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404. Natural deduction; a proof-theoretical study.

405. Bolzano's logic.

416. Boris Pasternak : essays / ed. by Nils Åke Nilsson.

425. Den centraleskimåiska världsbilden : huvuddragen av eskimåisk religion mot bakgrunden av termerna för orientering = Das Weltbild der Zentraleskimos : die Hauptzüge der Religion der Eskimos, unter Zugrundelegung des Raumsinnes / Leif Zeilich-Jensen.

435. Aphrodite Kallipygos.

439. Sound and symbol in the dialogue of the works of Charles Dickens. A survey of the divergencies from normally received spellings in the dialogue of Dicken's works, together with an investigation into Dicken's methods of conveying an impression of divergent sounds of speech.

450. Neros Gymnasium in Rom.

454. Skolklassens storlek och struktur : studier rörande elevernas kunskaper i relation till klassens storlek och homogenitet = Scholastic attainments as related to size and homogeneity of classes / av Sixten Marklund.

467. The Wycliffe Bible.

471. Attitudes towards the past in Antiquity : creating identities : proceedings of an international conference held at Stockholm University, 15-17 May 2009 / edited by Brita Alroth and Charlotte Scheffer.

475. Perspectives on women's everyday religion : papers read at the Conference, Religion on the Borders : New Challenges in the Academic Study of Religion at Södertörn University College, Sweden, April 19-22, 2007 / edited by Marja-Liisa Keinänen.

476. Метаистория Булатa Окуджавы : образ документа в романе Путешествие дилетантов / Светлана Уварова.

Metaistorii︠a︡ Bulata Okudzhavy : obraz dokumenta v romane Puteshestvie diletantov / Svetlana Uvarova.

478. Raphael studies.

479. Seven years that shook Soviet economic and social thinking : reflections on the revolution in communist economics 1985-1991 / Bengt Svensson.

489. Ålands medeltida kyrkor. Studier utg. av Ålandsseminariet vid Anders Zorns professur i nordisk och jämförande konsthistoria tillägnade Sten Karling. Red. och formgivning: Ann Catherine Bonnier.

496. Geschichte der estnischen Literatur.