 1872-1942 [Browse] San Francisco : Bancroft-Whitney Co., 1906. Book Bookmark
21. Lectures on the Relation Between Law and Public Opinion in England During the Nineteenth Century / Albert Venn Dicey. Making of modern law. Dicey, A. V. (Albert Venn), 1835-1922 [Browse] London : Routledge, 1905. Book Bookmark
22. Gai Institutiones, or, Institutes of Roman law / Gaius ; Edward Poste, translator ; E. A. Whittuck, A. H. J. Greenidge, editors. Making of modern law. Gaius [Browse] Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1904. Book Bookmark
23. The law of the Canadian constitution / W. H. P. Clement. Making of modern law. Clement, W. H. P. (William Henry Pope), 1858-1922 [Browse] Toronto : Carswell Co., Ltd., 1904. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
24. Leading cases in constitutional law : briefly stated, with introduction and notes / Ernest Chester Thomas, author ; Charles L. Attenborough, editor. Making of modern law. Thomas, Ernest Chester, 1850-1892 [Browse] London : Stevens & Haynes, law Publishers, 1901. Book Bookmark
25. Studies in Australian Constitutional Law / A. Inglis Clark. Making of modern law. Clark, A. Inglis [Browse] Melbourne : Charles F. Maxwell, 1901. Book Bookmark
26. Review of the Constitution of the United States including Changes by Interpretation and Amendment for Lawyer and Those Not Learned in the Law / W. G. Bullitt. Making of modern law. Bullitt, W. G. [Browse] Cincinnati : R. Clarke, 1899. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
27. The general principles of constitutional law in the United States of America / Thomas McIntyre Cooley, Andrew C. McLaughlin. Making of modern law. Cooley, Thomas McIntyre, 1824-1898 [Browse] Boston : Little, Brown, 1898. Book Bookmark
28. A treatise on the common and statute law of the state of New York relating to insolvent debtors : including article first, second and third of title 1, chapter XVII of the code of civil procedure, and the law of voluntary assignments for the benefit of creditors, including the General Assignment Act of 1877, as amended : together with a chapter on compositions and composition deeds, and an appendix of forms / James L. Bishop. Making of modern law. Bishop, James L. [Browse] New York : Baker, Voorhis, 1895. Book Bookmark
29. Daniel Webster / Samuel W. McCall. Making of modern law. McCall, Samuel W. [Browse] Boston and New York : Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1893. Book Bookmark
30. Consequences Juridiques des Transformations Territoriales des Etats sur les Traites / S. Kiatibian. Making of modern law. Kiatibian, S. [Browse] Paris : A. Giard & E. Brière, 1892. Book Bookmark
31. The history of the English constitution / Rudolph Gneist. Making of modern law. Gneist, Rudolph [Browse] London : William Clowes, 1889. Book Bookmark
32. Birth of the federal Constitution : a history of the New Hampshire Convention for the investigation, discussion and decision of the federal Constitution and of the Old North meeting-house of Concord, in which it was ratified by the ninth state, and thus rendered operative, at one o'clock p.m., on Saturday, the 21st day of June, 1788 / Joseph Burbeen Walker. Making of modern law. Walker, Joseph Burbeen, 1822-1912 [Browse] Boston : Cupples & Hurd, 1888. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
33. English Constitutional History from the Teutonic Conquest to the Present Time / Thomas Pitt Taswell-Langmead, Charles H. E. Carmichael. Making of modern law. Taswell-Langmead, Thomas Pitt [Browse] London : Stevens & Haynes, 1886. Book Bookmark
34. Law of Contracts / Theophilus Parsons. Making of modern law. Parsons, Theophilus, 1797-1882 [Browse] Boston, Massachusetts : Little, Brown, and Company, 1883. Book Bookmark
35. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the state of New Hampshire ; December, 1876 / New Hampshire. Constitutional Convention (1876). Making of modern law. New Hampshire. Constitutional Convention (1876) [Browse] Concord, New Hampshire : Edward A. Jenks, 1877. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
36. Treatise on the Law of Executors and Administrators / Edward Vaughan Williams, Walter V. Vaughan Williams. Making of modern law. Williams, Edward Vaughan, 1797-1875; [Browse] London, England : Stevens, H. Sweet, and W. Maxwell, 1873. Book Bookmark
