1. Catalogue of an exhibition of Bibles in commemoration of the four-hundredth anniversary of the publication of Tindale's first printed New Testament, 1525; with a prefatory sketch and notes by George Milligan. Glasgow university publications. II University of Glasgow. Library [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1925. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » Z7770 .U558 1925 Bookmark
2. Catalogue of an exhibition of Bibles in commemoration of the four-hundredth anniversary of the publication of Tindale's first printed New Testament, 1525 / with a prefatory sketch and notes by George Milligan. Glasgow University publications ; 2., Glasgow university publications. II University of Glasgow. Library [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1925. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 220 AG463 Bookmark
3. The Hunterian museum in the old college of Glasgow, by David Murray. Glasgow university publications, I Murray, David, 1842-1928 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1925. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8026.395.66 Bookmark
4. The Hunterian museum in the old college of Glasgow / by David Murray. Glasgow University publications ; 1., Glasgow university publications, I Murray, David, 1842-1928 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1925. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 378.41 GE Bookmark
5. The league of nations; address delivered to the students of the University of Glasgow, by the Right Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain ... on November 2nd, 1926, on the occasion of his installation as rector. Glasgow university publications. V Chamberlain, Austen, Sir, 1863-1937 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1926. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JZ4871 .C436 1926 Bookmark
6. Sir William Macewen, an oration by Archibald Young...delivered in the University at the commemoration of benefactors on 23rd June 1926. Glasgow university publications. IV Young, Archibald, 1873- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1926. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8955.606.98 Bookmark
7. Sir William Macewen : an oration / by Archibald Young...delivered in the University at the commemoration of benefactors on 23rd June 1926. Glasgow University publications ; 4., Glasgow university publications. IV Young, Archibald, 1873-1939 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1926. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » R489.M15 Y8 Bookmark
8. Centenary of Lord Lister, 1827-1927 ; reminiscences of Lister and of his work in the wards of the Glasgow royal infirmary, 1860-1869 / by Sir Hector Clare Cameron... Glasgow University publications ; 6., Glasgow university publications ; vol. 6 Cameron, Hector Clare, Sir, 1843-1928 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, 1927. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » R489.L69 C14 Bookmark
9. Memories of the old College of Glasgow; some chapters in the history of the university, by David Murray. Glasgow university publications. III Murray, David, 1842-1928 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1927. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6817.666 Bookmark
10. Memories of the old College of Glasgow ; some chapters in the history of the university / by David Murray. Glasgow University publications ; 3., Glasgow university publications. III Murray, David, 1842-1928 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1927. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 378.41 GE2 Bookmark
11. the meningiomas arising from the olfactory groove and their removal by the aid of electro-surgery, by Harvey Cushing. Glasgow university publications. IX Cushing, Harvey, 1869-1939 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1927. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8989.279 Bookmark
12. Reminiscences of Lister an of his work in the wards of the Glasgow royal infirmary, 1860-1869, by Sir Hector Clare Cameron. Glasgow university publications, VI Cameron, Hector Clare, Sir, 1843- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1927. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8955.59.23 Bookmark
13. The Suasoriae of Seneca the Elder; introductory essay, text, translation and explanatory notes; being the 'Liber suasoriarum' of the work entitled L. Annaei Senecae Oratorum et rhetorum sententiae, divisiones, colores, by William A. Edward. University of Glasgow Glasgow university publications. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 55 B.C.-approximately 39 A.D. [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1928. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » PA6659 .S464 1928 Bookmark
14. The Suasoriae of Seneca the Elder / introductory essay, text, translations and explanatory notes; being the 'Liber suasoriarum' of the work entitled L. Annaei Senecae Oratorum et thetorum sententiae, divisiones, colores, by William A. Edward. Glasgow University publications. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, approximately 55 B.C.-approximately 39 A.D. [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : The University press, 1928. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PA6659 .A23 1928 Bookmark
15. Thomas Campbell, an oration, by W. Macneile Dixon...Delivered in the University at the Commemoration of benefactors on 20th June, 1928. Glasgow university publications.XII Dixon, W. Macneile (William Macneile), 1866-1945 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1928. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR4413 .D596 1928 Bookmark
16. Address on his installation as chancellor of the University of Glasgow on 4 March 1930, by Sir Donald MacAlister of Tarbert. Glasgow university publications. XV MacAlister, Donald, Sir, 1854- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1930. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6817.606 Bookmark
