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105. מורה צדק : עיונים בתורתו של ג'ון רולס / עורכים, דניאל אטאס ודוד הד Moreh tsedeḳ : ʻiyunim be-torato shel G'on Rols / ʻorkhim, Daniyel Aṭas ṿe-Daṿid Hed. Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha- Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, 767 [2006 or 2007]ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, תשס"ז [2006 או 2007] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 44608.105
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109. החברה האזרחית כמרחב של שליטה והתנגדות : סטודנטים ושינוי חברתי באוניברסיטה העברית / גלית סעדה־אופיר. ha-Ḥevrah ha-ezraḥit ke-merḥav shel sheliṭah ṿe-hitnagdut. Meḥḳar ṿe-ʻiyun sotsyologyah., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 2 Saada-Ophir, Galit [Browse] ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י.ל. מאגנס, 2011. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 43805.718
110. שער לאמנות המודרנית : אמנות המאה התשע עשרה : מקראה / עריכה, מבואות והערות זיוה עמישי־מייזלש ; תרגום, נורית לוי. Shaʻar la-omanut ha-modernit : omanut ha-meʼah ha-teshaʻ ʻeśreh : miḳraʼah / ʻarikhah, mevoʼot ṿe-heʻarot, Ziṿah ʻAmishai-Maizelsh ; tirgum, Nurit Leṿi. Magnes omanut., מאגנס - אמנות., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2010.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י.ל. מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, 2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 42791.162
111. פחד מוות : הטרור ומופעיו באמנות ובתרבות הפופולרית / עורכות, דנה אריאלי־הורוביץ ודפנה סרינג. Paḥad maṿet : ha-ṭeror u-mofaʻaṿ be-omanut uva-tarbut ha-popularit / ʻorkhot, Danah Ariʼeli-Horovits ṿe-Dafnah Saring. Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2010.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י�ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 42791.165
112. יהדות פורטוגל במוקד : מחקרים על יהודים ויהודים בסתר / עורכים, יום טוב עסיס, משה אורפלי. Yahadut Porṭugal ba-moḳed : meḥḳarim ʻal Yehudim ṿi-Yehudim-be-seter / ʻorkhim, Yom Ṭov ʻAsis, Mosheh Orfali. Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2009.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c2009. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 44201.133
113. שתי פנים במראה : ייצוג ניצולי השואה בקולנוע הישראלי / ליאת שטייר־לבני. Shete panim ba-marʼah : yitsug nitsole ha-Shoʼah ba-ḳolnoʻa ha-Yiśreʼeli / Liʼat Shṭayer-Livni. Sifriyat eshkolot, ספרית אשכולות., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Livni, Liat, 1979- [Browse]שטייר־לבני, ליאת, 1973- [Browse] Yerushalayim : Mekhon Eshkol, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, 769 [2008 or 2009]ירושלים : מכון אשכול, האוניברסיטה העברית : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מגנס, 769 [2008 or 2009]. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 43805.467
114. קולות הקוראים : מעשה הקריאה בסביבת התקשורת הרב ערוצית / חנה אדוני, הלל נוסק. Ḳolot ha-ḳorʼim : maʻaśeh ha-keriʼah bi-sevivat ha-tiḳshoret ha-rav ʻarutsit / Ḥanah Adoni, Hilel Noseḳ. Sifriyat eshkolot., ספריית אשכולות., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Adoni, Hanna [Browse]אדוני, חנה [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, 767 [2006 or 2007]ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י.ל. מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, 767 [2006 or 2007] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 43805.141
115. דפוסים בתרגום חינוכי / עריכה יונתן כהן, אלי הולצר. Defusim be-targum ḥinukhi / ʻarikhah Yonatan Kohen ; Eli Holtser. ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi 13., עיונים בחינוך היהודי ; 13., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1, ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi ; 13, עיונים בחינוך היהודי ; 13 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha- Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, 769, 2008.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, תשס"ט, 2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 43754.461
116. השפה העברית בעידן הגלובליזציה / עורכות נאוה נבו ועלית אולשטיין. ha-Śafah ha-ʻIvrit be-ʻidan ha-globalizatsyah / ʻorkhot Naṿah Nevo ṿe-ʻElit Olshṭain. ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi 12., עיונים בחינוך היהודי ; 12., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1, ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi 12, ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi ; 12, עיונים בחינוך היהודי ; 12 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha- Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, 2007.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, תשס"ח 2007. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 42304.150
