1. Scattering theory in quantum mechanics : physical principles and mathematical methods / Werner O. Amrein, Josef M. Jauch, Kalyan B. Sinha. Lecture notes and supplements in physics ; 16 Amrein, Werner O. [Browse] Reading, Mass. : W. A. Benjamin, Advanced Book Program, 1977. Book Loading...Lewis Library - Stacks » QC20.7.S3 A47 Bookmark
2. Scattering theory in quantum mechanics : physical principles and mathematical methods / Werner O. Amrein, Josef M. Jauch, Kalyan B. Sinha. Lecture notes and supplements in physics ; 16., Lecture notes and supplements in physics ; 16 Amrein, Werner O. [Browse] Reading, Mass. : W. A. Benjamin, Advanced Book Program, 1977. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QC20.7 .S3A47 Bookmark
3. Scattering theory in quantum mechanics : physical principles and mathematical methods / Werner O. Amrein, Josef M. Jauch, Kalyan B. Sinha. Lecture notes and supplements in physics, 16 Amrein, Werner O. [Browse] Reading, Mass. : W. A. Benjamin, Advanced Book Program, 1977. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » JSE 78-639 Bookmark
4. Introduction to dispersion techniques in field theory. Lecture notes and supplements in physics Barton, Gabriel [Browse] New York, W.A. Benjamin, 1965. Book Loading...Lewis Library - Stacks » QC721 .B23 Bookmark
5. Introduction to dispersion techniques in field theory. Lecture notes and supplements in physics Barton, Gabriel [Browse] New York, W.A. Benjamin, 1965. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PAT (Barton, G. Introduction to dispersion techniques in field theory) Bookmark
6. Introduction to dispersion techniques in field theory. Lecture notes and supplements in physics. Barton, Gabriel [Browse] New York : W. A. Benjamin, 1965. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QC721 .B23 Bookmark
7. Lectures on quantum mechanics. Lecture notes and supplements in physics Baym, Gordon [Browse] New York, W.A. Benjamin, 1969. Book Loading...Harold P. Furth Plasma Physics Library - Stacks » QC174.1 .B35Loading...Lewis Library - Stacks » QC174.1 .B35 Bookmark
8. Lectures on quantum mechanics. Lecture notes and supplements in physics Baym, Gordon [Browse] New York, W.A. Benjamin, 1969. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PAT (Baym, G. Lectures on quantum mechanics) Bookmark
9. Lectures on quantum mechanics / Gordon Baym. Lecture notes and supplements in physics Baym, Gordon [Browse] Menlo Park, Ca. : Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., [1974] c1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QC174.1 .B35 1974b Bookmark
10. Lectures on quantum mechanics / Gordon Baym. Lecture notes and supplements in physics Baym, Gordon [Browse] Reading, Mass. : W. A. Benjamin, c1974, c1973. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » QC174.12 .B35 1973 Bookmark