17. The dawn and epic of neurology and surgery, by Sir Charles Ballance. Glasgow university publications XVI Ballance, Charles Alfred, Sir, 1856-1936 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1930. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8954.143 Bookmark
18. The dawn and epic of neurology and surgery / by Sir Charles Ballance. Glasgow university publications XVI Ballance, Charles Alfred, Sir, 1856-1936 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1930. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » PTA+ (Glasgow University. Publications. no. 16) Bookmark
19. The new world; address delivered to the students of the University of Glasgow, by the Right Hon. Stanley Baldwin...on January 20, 1920, on the occasion of his installation as rector. Glasgow university publications. XIV Baldwin, Stanley, 1867-1947 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1930. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 1410.145 Bookmark
20. The printed books in the Library of the Hunterian museum in the University of Glasgow; a catalogue prepared by Mungo Ferguson ... with a topographical index by David Baird Smith ... Glasgow University publications ; XVIII Hunterian Museum (University of Glasgow). Library [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & company, 1930. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » Z921.G53 H868 1930q Oversize Bookmark
21. Some caves and a rock shelter at Loch Ryan and Portpatrick, Galloway / By J. W. Gregory ... James Ritchie ... W. Q. Kennedy ... and Duncan Leitch ... University of Glasgow. Geological Department. Papers from the Geological department, Glasgow university ;, Glasgow University publications., [Papers from the Geological department, Glasgow university ; v. 13] Gregory, J. W. (John Walter), 1864-1932 [Browse] [Place of publication not identified], [1930] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 554.1 G863 Bookmark
22. The Fabrician types of insects in the Hunterian collection at Glasgow university. by Robert A. Staig. Glasgow university publications, XIX, Staig, Robert Arnot [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1931- Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Stacks » 88646.873 Bookmark
23. The Fabrician types of insects in the Hunterian collection at Glasgow university. by Robert A. Staig. Glasgow university publications, XIX, Staig, Robert Arnot [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] The University press, 1931- Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK+ (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 19, 50)View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
24. Scepticism and construction; Bradley's sceptical principle as the basis of constructive philosophy, by Charles A. Campbell. Glasgow university publications, XXIII Campbell, C. A. (Charles Arthur) [Browse] London, G. Allen & Unwin, ltd. [1931] Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6017.235 Bookmark
25. Scepticism and construction : Bradley's sceptical principle as the basis of constructive philosophy / by Charles A. Campbell. Glasgow University publications ; 23., Glasgow university publications, XXIII Campbell, Charles Arthur, 1897- [Browse] New York : Macmillan Co., [1931] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » YCB (Campbell, C. A. Scepticism and construction) Bookmark
26. Scepticism and construction; Bradley's sceptical principle as the basis of constructive philosophy, by Charles A. Campbell. Glasgow university publications, XXIII Campbell, Charles Arthur, 1897- [Browse] London, G. Allen & Unwin, ltd. [1931] Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 23) Bookmark
27. Two ancient English scholars, St. Aldhelm & William of Malmesbury. Being the first lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on June 9th, 1931, by M.R. James. Glasgow university publications XXII James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes), 1862-1936 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1931. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DA177 .J364 1931 Bookmark
28. Two ancient English scholars, St. Aldhelm & William of Malmesbury. Being the first lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on June 9th, 1931, by M.R. James. Glasgow university publications XXII James, M. R. (Montague Rhodes), 1862-1936 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1931. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 22)View Record for Full Availability Bookmark
29. Address by Compton Mackenzie ... Delivered in the St. Andrew's hall on January 29th, 1932, on the occasion of his installation as rector. Glasgow University publications. XXIV Mackenzie, Compton, 1883-1972 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1932. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 3839.9.311 Bookmark
30. Address / by Compton Mackenzie ... Delivered in the St. Andrew's hall on January 29th, 1932, on the occasion of his installation as rector. Glasgow University publications ; 24., Glasgow University publications. XXIV Mackenzie, Compton, 1883-1972 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie & co., 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 825M198 O Bookmark
31. Address by Compton Mackenzie ... Delivered in the St. Andrew's hall on January 29th, 1932, on the occasion of his installation as rector. Glasgow University publications. XXIV Mackenzie, Compton, 1883-1972 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 24) Bookmark
32. Catalogue of a collection of books and manuscripts : relating to the Darien scheme / presented to the University of Glasgow by Mr. J.J. Spencer. Making of the modern world, part III (1890-1945), Glasgow University publications, Glasgow university publications, The making of the modern world, part III (1890-1945) University of Glasgow. Library [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and Company, 1932. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
33. List of current periodicals. Glasgow university publications. XXV University of Glasgow. Library [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & co., 1932. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » Z6945 .U558 1932 Bookmark
