1. Prontuario de los Codigos Mexicanos : Compendio Alfabetico de los Principios y Reglas del Codigo Civil, Codigo de Comercio y Codigo de Procedimientos Civiles / Robert Joseph Kerr. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970. Kerr, Robert Joseph, 1872-1918 [Browse] México : Compañía Editorial Pan Americana, S.A., 1912.©1912 Book Bookmark
2. Revised statutes of Ontario, 1970. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Ontario [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1970]Toronto : Printed and published by the Queen's printer and publisher, [date of manufacture not identified] Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
3. Revised statutes of Nova Scotia, 1967 : being a consolidation and revision of the Public General Statutes of the Province, printed and published pursuant to chapter 11 of the Acts of 1964, the Statute Revision Act, 1964. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Nova Scotia [Browse] Halifax : Queen's Printer, [1968?] Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
4. Anteproyecto de Código penal de 1967 y exposicion de motivos : con notas explicativas de las reformas propuestas / por los profesores Luis Jiménez de Asúa y Jose Agustín Méndez. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Jiménez de Asúa, Luis, 1889-1970 [Browse] [Caracas] : Secretaría del Senado de la República, [1967] Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
5. Codice della legislazione amministrativa / [a cura di] Aldo M. Sandulli, professore ordinario dell'università di Napoli. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Italy [Browse] Roma : Casa Editrice Stamperia Nazionale, [1965] Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
6. The Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory orders and regulations : consolidated index and table of statutory orders and regulations : January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1963. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Canada [Browse] Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C., Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1964. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
7. Anteprojeto de Código civil : apresentado ao Exmo. Sr. João Mangabeira, Ministro da Justiça e Negócios Interiores, em 31 de março de 1963 / pelo Prof. Orlando Gomes. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Gomes, Orlando [Browse] Rio de Janeiro : [publisher not identified], 1963.[Place of manufacture not identified] : Departamento de Impr. Nacional, 1963. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
8. Anteprojeto de Código do processo penal : Apresentado ao Exmo. Sr. João Mangabeira, Ministro da Justiça e Negócios Interiores / pelo professor Helio Tornaghi. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Brazil [Browse] Rio de Janeiro : [Departamento de Imprensa Nacional], 1963. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
9. Anteprojeto de Código penal / elaborado por Nelson Hungria ; e mandado publicar pelo Sr. Ministro da Justiça e Negócios Interiores, para receber sugestões. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Hungria, Nélson [Browse] Rio de Janeiro : [publisher not identified], 1963.[Place of manufacture not identified] : Departamento de Impr. Nacional, 1963. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
10. The Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory orders and regulations : consolidated index and table of statutory orders and regulations : January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1962. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Canada [Browse] Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C., Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1963. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
11. The Canada gazette. Part II, Statutory orders and regulations : consolidated index and table of statutory orders and regulations : January 1, 1955 to December 31, 1961. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Canada [Browse] Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, F.R.S.C., Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1962. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
12. Codice della legislazione amministrativa / [a cura di] Aldo M. Sandulli, professore ordinario dell'università di Napoli. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Italy [Browse] Roma : Casa editrice stamperia nazionale, 1962. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
13. Obras jurídicas completas : códigos de procedimiento civil, enjuiciamiento criminal y penal : concordados y anotados con la jurisprudencia del màs alto tribunal de la República / Dr. A. Valdivieso Montaño. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Venezuela [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1962]Caracas, Venezuela : Tip. C. de T.P., 1962. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
14. Exposición de motivos y proyecto de Código penal. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Venezuela [Browse] Caracas : [publisher not identified], 1961. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
15. Revised regulations of Ontario, 1960 : a revision and consolidation of regulations published under the authority of the Regulations revision act, 1959. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Ontario [Browse] Toronto : F. Fogg, Queen's printer, [1961] Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
16. The revised statutes of British Columbia, 1960 / proclaimed and published under authority of the "Revised Statutes Act, 1960," being chapter 50 of the Statutes of the Province of British Columbia, 1960. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 British Columbia [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1960-1961][Victoria?] : Don McDiarmid, printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, 1960-1961. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
17. Revised statutes of Ontario, 1960 : being a revision and consolidation of the Public General Acts of the Legislature of Ontario, published under the authority of the Statutes Revision Act, 1959, in five volumes. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Ontario [Browse] Toronto : Printed and published by the Queen's Printer, [1960] Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
18. Annotator (volume I) to the laws of Jamaica : containing amendments to the laws from 2nd June, 1953 to 31st December, 1957 / prepared by D.O. Swane (under the supervision of the chief legal draftsman). Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Kingston : Government Printer, 1959. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
19. Reprint of the statutes of New Zealand, 1908-1957. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 New Zealand [Browse] Wellington, New Zealand : R.E. Owen, government printer, 1958-1961. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark
20. Revised ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1958 : being a revision of the Consolidated ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1914, with the subsequent Public general ordinances consolidated to the 31st day of December, 1958. Making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970., The making of modern law: Foreign primary sources, 1600-1970 Yukon Territory [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1958]Ottawa : Edmond Cloutier, C.M.G., O.A., D.S.P., Queen's printer and controller of stationery, 1958. Book Online Making of Modern Law: Foreign Primary Sources, 1600-1970 Bookmark