1. Personal use vehicles in Canada [electronic resource] : fuel consumption profile and comparative analysis of the 2007 Canadian vehicle survey results / by Chris Birrell. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 009., Technical paper, Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series ; [no. 009] Birrell, Chris [Browse] Ottawa [Ont.] : Statistics Canada, c2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
2. Les véhicules à usage personnel au Canada [electronic resource] : profil de la consommation de carburant et analyse comparative des résultats de l'Enquête sur les véhicules au Canada de 2007 / par Chris Birrell. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 009., Document technique, Série de documents analytiques et techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement ; [no 009] Birrell, Chris [Browse] Ottawa [Ont.] : Statistique Canada, c2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
3. GNP : an overview of source data and estimating methods / [Carol S. Carson]. Methodology papers, U.S. national income and product accounts ; BEA-MP-4 Carson, Carol S. [Browse] Washington, DC : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1987. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Government Documents Collection » C 59.19:BEA-MP-4 Bookmark
4. GNP : an overview of source data and estimating methods / [Carol S. Carson]. Methodology papers, U.S. national income and product accounts ; BEA-MP-4., Methodology papers, U.S. national income and product accounts ; BEA-MP-4 Carson, Carol S. [Browse] Washington, DC : U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1987. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » C 59.19:BEA-MP-4 Bookmark
5. Estimates of cross-border shopping, 2006 to 2012 / by Patrizia Corbi. Income and expenditure accounts technical series,, Research paper (Statistics Canada), Income and expenditure accounts technical series, 1707-1739, Research paper Corbi, Patrizia [Browse] Ottawa, Ontario : Statistics Canada, 2014.Beaconsfield, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2014. Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
6. Controlling the temperature in Canadian homes [electronic resource] / by Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no 006., Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 006, Technical paper Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistics Canada, c2008 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2009). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
7. Les décisions en matière d'eau potable des ménages dans les municipalités canadiennes [electronic resource] / par Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environmental accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 10., Document technique, Série de documents analytiques et techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistique Canada, Enquêtes et des comptes de protection de l'environnement, 2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
8. Drinking water decisions of Canadian municipal households [electronic resource] / by Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environmental accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 10., Technical paper, Environment accounts and statistics analytical and technical paper series Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistics Canada, Environmental Protection Accounts and Surveys Section, 2009 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2010). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
9. Régulation de la température dans les foyers canadiens [electronic resource] / par Gordon Dewis. Technical paper (Statistics Canada), Environment accounts and statistics technical paper series ; no. 006., Série de documents techniques sur les comptes et la statistique de l'environnement ; no 006, Document technique Dewis, Gordon [Browse] Ottawa, Ont. : Statistique Canada, c2008 (Saint-Lazare, Quebec : Canadian Electronic Library, 2009). Book Online Canada Commons - Documents Bookmark
10. A study of the incidence and impact of capitalisation issues : a report prepared for the Research Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales / Michael A. Firth. Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Research Committee. Occasional paper - Research Committee, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, London ;, Research Committee occasional paper ; no. 3 Firth, Michael Arthur [Browse] London : Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, 1974. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HG4028.S75 F57q Oversize Bookmark
11. 100th Regiment. Return of the cost of levying the 100th Regiment of the Line, and of conveying it to England, so far as such return can be completed. Accounts and papers, [1857-58] ; (458) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
12. 10. Papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to East India affairs.. Accounts and papers, [1806] ; (98) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
13. 11. Papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to East India affairs.. Accounts and papers, [1806] ; (99) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
14. 1. 27th July 1807. Controverted election petitions, session 1807. Arranged in the order in which they are appointed to be heard.. Accounts and papers, [1807] ; (004) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
15. 12. Papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to East India affairs.. Accounts and papers, [1806] ; (137) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
16. 13. Papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to East India affairs.. Accounts and papers, [1806] ; (154) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
17. 13th February 1827. Proposed resolution. Bribery at elections. Accounts and Papers, [1826-27] ; (0.6) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
18. 14. Papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to East India affairs. Claims of individuals on the Nabob of Oude.. Accounts and papers, [1806] ; (168) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
19. 14th May 1810. Queen Anne's Bounty Office. An account of the steps taken by the governors towards disposing of £100,000. granted by Parliament for the relief of the poor clergy. 3.. Accounts and papers, [1810] ; (274) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
20. 15. Papers presented to the House of Commons, relating to East India affairs. Rajah of Bhurtpore.. Accounts and papers, [1806] ; (176) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark