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7. Anteprojeto de Código civil : apresentado ao Exmo. Sr. João Mangabeira, Ministro da Justiça e Negócios Interiores, em 31 de março de 1963 / pelo Prof. Orlando Gomes.

9. Anteprojeto de Código penal / elaborado por Nelson Hungria ; e mandado publicar pelo Sr. Ministro da Justiça e Negócios Interiores, para receber sugestões.

13. Obras jurídicas completas : códigos de procedimiento civil, enjuiciamiento criminal y penal : concordados y anotados con la jurisprudencia del màs alto tribunal de la República / Dr. A. Valdivieso Montaño.

16. The revised statutes of British Columbia, 1960 / proclaimed and published under authority of the "Revised Statutes Act, 1960," being chapter 50 of the Statutes of the Province of British Columbia, 1960.

20. Revised ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1958 : being a revision of the Consolidated ordinances of the Yukon Territory, 1914, with the subsequent Public general ordinances consolidated to the 31st day of December, 1958.

21. Derecho procesal penal : relación sobre las reformas del Código de enjuiciamiento criminal en el año 1957, y su exposición de motivos / por el doctor Julio César Acosta.

28. Revised ordinances of the Northwest Territories, 1956 : being a revision of the Consolidated ordinances of the Northwest Territories, 1898, with the subsequent public general ordinances consolidated to the 1st day of August, 1956.

30. Revised statutes of Nova Scotia, 1954 : being a consolidation and revision of the Public General Statutes of the Province, printed and published pursuant to chapter 9 of the Acts of 1951, the Statute Revision Act, 1951.

32. Revised statutes of Manitoba, 1954 : being a revision and consolidation of the Public General Acts of the Legislature of Manitoba to and Including Those of 1953 (Second Session), in four volumes.

35. The revised statutes of Newfoundland, 1952 : a revision and consolidation of the public general statutes of Newfoundland as contained in the Consolidated Statutes (Third Series) and as passed in the years 1917 to 1952 both inclusive / printed and published by and under the authority of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

36. The revised statutes of Saskatchewan, 1953 : published under the authority of the Act Respecting the Consolidation and Revision of The statutes of Saskatchewan, passed in the fifth session of the eleventh legislature.

38. Derecho penal peruano : comentarios a la parte general y parte especial del Código penal / Santiago Benites Sánchez, teniente coronel de la Guardia civil, abogado y profesor de la Escuela nacional de policía.

39. The Egyptian Civil Code : promulgated by law no. 131 of 1948 in force since the 15 October 1949 / English translation by Perrot, Fanner & Sims Marshall, lawyers, Cairo, Egypt.

40. The revised statutes of Canada, 1952 : proclaimed and published under the authority of the act, chapter 67 of the Statutes of Canada, 1948, as amended by chapter 23 of the Statutes of Canada, 1951, second session.