117. שמואל דוד לוצאטו : מאתיים שנה להולדתו / ערכו ראובן בונפיל, יצחק גוטליב וחנה כשר. Shemuʼel Daṿid Lutsaṭo : matayim shanah le-huladto / ʻarkhu Reʼuven Bonfil, Yitsḥaḳ Goṭlib ṿe-Ḥanah Kasher. Iṭalyah. Kinusim, sidrat musafim ; 2., איטליה. כינוסים, סדרת מוספים ; 2., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1, Iṭalyah. Kinusim, sidrat musafim 2., Iṭalyah. Kinusim, sidrat musafim ; 2, איטליה. כינוסים, סדרת מוספים ; 2 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2004.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י״ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c2004. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 42901.167
118. פונדמנטליזם יהודי והר הבית / מוטי ענברי. Fundamenṭalizm Yehudi ṿe-Har ha-bayit / Moti ʻInbari. Sifriyat eshkolot, ספרית אשכולות., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Inbari, Motti [Browse]ענברי, מוטי [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit : Sifriyat Eshkolot, Mekhon Eshkol, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c768, c2008.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י״ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית : ספריית אשכולות, מכון אשכול, האוניברסיטה העברית, c768, c2008. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS109.28 .I5313 2009
119. נשים ומגדר במזרח התיכון במאה העשרים / עורכות, רות רודד, נוגה אפרתי. Nashim u-migdar ba-Mizraḥ ha-Tikhon ba-meʼah ha-ʻeśrim / ʻorkhot, Rut Roded, Nogah Efrati מאגנס - לימודי המזרח התיכון, Magnes - Limude ha-Mizraḥ ha-tikhon, Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c769 [c2008 or c2009]ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c799 [c2008 or c2009]. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 44809.846
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121. מי שולט על הצבא? : בין פיקוח על הצבא לשליטה בצבאיות / יגיל לוי. Mi sholeṭ ʻal ha-tsava? : ben piḳuaḥ ʻal ha-tsava li-shelitah bi-tsevaʼiyut / Yagil Leṿi. Sifriyat eshkolot., ספריית אשכולות., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Levy, Yagil, 1958- [Browse]לוי, יגיל, 1958- [Browse] Yerushalayim : Mekhon Eshkolot, ha-Universiṭat ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, c2010.ירושלים : מכון אשכולות, האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י׳׳ל מגנס, c2010. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 43461.486
122. שפות וספרויות בחינוך היהודי : מחקרים לכבודו של מיכאל רוזנק / עורך, יונתן כהן. Śafot ṿe-sifruyot ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi : meḥḳarim li-khevodo shel Mikhaʼel Rozenaḳ / ʻorekh, Yonatan Kohen. ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi 11., עיונים בחינוך היהודי ; 11., Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1, ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi 11, ʻIyunim ba-ḥinukh ha-Yehudi ; 11, עיונים בחינוך היהודי ; 11 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha- Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2006.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c2006. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 42304.105
123. The pinnacle of hatred : the blood libel and the Jews / Darren O'Brien. Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 2., Magnes Press e-books. O'Brien, Darren [Browse] Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2011. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage
124. הקיסרים הסוורים : הביוגרפיות של ספטימיוס סוורוס, פסקניוס ניגר, קלודיוס אלבינוס, אנוטונינוס קרקלה, אנטונינוס גטה, אופיליוס מקרינוס, אנטוניוס דיאדומניאנוס, אנטוניוס אלגבלוס, אלכסנדר סוורוס / תרגם מלטינית, הוסיף מבוא והערות דוד גולן. ha-Ḳesarim ha-Seṿerim : ha-biyografyot shel Sepṭimiyus Seṿerus, Pesḳeniyus Niger, Ḳlodiyus Albinus, Anṭoniyus Ḳaraḳalah, Anṭoniyus Geṭah, Opiliyus Maḳrinus, Anṭoniyus Diʼadumeniʼanus, Anṭoniyus Elagabalus, Aleksander Seṿerus / tirgem mi-Laṭinit, hosif mavo ṿe-heʻarot Daṿid Golan. היסטוריה אוגוסטה, Hisṭoryah Ogusṭah, Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha- Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2009.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י.ל. מאגנס, c2009. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 44809.1324