34. List of current periodicals. Glasgow University publications ; 25., Glasgow university publications. XXV University of Glasgow. Library [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie & co., 1932. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 016.05 G462 Bookmark
35. Macquorn Rankine, professor of civil engineering and mechanics in the University of Glasgow, 1855 to 1872; an oration by Sir James B. Henderson, delivered in the University at the commemoration of benefactors on 15th June, 1932. University of Glasgow. Glasgow University Publications ;, Glasgow university publications. XXVI Henderson, James Blacklock, Sir, 1871- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1932. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 9032.746.45 Bookmark
36. The Hunterian coin cabinet, being the third lecture on the David Muray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 24th, 1933, by Sir George Macdonald. Glasgow university publications. XXIX MacDonald, George, 1862-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1933. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 1029.605.2 Bookmark
37. The Hunterian coin cabinet : being the third lecture on the David Muray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 24th, 1933 / by Sir George Macdonald. Glasgow University publications ; 29., Glasgow university publications. XXIX MacDonald, George, 1862-1940 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1933. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 737 G463 Bookmark
38. The origins of the general theory of relativity; being the first lecture on the George A. Gibson foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on June 20th, 1933, by Albert Einstein. Glasgow university publications, 30 Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1933. Book Loading...Lewis Library - Limited Access » QC6 .E445 Bookmark
39. The population of Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. [by] A. W. Gomme. University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Glasgow university publications, 28 Gomme, A. W. (Arnold Wycombe) [Browse] Oxford, B. Blackwell, 1933. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Collection » DF289 .G666 1933Loading...Firestone Library - Classics Graduate Study Room » DF289 .G666 1933 Bookmark
40. The British museum in war time; being the fourth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on June 11th, 1934, by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon. University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Glasgow University publications. 33 Kenyon, Frederic G. (Frederic George), Sir, 1863-1952 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1934. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » AM101.L66 K469 1934 Bookmark
41. The British museum in war time ; being the fourth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow / delivered on June 11th, 1934, by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon. Glasgow University publications ; 33., Glasgow University publications ; 33 Kenyon, Frederic G. (Frederic George), Sir, 1863-1952 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1934. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 027.5 B7753 Bookmark
42. The divergencies and convergencies of English and Scottish law : being the fifth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 21st, 1935 / by the Right Honourable Viscount Dunedin ... Glasgow University publications ; 38. Dunedin, Andrew Graham Murray, 1st viscount, 1849- [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD664 .D864 1935 Bookmark
43. The divergencies and convergencies of English and Scottish law : being the fifth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 21st, 1935 / by the Right Honourable Viscount Dunedin ... Glasgow University publications ; 38. Dunedin, Andrew Graham Murray, 1st viscount, 1849- [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 38) Bookmark
44. Experimental and clinical researches on angina pectoris and its surgical treatment, by Rene Leriche. Glasgow university publications. XXXV Lericke, René, 1879- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1935. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Stacks » 89715.581 Bookmark
45. Experimental and clinical researches on angina pectoris and its surgical treatment / by Rene Leriche. Glasgow University publications ; 35., Glasgow university publications. XXXV Leriche, René, 1879-1955 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RC685 .L56 Bookmark
46. Experimental and clinical researches on angina pectoris and its surgical treatment, by Rene Leriche. Glasgow university publications. XXXV Lericke, René, 1879- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow university. Publications. 34, 52, 80) Bookmark
47. New Mozartiana ; the Mozart relics in the Zavertal collection at the University of Glasgow, by Henry George Farmer ... and Herbert Smith. With ten portraits and facsimiles. Glasgow university publications, XXXVII [37] Farmer, Henry George, 1882-1965 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book Loading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks » ML410.M9 F2 Bookmark
48. New Mozartiana ; the Mozart relics in the Zavertal collection at the University of Glasgow / by Henry George Farmer ... and Herbert Smith. With ten portraits and facsimiles. Glasgow University publications ; XXXVII, 37., Glasgow University publications ; XXXVII, 37 Farmer, Henry George, 1882-1965 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ML410.M9 F3 Bookmark
49. New Mozartiana ; the Mozart relics in the Zavertal collection at the University of Glasgow, by Henry George Farmer ... and Herbert Smith. With ten portraits and facsimiles. Glasgow university publications, XXXVII [37] Farmer, Henry George, 1882- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow university. Publications. 34, 52, 80) Bookmark
50. In memoriam, Robert Sangster Rait, kt.,C.B.E., D.L., M.A., LL. D., principal of the University of Glasgow, 1929-1936. Glasgow university publications, XLI Glasgow, Jackson, son & co., 1936. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6817.745.49 Bookmark
