41. Health Services Act 1976. Health Services Board. Account 1977-78. Account prepared pursuant to schedule 1, paragraph 21(2)(b), of the Health Services Act 1976 of the receipts and payments of the Health Services Board for the year ended 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 323 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (325) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
42. National Health Service Act 1977. Public Health Laboratory Service Board. Accounts 1977-78. Accounts prepared pursuant to paragraph 17 of schedule 3 to the National Health Service Act 1977 of the receipts and payments of the Public Health Laboratory Service Board for the year ended 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 447 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (343) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
43. Open government. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7520 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
44. Redundancy Payments Act 1965. Employment Protection Act 1975. Redundancy Fund. Account 1977-78. Account of the Redundancy Fund for the year ended 31st March 1978, together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 162 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (307) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
45. Biological Standards Act 1975. National Biological Standards Board. Account 1977-78. Account prepared pursuant to section 4(3) of the Biological Standards Act 1975 of the receipts and payments of the National Biological Standards Board for the year ended 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 458 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (342) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
46. Employment Protection Act 1975. Maternity Pay Fund. Account 1977-78. Account of the Maternity Pay Fund for the year ended 31st March 1978, together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (304) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
47. Measures to prevent collisions and strandings of noxious cargo carriers in waters around the United Kingdom. The government's observations on the second report from the Expenditure Committee, session 1978-79. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7525 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
48. Contingencies Fund. Accounts 1977-78. Return to an order of the Honourable the House of Commons, dated 29th March 1979 for copy "of accounts of the Contingencies Fund, 1977-78, showing (1) the receipts and payments in connection with the fund in the year ended the 31st day of March 1978, (2) the distribution of the capital of the fund at the commencement and close of the year; with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon" Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (333) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
49. Funds in court in England and Wales. Accounts 1977-78. Accounts of the receipts and payments of the Accountant General of the Supreme Court, in respect of the funds of suitors of the Supreme Court and of the county courts, for the year ended 28th February 1978; also account of the National Debt Commissioners in respect of funds held by them on behalf of the Supreme Court and of the county courts; also accounts of the common investment funds administered by the Public Trustee; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 327 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (324) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
50. Highlands and Islands Development (Scotland) Acts 1965 and 1968. Accounts 1977-78. Accounts of the Highlands and Islands Development Board showing the income and expenditure for the year ended 31st March 1978 and balance sheet as at 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 324 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (341) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
51. Industrial Organisation and Development Act 1947. Wool textile industry (export promotion levy). Wool textile industry (scientific research levy). Cutlery and stainless steel flatwear industry (scientific research levy). Iron casting industry (scientific research levy). Hosiery and knitwear industry (scientific research levy). Accounts 1977-78. Accounts prepared pursuant to section 9(4) of the Industrial Organisation and Development Act 1947, of the sums recovered by the Secretary of State for Industry under orders made under section 9 of the act, and of their disposal, for the year ended 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 325 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (305) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
52. Nature Conservancy Council Act 1973. Nature Conservancy Council. Account 1977-78. Account of the Nature Conservancy Council showing the income and expenditure for the year ended 31st March 1978 and balance sheet as at 31st March 1978; together with the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General thereon. (In continuation of House of Commons Paper no. 237 of 1977-78.) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; (306) Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
53. A review of restrictive trade practices policy. A consultative document. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7512 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
54. Supply estimates 1979-80 for the year ending 31st March 1980. Memorandum by the Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7524 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
55. Poland no. 1 (1979). Convention between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Polish People's Republic on co-operation in the field of culture, education and science. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7492 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
56. Treaty Series No. 26 (1979). Exchange of notes between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Niger concerning the abolition of visas. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7471 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
57. Treaty Series No. 27 (1979). Exchange of notes between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Republic of Malawi revising the schedule to the agreement for air services between and beyond their respective territories signed at Blantyre on 27 September 1968. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7472 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
58. Treaty Series No. 31 (1979). Financial protocol between the European Economic Community and the Republic of Cyprus (with final act) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7490 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
59. Miscellaneous no. 3 (1979). Protocol to the convention on the contract for the international carriage of passengers and luggage by road (CVR) Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7481 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark
60. Statement on the defence estimates 1979. Accounts and Papers, [1978-79] ; Cmnd. 7474 Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons [Browse] Cambridge [Eng.] : Proquest LLC, 2007. Book Online U.K. parliamentary papers. Bookmark