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126. נאשה פרסה : עיתונות יהודית ברוסיה הבתר־סובייטית / יובל שחל ; עריכה מדעית, עמית קמה. Nashah presah : ʻitonut Yehudit be-Rusyah ha-batar-Sovyeṭit / Yuval Shaḥal ; ʻarikhah madaʻit, ʻAmit Ḳamah. Shahal, Yuval, 1958-2006 [Browse]שחל, יובל, 1958-2006 [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2010.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע״ש י.ל. מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c2010. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » PN5650 .S483 2010
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129. כרם חמד : חכמת ישראל היא ״יבנה החדשה״ : מפתח מוער לכרם חמד, כתב־העת העברי של ההשכלה בגליציה ובאיטליה, תקצ״ג־תרט״ז / מאת משה פלאי. Kerem ḥemed : Ḥokhmat Yiśraʼel hi "Yavneh ha-ḥadashah" : mafteaḥ muʼar le-Kerem ḥemed : ketav-ha-ʼet ha-ʻIvri shel ha-Haśkalah be-Galitsiyah uve-Iṭalyah, 593-616 / me-ʼet Mosheh Peli. Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Pelli, Moshe [Browse]פלאי, משה [Browse] Yerushalayim : Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, c2009.ירושלים : הוצאת ספרים ע�ש י״ל מאגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית, c2009. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Heb 44309.243
130. On Germans and Jews under the Nazi Regime : essays by three generations of historians ; a Festschrift in honor of Otto Dov Kulka / edited by Moshe Zimmermann. Magnes Press e-books, Judaica e-books : Magnes Press - Batch 1 Jerusalem : Magnes, 2006. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS134.255 .O52 2006
131. Studies in Mishnaic Hebrew / edited by Moshe Bar-Asher ; assistant editor, Steven E. Fassberg. Scripta Hierosolymitana ; v. 37 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, [1998]copyright 1998 Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
132. Italia : studi e ricerche sulla cultura e sulla letteratura degli ebrei d'Italia 22 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 2013. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
133. Italia : studi e ricerche sulla cultura e sulla letteratura degli ebrei d'Italia 21 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 2012. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
134. Italia : studi e ricerche sulla cultura e sulla letteratura degli ebrei d'Italia 20 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 2010. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
135. Italia : studi e ricerche sulla cultura e sulla letteratura degli ebrei d'Italia 19 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 2009. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
136. Italia : studi e ricerche sulla cultura e sulla letteratura degli ebrei d'Italia 18 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 2008. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
137. Italia : studi e ricerche sulla cultura e sulla letteratura degli ebrei d'Italia 16 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 2004. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
138. Studies in Mishnaic Hebrew / edited by Moshe Bar-Asher ; asistant editor, Steven E. Fassberg. Scripta Hierosolymitana, 0080-8369 ; v. 37, Pirsume ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit, 0080-8369 ; ḳovets 37. Jerusalem : Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, 1998. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ4903 .S883 1998
139. Sefer Pitron Torah : a collection of Midrashim and interpretations / edited from a manuscript with introduction, annotations, and indices by Ephraim E. Urbach. Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 1978. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1225 .P53 1978
140. Labor, crafts, and commerce in ancient Israel / Moshe Aberbach. Aberbach, Moses [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1994. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BM509.E27 A23 1994
141. The future-directed character of the American experience, by Yehoshua Ariely. Arieli, Yehoshua [Browse] Jerusalem, Magnes Press, 1966. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 1066.128
142. "And you shall tell your son-- " : the concept of the Exodus in the Bible / Yair Zakovitch. Zakovitch, Yair [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1991. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BS680.E9 Z34 1991
143. Collected writings in Jewish studies / Ephraim E. Urbach ; edited by Robert Brody, Moshe D. Herr. Urbach, Efraim Elimelech, 1912-1991 [Browse] Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press, c1999 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM520.5 .U72 1999