51. James Watt, mathematical instrument maker to the University of Glasgow; an oration by Professor A. L. Mellanby, D. Sc. Delivered in the University on Commemoration day, 17th June, 1936. Glasgow university publications ; 40., Glasgow university publications ; 40 Mellanby, Alexander Lawson, 1871- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Co., 1936. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Eng 97.1.30 Bookmark
52. Parliament in the wars of the Roses; being the sixth lecture on the David Murray foundation foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 7th, 1936, by A. F. Pollard ... Glasgow University publications, XLII Pollard, A. F. (Albert Frederick), 1869-1948 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, publishers to the University, 1936. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JN515 .P655 1936 Bookmark
53. Adam Smith as student and professor, with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence, by William Robert Scott ... Glasgow University publications, XLVI Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Company, 1937. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HB75.S6S4 Bookmark
54. Adam Smith as student and professor : with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence / by William Robert Scott ... Glasgow University publications ; 46., Glasgow University publications ; XLVI Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 110 Sm57 Bookmark
55. Adam Smith as student and professor, with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence, by William Robert Scott ... Glasgow University publications, XLVI Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Company, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 46) Bookmark
56. Adam Smith as student and professor : with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence / by William Robert Scott, D. Phil., Litt. D., Hon. LL.D. (St. Andrews and Dublin), Adam Smith professor of political economy in the University of Glasgow and fellow of the British Academy. Glasgow University publications ; 46., Making of the modern world, part III (1890-1945), Glasgow University publications ; 46, The making of the modern world, part III (1890-1945) Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1937. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
57. Advances in modern surgery, by Professor Ferdinand Sauerbruch ... Glasgow university publications. XLV Sauerbruch, Ferdinand, 1875-1951 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Co., 1937. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Stacks » 8985.806 Bookmark
58. Art and truth, by J. W. R. Purser ... Glasgow University publications. XLVII Purser, J. W. R. (John W. R.) [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson,Son & Company, publishers to the University, 1937. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BH201 .P877 1937 Bookmark
59. Art and truth / by J. W. R. Purser ... Glasgow University publications ; 47., Glasgow University publications. XLVII Purser, J. W. R. (John W. R.) [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson,Son & Company, publishers to the University, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 701 P867 Bookmark
60. Six contemporaneous revolutions; being the seventh lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on April 22nd, 1937, by R. B. Merriman ... University of Glasgow. Glasgow university publications., Glasgow university publications, XLIV Merriman, Roger Bigelow, 1876-1945 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1937. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 14091.636 Bookmark
61. Adam Smith; an oration, by Professor W. R. Scott ... delivered in the University on commemoration day, 22nd June, 1938. Glasgow university publications, XLVIII Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1938. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HB75.S6S41 Bookmark
62. Adam Smith; an oration, by Professor W. R. Scott ... delivered in the University on commemoration day, 22nd June, 1938. Glasgow university publications, XLVIII Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1938. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 48) Bookmark
63. Don Antonio Agustin; being the eightth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on February 24th, 1939. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures ;, University of Glasgow. Publications, 51, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures, no. 8 De Zulueta, Francis, 1878-1958 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1939. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BX4705.A38 D498 1939 Bookmark
64. Don Antonio Agustin; being the eightth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on February 24th, 1939. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures ;, University of Glasgow. Publications, 51, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures, no. 8 De Zulueta, Francis, 1878-1958 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 51) Bookmark
65. The Macewen outlook in surgery, by G. Grey Turner. Glasgow university publications. [LIII] Turner, G. Grey (George Grey) [Browse] Glasgow; Jackson, son & company, 1939. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 8955.606.91 Bookmark
66. The Macewen outlook in surgery / by G. Grey Turner. Glasgow University publications ; 53., Glasgow university publications. [LIII] Turner, G. Grey (George Grey) [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, son & company, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » R489.M15 T85 Bookmark
67. The Macewen outlook in surgery, by G. Grey Turner. Glasgow university publications. [LIII] Turner, George Grey, 1887- [Browse] Glasgow; Jackson, son & company, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
68. King Lear. The first W.P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 27th November, 1939, by R.W. Chambers ... with a note on the founder of the lectureship by David Baird Smith. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, Glasgow university publications, LIV Chambers, R. W. (Raymond Wilson), 1874-1942 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1940. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR2819 .C436 1940 Bookmark
69. King Lear. The first W.P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 27th November, 1939, by R.W. Chambers ... with a note on the founder of the lectureship by David Baird Smith. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, Glasgow university publications, LIV Chambers, R. W. (Raymond Wilson), 1874-1942 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1940. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
70. Bractonian problems, being the ninth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, prepared, but not delivered, by H. Kantorowicz...with a short memoir of the author by Doris M. Stenton. Glasgow university publications. LVI Kantorowicz, Hermann, 1877-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1941. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD662 .K368 1941 Bookmark
71. Bractonian problems, being the ninth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, prepared, but not delivered, by H. Kantorowicz...with a short memoir of the author by Doris M. Stenton. Glasgow university publications. LVI Kantorowicz, Hermann, 1877-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1941. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
72. Thoughts for the times; the second W.P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 27th November, 1940. W.P. Ker memorial lecture., University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Glasow university publications, 55 Dixon, W. Macneile (William Macneile), 1866-1945 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1941. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 14101.05.305 Bookmark
73. Thoughts for the times ; the second W.P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 27th November, 1940. W. P. Ker memorial lecture., Glasgow University publications ; 55., Glasow university publications, 55 Dixon, W. Macneile (William Macneile), 1866-1945 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, son & company, 1941. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 940.921 D647 Bookmark
74. The music of poetry / by T.S. Eliot. W.P. Ker memorial lecture ; 3, University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Glasgow University publications ; 57 Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Co., 1942. Book Loading...Special Collections - Remote Storage (ReCAP): Rare Books. Special Collections Use Only » 3728.287.367Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 2003-0323Q Oversize Bookmark
75. Antony and Cleopatra, the fourth W. P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 4th May, 1943. Glasgow University publications ; 58., Glasgow University publications, 58 Cecil, David, 1902-1986 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
76. The crisis of American federalism : being the tenth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on February 23rd, 1943 / by D.W. Brogan. Glasgow University publications ; LX Brogan, D. W. (Denis William), 1900-1974 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Co., 1944. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JK325 .B764 1944 Bookmark
77. The crisis of American federalism; being the tenth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on February 23rd, 1943, by D. W. Brogan. Glasgow university publications, LX Brogan, D. W. (Denis William), 1900-1974 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Company, 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
78. John Gibson Lockhart, commemoration address delivered in the University of Glasgow on 18th June, l930 / by George Stuart Gordon. Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications ; no. 59 Gordon, George Stuart [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
79. John Gibson Lockhart : commemoration address delivered in the University of Glasgow on l8th June, l930 / by George Stuart Gordon. Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications ; no. 59. Gordon, George Stuart, 1881-1942 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1944. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PR4891.L4 Z643 1944 Bookmark
80. Moral progress; being the Frazer lecture delivered within the University of Glasgow on 18th April 1944, by Morris Ginsberg. Glasgow university publications, LXII Ginsberg, Morris, 1889- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Co., 1944. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HM216 .G43 Bookmark
81. Moral progress ; being the Frazer lecture delivered within the University of Glasgow on 18th April 1944 / by Morris Ginsberg. Glasgow University publications ; 62., Glasgow university publications, LXII Ginsberg, Morris, 1889-1970 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Co., 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 171 G435 Bookmark
82. Moral progress; being the Frazer lecture delivered within the University of Glasgow on 18th April 1944, by Morris Ginsberg. Glasgow university publications, LXII Ginsberg, Morris, 1889-1970 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Co., 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
83. Roger Wendover and Mathew Paris, being the eleventh lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on March 9th, 1944, by V. H. Galbraith. University of Glasgow. Publications., University of Glasgow. David Murray lectureship., Glasgow university publications, 61 Galbraith, V. H. (Vivian Hunter), 1889-1976 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1944. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DA228.W46 G353 1944 Bookmark
84. Roger Wendover and Mathew Paris, being the eleventh lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on March 9th, 1944, by V. H. Galbraith. University of Glasgow. Publications., University of Glasgow. David Murray lectureship., Glasgow university publications, 61 Galbraith, V. H. (Vivian Hunter), 1889- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1944. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 53) Bookmark
85. The artist in the community; the sixth W. P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 18th April, 1945, by Charles Morgan. Glasgow university publications. LXVI. Morgan, Charles, 1894-1958 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1945. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3865.54.313 Bookmark
86. The artist in the community ; the sixth W. P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 18th April, 1945 / by Charles Morgan. Glasgow University publications ; 66., Glasgow university publications. LXVI Morgan, Charles, 1894-1958 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, son & company, 1945. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » A72 M82 Bookmark
87. The development of English prose between 1918 and 1939; the fifth W.P. Ker memorial lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 27th April, 1944, by E.M. Forster. University of Glasgow. Glasgow university publications., Glasgow university publications. LXIII Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1945. Book Loading...Special Collections - Rare Books » 20th-144 RHTLoading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR804 .F677 1945 Bookmark
88. The development of English prose between 1918 and 1939 : the fifth W.P. Ker Memorial Lecture delivered in the University of Glasgow, 27th April, 1944 / by E.M. Forster. Glasgow university publications ; 63., Glasgow university publications; LXIII Forster, E. M. (Edward Morgan), 1879-1970 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Co., 1945 (Glasgow : Robert Maclehose and Co.). Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 63) Bookmark
89. Early Scotch contributions to the United States, being a lecture delivered within the University of Glasgow on 8th March, 1945 / by T. J. Wertenbaker. Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications, no. 64. Wertenbaker, T. J. [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1945. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Princeton Collection » P96.8927.05 Bookmark
90. Two centuries of Johnsonian scholarship; being the twelfth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 3rd, 1945, by R.W. Chapman. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, Glasgow university publications. LXV Chapman, R. W. (Robert William), 1881-1960 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, 1945. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR3534 .C437 1945 Bookmark
91. The Norman conquest and British historians; being the thirteenth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on February 20th, 1946. University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Glasgow University publications, 67 Douglas, David C. (David Charles), 1898-1982 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1946. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DA195 .D684 1946 Bookmark
92. Crimean War diplomacy, and other historical essays. University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Glasgow University publications, 68 Henderson, Gavin Burns, 1909-1945 [Browse] Glascow, Jackson, 1947. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » DK215 .H463 1947 Bookmark
93. Crimean War diplomacy, and other historical essays. Glasgow University publications ; 68., Glasgow University publications, 68 Henderson, Gavin Burns, 1909-1945 [Browse] Glascow, Jackson, 1947. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 68) Bookmark
94. Some aspects of later seventeenth century Scotland, being the fourteenth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on May 5th, l947 / by Henry W. Meikle. Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications, no. 73. Meikle, Henry W. (Henry William), 1880-1958 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1947. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 14825.628 Bookmark
95. Some aspects of later seventeenth century Scotland : being the fourteenth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on May 5th, l947 / by Henry W. Meikle. Glasgow University publications ; 73., Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications, no. 73 Meikle, Henry W. (Henry William), 1880-1958 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1947. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 941.06 M476 Bookmark
96. International contracts : being the fifteenth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow / delivered on March 4th, 1948, by Geoffrey Chevalier Cheshire. Glasgow University publications ; 76 Cheshire, G. C. (Geoffrey Chevalier), 1886-1978 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Co., 1948. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD685.C6 C447 1948 Bookmark
97. Poetry in the Dark Ages. W. P. Ker memorial lecture, 8th, 1947, Glasgow University publications, 75 Waddell, Helen, 1889-1965 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1948. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 29525.949 Bookmark
98. Poetry in the Dark Ages. W. P. Ker memorial lecture ; 8th, 1947., Glasgow University publications ; 75., Glasgow University publications ; 75 Waddell, Helen, 1889-1965 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, 1948. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 809.1 W119 Bookmark
99. What sort of warriors? address delivered to the students of the University of Glasgow / by Walter E. Elliot in St Andrews Hall on February 6th, l948 on the occasion of his installation as Rector. Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications, no. 74. Elliot, Walter E. [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1948. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 14829.322 Bookmark
100. What sort of warriors? : address delivered to the students of the University of Glasgow / by Walter E. Elliot in St Andrews Hall on February 6th, l948 on the occasion of his installation as Rector. Glasgow University publications ; 74., Glasgow. University. Glasgow University publications, no. 74 Elliot, Walter E. [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1948. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 378.41 GK4 Bookmark