1. Macaulay's library, by A.N.L. Munby. David Murray Foundation lectures, 28 Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1974 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1966. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » Z987 .M863 1966 Bookmark
2. Robert Copland: sixteenth-century printer and translator. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation, 24 Francis, Frank Chalton, 1901- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1961. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » Z232.C786 F736 1961 Bookmark
3. The dark age of Scottish legal history, 1350-1650. David Murray lecture ; 19., University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, Lecture on the David Murray Foundation, 19, Glasgow University publications, 92 Cooper of Culross, Thomas Mackay Cooper, Baron, 1892-1955 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1952. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7898.265.3 Bookmark
4. The structure of Stair's Institutions. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation, 21, Glasgow University publications, 98. Campbell, A. H. (Archibald Hunter), 1902-1989 [Browse] Glasglow, Jackson, 1954. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 7898.872.23 Bookmark
5. Philip of Leyden and his treatise De cura reipublicae et sorte principantis: being the twenty-ninth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on 9th May 1967. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation ; 29., University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, The David Murray lectures, 29, University of Glasgow publication, NS 133. Feenstra, Robert, 1920-2013 [Browse] Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1970. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JC393.P453 F446 1970 Bookmark
6. Borrowing from Scotland : being the 26th Lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 5th of May, 1961 / by the Rt. Hon. Lord Denning of Whitchurch. Glasgow University publications, Lectures on the David Murray Foundation ; 26. Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Baron, 1899-1999 [Browse] Glascow : Jackson, 1963. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD540 .D466 1963 Bookmark
7. Adam Smith: the biographical approach: being the thirtieth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 3rd March 1969. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation ; 30., University of Glasgow. Glasgow University publications ;, The David Murray lectures, 30, Glasgow University publication, NS 134 Mossner, Ernest Campbell, 1907-1986 [Browse] Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1969. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HB103.S6 M64 Bookmark
8. Don Antonio Agustin; being the eightth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on February 24th, 1939. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures ;, University of Glasgow. Publications, 51, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures, no. 8 De Zulueta, Francis, 1878-1958 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1939. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » BX4705.A38 D498 1939 Bookmark
9. Large and loving privileges; the capitulations in the Middle East and North Africa. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 10th March, 1959. The David Murray lectures, 25, Glasgow University publications. Bullard, Reader, Sir, 1885-1976 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1960. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JX1568 .B844 1960 Bookmark
10. Pollock and Maitland; being the thirty-first lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 28th October 1970, by Cecil H. S. Fifoot. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation ; 31., The David Murray lectures, 31 Fifoot, C. H. S. (Cecil Herbert Stuart), 1899- [Browse] Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1971. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » KD630.xF5 Bookmark
11. Adam Smith: the biographical approach : being the thirtieth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 3rd March 1969. Glasgow University publications ; 134., David Murray Foundation lectures ; 30., The David Murray lectures, 30, Glasgow University publication, NS 134 Mossner, Ernest Campbell, 1907-1986 [Browse] Glasgow : University of Glasgow, 1969. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » HB103.S6 M64 Bookmark
12. Adam Smith: the biographical approach: being the thirtieth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 3rd March 1969. Glasgow University publications ; NS 134., Lecture on the David Murray Foundation ; 30., The David Murray lectures, 30, Glasgow University publication, NS 134 Mossner, Ernest Campbell, 1907- [Browse] Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1969. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
13. Borrowing from Scotland : being the 26th Lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 5th of May, 1961 / by the Rt. Hon. Lord Denning of Whitchurch. Glasgow University publications, Lectures on the David Murray Foundation ; 26. Denning, Alfred Thompson Denning, Baron, 1899- [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, 1963. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
14. Don Antonio Agustin; being the eightth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on February 24th, 1939. University of Glasgow. Publications ;, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures ;, University of Glasgow. Publications, 51, University of Glasgow. David Murray Foundation. Lectures, no. 8 De Zulueta, Francis, 1878-1958 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1939. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow University. Publications. [no.] 51) Bookmark
15. Judicial process upon brieves, 1219-1532 / by Hector McKechnie. Glasgow University publications. The David Murray lectures ; 23 McKechnie, Hector [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, Son & Company, 1956. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
16. Large and loving privileges; the capitulations in the Middle East and North Africa. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 10th March, 1959. The David Murray lectures, 25, Glasgow University publications. Bullard, Reader, Sir, 1885-1976 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1960. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
17. Macaulay's library, by A.N.L. Munby. David Murray Foundation lectures ; 28 Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1974 [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1966. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
18. Macaulay's library / by A. N. L. Munby. David Murray Foundation lectures ; 28., David Murray Foundation lectures ; 28 Munby, A. N. L. (Alan Noel Latimer), 1913-1974 [Browse] Glasgow : Jackson, 1966. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » 825M11 GM Bookmark
19. Philip of Leyden and his treatise De cura reipublicae et sorte principantis: being the twenty-ninth lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on 9th May 1967. Glasgow University publications ; 133., Lecture on the David Murray Foundation ; 29., The David Murray lectures, 29, University of Glasgow publication, NS 133. Feenstra, Robert, 1920- [Browse] Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1970. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
20. Pollock and Maitland ; being the thirty-first lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 28th October 1970 / by Cecil H. S. Fifoot. David Murray Foundation lectures ; 31., The David Murray lectures, 31 Fifoot, C. H. S. (Cecil Herbert Stuart), 1899-1975 [Browse] Glasgow : University of Glasgow, 1971. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K .F536 Bookmark
21. Pollock and Maitland; being the thirty-first lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on 28th October 1970, by Cecil H. S. Fifoot. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation ; 31., The David Murray lectures, 31 Fifoot, C. H. S. (Cecil Herbert Stuart), 1899- [Browse] Glasgow, University of Glasgow, 1971. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
22. Robert Copland: sixteenth-century printer and translator. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation, 24 Francis, Frank Chalton, 1901- [Browse] Glasgow, Jackson, 1961. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » K-10 2692 Bookmark
23. The structure of Stair's Institutions. Lecture on the David Murray Foundation, 21, Glasgow University publications, 98. Campbell, A. H. (Archibald Hunter), 1902-1989 [Browse] Glasglow, Jackson, 1954. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » STK (Glasgow university. Publications. [no.] 98) Bookmark