37. The Trial by Impeachment of Henry Lord Viscount Melville, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, before The House of Peers, in Westminster Hall, Between the 29th of April and the 17th of May, 1806. To which is prefixed, a sketch of the life and political character of Hislordship, and a complete account of The Proceedings in Parliament Relative to the Charges on which the Impeachment was founded / Henry Dundas. Making of modern law. Dundas, Henry [Browse] London : Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, 1867. Book Bookmark
38. The election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal : a treatise / Thomas Hare. Making of modern law. Hare, Thomas [Browse] London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts & Green, 1865. Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
39. Cases extracted from the reports of the Commissioners of charities, in England and from the calendars in Chancery : with an appendix containing the statutes of 39 & 43 Elizabeth and other statutes of the realm, relating to the disposition of property for charitable and public uses, &c / Theodore W. Dwight, John Rose. Making of modern law. Dwight, Theodore W. [Browse] New-York : J.S. Voorhies, 1863. Book Bookmark
40. Constitutional law : with reference to the present condition of the United States / Joel Parker. Making of modern law. Parker, Joel [Browse] Cambridge : Welch, Bigelow, and Co., 1862.©1862 Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
41. Curiosities of crime in Edinburgh during the last thirty years / James M'Levy. Making of modern law. M'Levy, James [Browse] Edinburgh : William Kay, 1861. Book Bookmark
42. Vindication of the rights and titles, political and territorial, of Alexander, Earl of Stirling & Dovan, and lord proprietor of Canada and Nova Scotia / John L. Hayes, Alexander Alexander. Making of modern law. Hayes, John L. [Browse] Washington D.C. : Gideon & Co., Printers, 1853.©1853 Book Bookmark
43. Government by Commissions Illegal and Pernicious : the nature and effects of all commissions of inquiry and other crown-appointed commissions : the constitutional principles of taxation and the rights, duties, and importance of local self-government / Joshua Toulmin Smith. Making of modern law. Smith, Joshua Toulmin [Browse] London : S. Sweet, 1849.©1849 Book Online HeinOnline World Constitutions Illustrated Bookmark
44. Guide to the History of the Laws and Constitutions of England, Consisting of Six Lectures, Delivered at the Colleges of SS. Peter and Paul, Prior Park, Bath, in the Presence of the Bishop and His Clergy / Thomas Chisholm Anstey. Making of modern law. Anstey, Thomas Chisholme, 1816-1873 [Browse] London : V. and R. Stevens, and G. S. Norton; [etc., etc.], 1845. Book Bookmark
45. An exposition of the law of Parliament : as it relates to the power and privileges of the Commons' House : to which are added, the proceedings of the principal questions of privilege which have arisen in Parliament, and those cases involving the jurisdiction of the House, &c. which were argued and determinded in the courts of Westminster Hall / S. A. Ferrall. Making of modern law. O'Ferrall, Simon Ansley [Browse] London, England : S. Sweet, 1837. Book Bookmark
46. Practical Treatise of the Law of Mortmain, and Charitable Uses and Trusts / Leonard Shelford. Making of modern law. Shelford, Leonard [Browse] Philadelphia : J. S. Littell, 1836. Book Bookmark
47. Constitutional law : being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of the courts of the United States, and of constitutional points decided / Thomas Sergeant. Making of modern law. Sergeant, Thomas, 1782-1860 [Browse] Philadelphia : P.H. Nicklin and T. Johnson, 1830. Book Bookmark
48. Constitution of England, or, An account of the English government : in which it is compared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe / Jean Louis de Lolme. Making of modern law. Lolme, Jean Louis de, 1740-1806 [Browse] London, England : Baldwyn & Company, 1817. Book Bookmark
49. Historical Account of the Laws Enacted against the Catholics, Both in England and Ireland / James Baldwin Brown. Making of modern law. Brown, James Baldwin, 1785-1843 [Browse] London, England : Underwood and Blacks, 1813. Book Bookmark
50. The examination of Col. Aaron Burr before the Chief Justice of the United States : upon the charges of a high misdemeanor and of treason against the United States / Aaron Burr [and seven others]. Makings of modern law., Making of modern law Burr, Aaron [Browse] Richmond, Virginia : Printed & sold by S. Grantland, [1807]©1807 Book Bookmark