1. Estimates of cross-border shopping, 2006 to 2012 / by Patrizia Corbi. Income and expenditure accounts technical series,, Research paper (Statistics Canada), Income and expenditure accounts technical series, 1707-1739, Research paper Corbi, Patrizia [Browse] Ottawa, Ontario : Statistics Canada, 2014.Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2014. Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
2. Provincial-territorial human resource module of the tourism satellite account, 2012 / by Terrence Martin ; National Economic Accounts Division. Research paper (Statistics Canada), Income and expenditure accounts technical series ; no. 74., Research paper, Income and expenditure accounts technical series, 1707-1739 ; no. 74 Martin, Terrence A. [Browse] Ottawa, Ontario : Statistics Canada, 2014.Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2014. Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
3. The underground economy in Canada, 1992 to 2011 / by Charles Morissette. Income and expenditure accounts technical series ; no. 73., Research paper (Statistics Canada), Income and expenditure accounts technical series, 1707-1739 ; no. 73, Research paper Morissette, Charles [Browse] Ottawa, Ontario : Statistics Canada, National Economic Accounts Division, 2014.Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2014. Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
4. Human resource module of the tourism satellite account, 2012 / by Terrence Martin. Income and expenditure accounts technical series ; number 072., Research paper (Statistics Canada), Income and expenditure accounts technical series, 1707-1739 ; no. 072, Research paper Martin, Terrence [Browse] Ottawa, Ontario : Statistics Canada, 2013.Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2013. Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
5. Les pertes d'essence par évaporation des postes d'essence canadiens, 2009 [electronic resource] / Division des comptes et de la statistique de l'environnement. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series ; no. 15., Papier technique, Série de documents analytiques et techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement, 1917-9707 ; no 15 Ottawa, Ont. : Statistique Canada, Division des comptes et de la statistique de l'environnement, 2012 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2012). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
6. Gasoline evaporative losses from retail gasoline outlets across Canada, 2009 [electronic resource] / Environment Accounts and Statistics Division. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series ; no. 15., Technical paper, Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series, 1917-9693 ; no. 15 Ottawa, Ont. : Statistics Canada, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division, 2012 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2012). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
7. Recyclage dans les ménages canadiens, 2007 [electronic resource] / par A. Munro. Analytical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series ; no. 013., Document analytique, Série de documents analytiques et techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement, 1917-9707 ; no 013 Munro, A. [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistique Canada, Division des comptes et de la statistique de l'environnement, 2010 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
8. Recycling by Canadian households, 2007 [electronic resource] / by A. Munro. Analytical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series, no. 13., Analytical paper, Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series, 1917-9693 ; no. 13 Munro, A. [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistics Canada, Environmental Accounts and Statistics Division, Environmental Protection Accounts and Surveys, 2010 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
9. Les décisions en matière d'eau potable des ménages dans les municipalités canadiennes [electronic resource] / par Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environmental accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 10., Document technique, Série de documents analytiques et techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistique Canada, Enquêtes et des comptes de protection de l'environnement, 2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
10. Drinking water decisions of Canadian municipal households [electronic resource] / by Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environmental accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 10., Technical paper, Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistics Canada, Environmental Protection Accounts and Surveys Section, 2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
11. Les véhicules à usage personnel au Canada [electronic resource] : profil de la consommation de carburant et analyse comparative des résultats de l'Enquête sur les véhicules au Canada de 2007 / par Chris Birrell. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 009., Document technique, Série de documents analytiques et techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement ; [no 009] Birrell, Chris [Browse] Ottawa [Ont.] : Statistique Canada, c2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
12. Personal use vehicles in Canada [electronic resource] : fuel consumption profile and comparative analysis of the 2007 Canadian vehicle survey results / by Chris Birrell. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 009., Technical paper, Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series ; [no. 009] Birrell, Chris [Browse] Ottawa [Ont.] : Statistics Canada, c2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
13. Controlling the temperature in Canadian homes [electronic resource] / by Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no 006., Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 006, Technical paper Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistics Canada, c2008 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2009). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
14. Real Import and Export Adjustments to Account for Exchange Rate Fluctuations Research paper (Statistics Canada), Income and expenditure accounts technical series ; no. 62., Document de recherche, Comptes des revenus et dépenses série technique ; no 062 Ottawa [Ont.] : Statistique Canada, c2009 Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
15. Régulation de la température dans les foyers canadiens [electronic resource] / par Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 006., Série de documents techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement ; no 006, Document technique Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistique Canada, c2008 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2009). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
16. An introduction to the national income and product accounts [electronic resource]. Methodology papers, U.S. national income and product accounts ; [BEA-MP-1] [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration, Bureau of Economic Analysis, [2007] Book Online US Government Documents Bookmark
17. House of Commons Members' Fund. Accounts 1977-78. Accounts of the House of Commons Members' Fund for the year ended 30th September 1978, together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 235 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (93) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
18. Northern Ireland. Appropriation accounts 1977-78. Together with the Consolidated Fund services account; and the report of the Comptroller and Auditor-General for Northern Ireland thereon and upon the revenue accounts. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (79) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
19. Appropriation accounts (volume 3: classes X-XV and XVII) 1977-78. Appropriation accounts of the sums granted by Parliament for classes X-XV and XVII for the year ended 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon, and upon certain revenue and store accounts. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 138 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (139) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
20. Currency and Bank Notes Act 1954. Copies of Treasury minutes dated 15th, 16th and 17th November 1978, relative to the fiduciary note issue. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (145) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark