81. 1861-2. Post Office packet service. Statement of excess of expenditure, for the year ended 31 March 1862. A statement of the sum required to make good the deficiency of the amount voted for the Post Office packet service, for the year ended 31 March 1862. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (422) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
82. 1861-2. Revenue departments. Statement of excess of expenditure for Post Office services, for the year ended 31 March 1862. A statement of the sum required to make good the deficiency of the amount voted for the charges of the Post Office services, and the collection of the Post Office revenue, for the year ended 31 March 1862. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (423) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
83. 1861-2. VII. Miscellaneous, special, and temporary objects. Estimates, &c. civil services. Accounts and papers, [1861] ; (131-I-VII) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
84. 1862-3. Civil services. Supplementary estimate for civil services, for the year ending 31 March 1863. Class VII. Vote no. 4. Fishery Board, Scotland. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (252) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
85. 1862-3. Civil services. Supplementary estimate for civil services, for the year ending 31 March 1863. Class V. Vote no. 27. Junior attachš to embassies and missions abroad. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (251) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
86. 1862-3. Estimates for civil services. General abstract of the grants to be proposed for civil services for 1862-3, compared with the grants for 1861-2. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (112) (458) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
87. 1862-3. Estimates, revenue departments, for the year ending 31 March 1863. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (90) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
88. 1862-3. Harbours of refuge. Detailed statement relative to the harbours of refuge at Dover, Alderney, and Portland; together with the quarterly reports of the engineers, for the year ending 31 March 1862. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (195) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
89. 1862-3. I. Estimates, &c. civil services; for the year ending 31 March 1863. Public works and buildings. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (112-I-VII) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
90. 1862-3. Metropolitan Board of Works. Account in abstract, showing the receipt and expenditure from the 26th March 1862 to the 25th March 1863; also, summary statement of all contracts entered into during such period, and of the moneys owing to, and debts and liabilities owing by, the board, on the 25th March 1863. Accounts and papers, [1864] ; (14) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
91. 1862-3. Post Office packet service. Estimate for the Post Office packet service for the year 1862-3. Accounts and papers, [1862] ; (91) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
92. 1863-4. Civil services. Supplementary estimate for civil services, for the year ending 31 March 1864. Class I. Vote no. 28. Land and buildings at Kensington Gore. Accounts and papers, [1863] ; (304) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
93. 1863-4. Estimates for civil services. General abstract of the grants to be proposed for civil services for 1863-4, compared with the grants for 1862-3. Accounts and papers, [1863] ; (475) (55) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
94. 1863-4. Estimates, revenue departments, for the year ending 31 March 1864. Accounts and papers, [1863] ; (56) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
95. 1863-4. I. Estimates, &c. civil services; for the year ending 31 March 1864. Accounts and papers, [1863] ; (55-I-VII) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
96. 1863-4. Metropolitan Board of Works. Account in abstract, showing the receipt and expenditure from the 26th March 1863 to the 25th March 1864; also, summary statement of all contracts entered into during such period, and of the moneys owing to, and debts and liabilities owing by, the board, on the 25th March 1864. Accounts and papers, [1865] ; (34) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
97. 1863-4. Post Office packet service. Estimate for the Post Office packet service for the year 1863-4. Accounts and papers, [1863] ; (57) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
98. 1863-4. Post Office packet service. Estimate of the sum required to be voted "on account," for the year ending 31 March 1864. Accounts and papers, [1863] ; (267) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
99. 1864-5. Estimates for civil services. General abstract of the grants to be proposed for civil services for 1864-5, compared with the grants for 1863-4. Accounts and papers, [1864] ; (103) (522) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
100. 1864-5. Estimates for civil services. Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 20 July 1864;--for, general abstract of the grants for civil services for 1864-5, compared with the grants for 1863-4. Accounts and papers, [1864] ; (103-I-VII) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2006. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark