41. The British museum in war time ; being the fourth lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow / delivered on June 11th, 1934, by Sir Frederic G. Kenyon. Glasgow University publications ; 33., Glasgow University publications ; 33 Kenyon, Frederic G. (Frederic George), Sir, 1863-1952 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and Co., 1934. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 027.5 B7753 Bookmark
42. The divergencies and convergencies of English and Scottish law : being the fifth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 21st, 1935 / by the Right Honourable Viscount Dunedin ... Glasgow University publications ; 38. Dunedin, Andrew Graham Murray, 1st viscount, 1849- [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD664 .D864 1935 Bookmark
43. The divergencies and convergencies of English and Scottish law : being the fifth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 21st, 1935 / by the Right Honourable Viscount Dunedin ... Glasgow University publications ; 38. Dunedin, Andrew Graham Murray, 1st viscount, 1849- [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 38) Bookmark
44. Experimental and clinical researches on angina pectoris and its surgical treatment, by Rene Leriche. Glasgow university publications. XXXV Lericke, René, 1879- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1935. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Stacks » 89715.581 Bookmark
45. Experimental and clinical researches on angina pectoris and its surgical treatment / by Rene Leriche. Glasgow University publications ; 35., Glasgow university publications. XXXV Leriche, René, 1879-1955 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie and co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » RC685 .L56 Bookmark
46. Experimental and clinical researches on angina pectoris and its surgical treatment, by Rene Leriche. Glasgow university publications. XXXV Lericke, René, 1879- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie and co., 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow university. Publications. 34, 52, 80) Bookmark
47. New Mozartiana ; the Mozart relics in the Zavertal collection at the University of Glasgow, by Henry George Farmer ... and Herbert Smith. With ten portraits and facsimiles. Glasgow university publications, XXXVII [37] Farmer, Henry George, 1882-1965 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book Loading...Mendel Music Library - Stacks » ML410.M9 F2 Bookmark
48. New Mozartiana ; the Mozart relics in the Zavertal collection at the University of Glasgow / by Henry George Farmer ... and Herbert Smith. With ten portraits and facsimiles. Glasgow University publications ; XXXVII, 37., Glasgow University publications ; XXXVII, 37 Farmer, Henry George, 1882-1965 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » ML410.M9 F3 Bookmark
49. New Mozartiana ; the Mozart relics in the Zavertal collection at the University of Glasgow, by Henry George Farmer ... and Herbert Smith. With ten portraits and facsimiles. Glasgow university publications, XXXVII [37] Farmer, Henry George, 1882- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, 1935. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow university. Publications. 34, 52, 80) Bookmark
50. In memoriam, Robert Sangster Rait, kt.,C.B.E., D.L., M.A., LL. D., principal of the University of Glasgow, 1929-1936. Glasgow university publications, XLI Glasgow, Jackson, son & co., 1936. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6817.745.49 Bookmark
51. James Watt, mathematical instrument maker to the University of Glasgow; an oration by Professor A. L. Mellanby, D. Sc. Delivered in the University on Commemoration day, 17th June, 1936. Glasgow university publications ; 40., Glasgow university publications ; 40 Mellanby, Alexander Lawson, 1871- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Co., 1936. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » Eng 97.1.30 Bookmark
52. Parliament in the wars of the Roses; being the sixth lecture on the David Murray foundation foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on May 7th, 1936, by A. F. Pollard ... Glasgow University publications, XLII Pollard, A. F. (Albert Frederick), 1869-1948 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son and Company, publishers to the University, 1936. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JN515 .P655 1936 Bookmark
53. Adam Smith as student and professor, with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence, by William Robert Scott ... Glasgow University publications, XLVI Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Company, 1937. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HB75.S6S4 Bookmark
54. Adam Smith as student and professor : with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence / by William Robert Scott ... Glasgow University publications ; 46., Glasgow University publications ; XLVI Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 110 Sm57 Bookmark
55. Adam Smith as student and professor, with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence, by William Robert Scott ... Glasgow University publications, XLVI Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Company, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 46) Bookmark
56. Adam Smith as student and professor : with unpublished documents, including parts of the "Edinburgh lectures", a draft of The wealth of nations, extracts from the muniments of the University of Glasgow and correspondence / by William Robert Scott, D. Phil., Litt. D., Hon. LL.D. (St. Andrews and Dublin), Adam Smith professor of political economy in the University of Glasgow and fellow of the British Academy. Glasgow University publications ; 46., Making of the modern world, part III (1890-1945), Glasgow University publications ; 46, The making of the modern world, part III (1890-1945) Scott, William Robert, 1868-1940 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son and Company, 1937. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
57. Advances in modern surgery, by Professor Ferdinand Sauerbruch ... Glasgow university publications. XLV Sauerbruch, Ferdinand, 1875-1951 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, Son & Co., 1937. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - Stacks » 8985.806 Bookmark
58. Art and truth, by J. W. R. Purser ... Glasgow University publications. XLVII Purser, J. W. R. (John W. R.) [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson,Son & Company, publishers to the University, 1937. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BH201 .P877 1937 Bookmark
59. Art and truth / by J. W. R. Purser ... Glasgow University publications ; 47., Glasgow University publications. XLVII Purser, J. W. R. (John W. R.) [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson,Son & Company, publishers to the University, 1937. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 701 P867 Bookmark
60. Six contemporaneous revolutions; being the seventh lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on April 22nd, 1937, by R. B. Merriman ... University of Glasgow. Glasgow university publications., Glasgow university publications, XLIV Merriman, Roger Bigelow, 1876-1945 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, son & company, 1937. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 14091.636 Bookmark