144. The European Colloquium on Medical Ethics : Jewish Perspectives / edited by Avraham Steinberg. European Colloquium on Medical Ethics--Jewish Perspectives (1986 : Basel, Switzerland) [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, The Hebrew University, 1989. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » R724 .E87 1986
145. Some aspects of the development of English personal law in the last century, by Seymour E. Karminski. Lionel Cohen lectures ; 9th series, 1962., Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Lionel Cohen lectures, 9th ser., December 1962 Karminski, Seymour E. (Seymour Edward), Sir, 1902- [Browse] Jerusalem, Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1963. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HQ1019.G8K15
146. Corpus papyrorum Judaicarum, edited by Victor A. Tcherikover, in collaboration with Alexander Fuks. Tcherikover, Avigdor, 1895-1958 [Browse] Cambridge, Published for the Magnes Press, Hebrew University [by] Harvard University Press, 1957-64. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Graduate Study Room » DS135.E4 T355 1957Loading...Firestone Library - Circulation Desk (3 Hour Reserve) » DS135.E4 T355 1957
147. The sages, their concepts and beliefs / Ephraim E. Urbach ; translated from the Hebrew by Israel Abrahams. Publications of the Perry Foundation in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Urbach, Efraim Elimelech, 1912-1991 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1975. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM504.3 .U713
148. The language and linguistic background of the Isaiah Scroll / by E. Y. Kutscher. Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah ; v. 6., Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah ; v. 6 Kutscher, Edward Yechezkel, 1909-1971 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, 1959. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BM487 .S783 v.6
149. Armenian manuscripts of the David and Jemima Jeselsohn Collection / Christina Maranci, Michael E. Stone. Jeselsohn collection books and manuscripts., The Jeselsohn collection books and manuscripts Maranci, Christina, 1968- [Browse] Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, [2023] Book Online Online Content
150. Jewish identity : the case of Ethiopian Jewry / Michael Corinaldi. Corinaldi, Michael [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1998. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS135.E75 C6713 1998
151. Aramaic ostraca of the fourth century BC from Idumaea / Israel Eph'al and Joseph Naveh. Ephʻal, Israel [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, Israel Exploration Society, c1996. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5208.A5 E64 1996
152. Jews, Arabs, Turks : selected essays / Jacob M. Landau. Landau, Jacob M. [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1993. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS119.8.E8 L362 1993
153. Al kanfei Yonah : collected studies of Jonas C. Greenfield on Semitic philology / edited by Shalom Paul, Michael E. Stone, and Avital Pinnick. Greenfield, Jonas C. (Jonas Carl), 1926-1995 [Browse] Leiden ; Boston : Brill ; Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2001. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ3003 .G675 2001
154. Studies in American civilization / edited on behalf of the Department of American Studies by E. Miller Budick, Arthur A. Goren, Shlomo Slonim. Scripta Hierosolymitana, 0080-8369 ; v. 32 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1987. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » AS591.J47 A433 v.32
155. The Evolution of the Exodus tradition / Samuel E. Loewenstamm ; translated from the Hebrew by Baruch J. Schwartz. Sidrat sefarim le-ḥeḳer ha-Miḳra mi-yisudo shel S. Sh. Peri, Publication of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Loewenstamm, Samuel E. [Browse] Jerusalem : The Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BS1245.2 .L63813 1992
156. The Jews in their land in the Talmudic age, 70-640 C.E. / Gedaliah Alon ; translated and edited by Gershon Levi. Alon, Gedalia [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, the Hebrew University, 1980-1984. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » DS123.5 .A713
157. Studies in economic and social sciences / edited on behalf of the Eliezar Kaplan School of Economics and Social Sciences by Roberto Bachi. Scripta Hierosolymitana, v.3 Bachi, Roberto, 1909-1995 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1956. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HN761.P2J4
158. Research ethics / edited by Ruth Landau and Gaby Shefler ; [translated by Donna Bossin]. Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, c2011. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » Q180.55.M67 E8513 2011
159. Albert Einstein : the persistent illusion of transience / Albert Einstein Archives (ed.), Ze'ev Rosenkranz, Barbara Wolff. [Jerusalem] : Albert Einstein Archives : Magnes Press, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2007. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » QC16.E5 A69 2007q Oversize
160. From Babylon to Canaan : studies in the Bible and its oriental background / Samuel E. Loewenstamm. Sidrat sefarim le-ḥeḳer ha-Miḳra mi-yisudo shel S. Sh. Peri, Publication of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Loewenstamm, Samuel E. [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1992. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1192 .L586 1992
161. Envisioning Israel : the changing ideals and images of North American Jews / edited by Allon Gal. American Jewish civilization series Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Detroit : Wayne State University Press, c1996. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS132 .E58 1996
162. Europe's century of discontent : the legacies of fascism, nazism, and communism / edited by Shlomo Avineri and Zeev Sternhell. Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press, c2003. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » JC480 .E87 2003
163. Essays and studies in librarianship presented to Curt David Wormann on his seventy-fifth birthday / [edited by M. Nadav, J. Rothschild]. Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1975. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » Z674 .E78
164. The laws of Eshnunna / by Reuven Yaron. Yaron, Reuven, 1924-2014 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, 1988. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KBB .Y37
165. Studies in mysticism and religion, presented to Gershom G. Scholem on his seventieth birthday by pupils, colleagues and friends. [Edited by E. E. Urbach, R. J. Zwi Werblowsky and Ch. Wirszubski] Jerusalem, Magnes Press, Hebrew University [ha-Mekhirah ha-rashit: Yavneh, Tel-Aviv] 1967. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » BL25.S68
166. Revolt : the social and military aspects of the ʻAbbāsid revolution : black banners from the East II [electronic resource] / Moshe Sharon. The Max Schloessinger memorial series. Revolt Sharon, Moshe [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press-The Hebrew University, 1990. Book Online ACLS Humanities eBook
167. Explorations in comparative history / edited by Benjamin Z. Kedar. Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press, c2009. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » D13 .E96 2009
168. The experience of immigration : a literary perspective on immigration to Israel / Yehoshua S. Cohen ; [translated from the Hebrew by Michael Gordon]. Cohen, Yehoshua S., 1937- [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1998. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PJ5030.E45 C65 1998
169. The ancient Arabs : nomads on the borders of the fertile crescent, 9th-5th century B.C. / Israel Ephʻal. Ephʻal, Israel [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1984. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS38 .E632 1984
170. Hebrew and Aramaic studies / Eduard Yechezkel Kutscher ; edited by Zeev Ben-Hayyim, Aharon Dotan, Gad Sarfatti with the assistance of Moshe Bar-Asher. Kutscher, Edward Yechezkel, 1909-1971 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1977. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » PJ4515 .K87
171. Social conflict in ancient Greece / by Alexander Fuks. Fuks, Alexander, 1917-1978 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1984. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » HN650.5.A8 F847
172. Early history of the alphabet : an introduction to West Semitic epigraphy and palaeography / by Joseph Naveh. Naveh, Joseph [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1982. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » P211 .N38
173. Educational advancement and distributive justice : between equality and equity : essays in honor of Professor Chaim Adler / edited by Reuven Kahane. New vistas in education and society series, 0793-3916 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, c1995. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » LC191.2 .E4 1995
174. The formation of Nabatean art : prohibition of a graven image among the Nabateans / Joseph Patrich. Patrich, J. (Joseph) [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press ; Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill, c1990. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS154.22 .P38 1990
175. Emphatic words and structures in biblical Hebrew / by T. Muraoka. Muraoka, T. [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden : E.J. Brill, c1985. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ4725 .M87 1985
176. Studies in early Ismāʻīlism / by S.M. Stern. The Max Schloessinger memorial series. Monographs ; 1 Stern, S. M. (Samuel Miklos), 1920-1969 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1983. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BP195.I8 S74 1983
177. Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August 16-21, 1981 : panel sessions, Jewish history. World Congress of Jewish Studies (8th : 1981 : Jerusalem) [Browse] Jerusalem : World Union of Jewish Studies : Distribution by Magnes Press, 1984. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » E184.J5 W89 1981
178. Studies in the Bible : edited on behalf of the Institute of Jewish Studies in the Faculty of Humanities / by Chaim Rabin. Scripta hierosolymitana ; v. 8 Rabin, Chaim, 1915-1996 [Browse] Jerusalem : At the Magnes Press ; Hebrew University, 1961. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
179. Studies in Abu'l-Barakāt al-Baghdādī : physics and metaphysics / by Shlomo Pines. Pines, Shlomo, 1908-1990. Works. 1979 v. 1., The Collected works of Shlomo Pines ; v. 1 Pines, Shlomo, 1908-1990 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press ; Leiden : E.J.Brill, 1979. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » B748.A24 P53
180. Medieval English Jews and royal officials : entries of Jewish interest in the English memoranda rolls / edited, translated, and annotated by Zefira Entin Rokéaḥ. Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, c2000. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS135.E5 M424 2000
181. The history of King Lear / [adapted from Shakespeare by] Nahum Tate ; edited by James Black. Regents restoration drama series Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 [Browse] Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [1975] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR2878.K4T3.1975Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR2878.K4T3.1975View Record for Full Availability
182. Biblical Hebrew in its Northwest Semitic setting : typological and historical perspectives / edited by Steven E. Fassberg and Avi Hurvitz. Publication of the Institute for Advanced Studies, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; 1 Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press ;, 2006. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
183. The role of the judicial process in the regulation of competition / by Sir W.J. Kenneth Diplock. Lionel Cohen lectures ; 13th ser., 1967., Lionel Cohen lectures / the Hebrew University of Jerusalem ; 13th ser., 1967 Diplock, Kenneth, Sir [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; London, England : Distributed in Great Britain, the British Commonwealth and Europe by the Oxford University Press, 1967 [i.e. 1968] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD2846 .D5
184. The city besieged : siege and its manifestations in the ancient Near East / Israel Ephʻal. Sidrat sefarim le-ḥeḳer ha-Miḳra mi-yisudo shel S. Sh. Peri, Publications of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Ephʻal, Israel [Browse] Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press, c2013. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » UG444 .E6413 2013
185. The ancient Arabs : nomads on the borders of the Fertile Crescent 9th-5th centuries B.C. / Israel Ephʻal. Ephʻal, Israel [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press ; Leiden : E.J. Brill : Distributed by N. V. Boekhandle, 1982. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS231 .E63
