1. April showers : march Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Braham, George, -1952 [Browse] N.Y. : M. Witmark & Sons, [1997]©1997 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
2. Copenhagen Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Davis, Charley [Browse] Chicago, IL : Melrose Bros. Music Co., [1934]©1934 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
3. Alone with my dreams : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Archer, Harry, 1888-1960 [Browse] New York, NY : Leo. Feist, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
4. Amos 'n' Andy : novelty foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Tracey, William, 1893-1957 [Browse] New York : Bibo-Lang, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
5. Anchors aweigh : the song of the navy Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Zimmermann, Chas. A. (Charles A.), 1862-1916 [Browse] New York, NY : Robbins Music Corporation, [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
6. Are you waiting for me : waltz Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music McConnell, Geo. B. (George Burnham), 1894-1982 [Browse] 1595 Broadway, New York : Bibo-Lang, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
7. Around the corner : novelty foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Kassel, Art, 1896-1965 [Browse] New York : Leo. Feist, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
8. Because there's a change in you Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Hirsch, Walter, 1891-1967 [Browse] Chicago, IL : Forster Music Pub. Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
9. Bye bye blues : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Hamm, Fred [Browse] New York : Irving Berlin, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
10. A cottage for sale : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Conley, Larry, 1895-1960 [Browse] New York : De Sylva, Brown and Henderson Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
11. Have a little faith in me : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Lewis, Sam M., 1885-1959 [Browse] New York : Remick Music Corp., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
12. If you can't have the girl of your dreams : waltz Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Young, Joe, 1889-1939 [Browse] New York, NY : Remick Music Corp, [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
13. I love you so : waltz Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Kahn, Gus, 1886-1941 [Browse] Feist Building, New York : Leo Feist, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
14. I'm in the market for you : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Hanley, James F. (James Frederick), 1892-1942 [Browse] New York, NY : Red Star Msuic Co., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
15. It happened in Monterey : waltz Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Rose, Billy, 1899-1966 [Browse] Feist Building, New York : Leo Feist, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
16. I've got my eye on you : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Green, Bud, 1897-1981 [Browse] New York, NY : De Sylva, Brown and Henderson, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
17. Just like in a story book : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Hanley, James F. (James Frederick), 1892-1942 [Browse] New York, NY : Red Star Music Co., Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
18. The kiss that made a fool of me : waltz Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Davis, Lou, 1881-1961 [Browse] 719 Seventh Ave., N.Y.C. : Davis, Coots & Engel, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
19. Like a dream : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Russell, Benée, 1902-1961 [Browse] New York, NY : Leo Feist, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark
20. Like a dream : foxtrot Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theater orchestra music., Fred D. Valva collection of silent film and vaudeville theatre orchestra music Russell, Benée, 1902-1961 [Browse] New York, NY : Leo.Feist, Inc., [1930]©1930 Musical score No holdings available for this record Bookmark