186. Studies in the cultural life of the Jews in England / edited by Dov Noy, Issachar Ben-Ami. Meḥḳere ha-Merkaz le-ḥeḳer ha-folḳlor ; 5., Folklore Research Center Studies ; 5 Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University, 1975. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS135.E5 .S46 1975
187. סיפורה של מערכת החינוך הישראלית: בין ריכוזיות לביזור; בין מוצהר לנסתר; בין חיקוי לייחוד Raichel, Nirit [Browse] Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2008.©2008. Book
188. Amulets and magic bowls : Aramaic incantations of late antiquity / by Joseph Naveh, Shaul Shaked. Naveh, Joseph [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden : Distributed by E.J. Brill, c1985. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PJ5208.A2 N38
189. Black banners from the East : the establishment of the ʻAbbāsid state : incubation of a revolt / by Moshe Sharon. The Max Schloessinger memorial series. Monographs ; 2 Sharon, Moshe, 1937- [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden, Holland : E.J. Brill, 1983. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DS38.5 .S56 1983
190. Ancient place names in the Holy Land : preservation and history / by Yoel Elitzur. Elitsur, Yoel [Browse] Jerusalem : Hebrew University, Magnes Press ; Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns, 2004. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Graduate Study Room » BS630 .E55 2004
191. Studies in Arabic versions of Greek texts and in mediaeval science / by Shlomo Pines. Pines, Shlomo, 1908-1990. Works. 1979 v. 2., The Collected works of Shlomo Pines ; v. 2 Pines, Shlomo, 1908-1990 [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University ; Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1986. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Near East Collections » B744.3 .P56 1986Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » B744.3 .P56 1986
192. Beyond the glory : community rabbis in Eastern Europe / Mordechai Zalkin. Zalḳin, Mordekhai [Browse] Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2021]Jerusalem : The Hebrew University Magnes Press, [2021] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM376.E852 Z35 2021
193. Yiddish letters : from the seventeenth-century world of Glikl Hamel / Arthur Arnheim and Chava Turniansky. Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press, 2020. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS135.E82 Y53 2020
194. The commentary of R. Samuel ben Meir (Rashbam) on Qoheleth / edited and translated by Sara Japhet, Robert B. Salters. Publications of the Perry Foundation for Biblical Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Samuel ben Meir, active 11th century-12th century [Browse] Jerusalem : Magnes Press ; Leiden : E.J. Brill, c1985. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BS1475.3 .S35 1985
195. The Dead Sea scrolls : forty years of research / edited by Devorah Dimant and Uriel Rappaport. Studies on the texts of the desert of Judah, 0169-9962 ; v. 10 Leiden ; New York : E.J. Brill ; Jerusalem : Magnes Press, Hebrew University : Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, c1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BM487 .D44 1992
196. Palestine: a search for truth; approaches to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Edited by Alan R. Taylor and Richard N. Tetlie. Taylor, Alan R. [Browse] Washington, Public Affairs Press [1970] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » DS119.7 .T38
197. Essays on the foundations of mathematics. Dedicated to A. A. Fraenkel on his seventieth anniversary. Edited by Y. Bar-Hillel [and others] for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit bi-Yerushalayim [Browse] Jerusalem, Magnes Press Hebrew University, 1966. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8101.357.329.1966
198. מחקרים בלשון . 14-15 העורכים - אהרן ממן ושמואל פסברג. ירושלים : האוניברסיטה העברית ירושלים : המכון למדעי היהדות ; תשע"ג 2013.הוצאת מאגנס, תשע"ג 2013. Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
199. תולדות השירה העברית בספרד הנוצרית ובדרום צרפת שירמן, חיים [Browse] הוצאת מאגנס Book Online Magnes Press - The Hebrew University - האוניברסיטה העברית - מאגנס
200. The Toronto school of communication theory : interpretations, extensions, applications / edited by Rita Watson and Menahem Blondheim. [Toronto] : University of Toronto Press ; Jerusalem : Hebrew University Magnes Press, c2007. Book Online Ebook Central Perpetual, DDA and Subscription Titles