61. Energy policy : errors, illusions and market realities / Colin Robinson. Robinson, Colin, 1932- [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1993. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HD9502.G72 R624 1993 Bookmark
62. Europe after Maastricht / Holger Schmieding. Schmieding, Holger [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1993. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » JN15 .S354 1993 Bookmark
63. Do currency boards have a future? : twenty-second Wincott Memorial Lecture delivered at Bishop Partridge Hall, Church House, Westminster, Thursday, 29 October 1992 / Anna J. Schwartz. Schwartz, Anna J. (Anna Jacobson), 1915-2012 [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs for the Wincott Foundation, 1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HG3881 .S338 1992 Bookmark
64. Monetarism and monetary policy / Anna J. Schwartz. Schwartz, Anna J. (Anna Jacobson), 1915-2012 [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1992. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HG226.3 .S382 Bookmark
65. Predicting the unpredictable? : science and guesswork in financial market forecasting / Terence C. Mills. Mills, Terence C. [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1992. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HG4637 .M544 1992 Bookmark
66. The wealth of nations and the environment / Mikhail S. Bernstam. Bernshtam, Mikhail S. [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1991. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HD75.6 .B476 1991 Bookmark
67. The limits of international co-operation : twentieth Wincott memorial lecture delivered at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Thursday, 19 October 1989 / Deepak Lal. Lal, Deepak [Browse] London : Published by the Institute of Economic Affairs for the Wincott Foundation, 1990. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HD75 .L342 Bookmark
68. Market socialism : a scrutiny : "this square circle" / Anthony de Jasay. De Jasay, Anthony, 1925- [Browse] Westminster, London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1990. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HB75 .D44 Bookmark
69. The future of monetary arrangements in Europe / Robin Leigh-Pemberton ; with a commentary by Patrick Minford. Leigh-Pemberton, Robin [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1989. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HG925 .L44 Bookmark
70. 1992, Europe's last chance? : from common market to single market : nineteenth Wincott memorial lecture delivered at the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Thursday, 20 October 1988 / Victoria Curzon Price. Curzon Price, Victoria [Browse] [London] : Published by the Institute of Economic Affairs for the Wincott Foundation, 1988. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HC241.2 .C87 Bookmark
71. Beyond the welfare state : an economic, political and moral critique of indiscriminate state welfare, and a review of alternatives to dependency / Ralph Harris. Harris, Ralph [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1988. Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HB846 .H37 Bookmark
72. Economics through the looking glass : the distorted perspective of the New Palgrave dictionary of economics / Mark Blaug. Blaug, Mark [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1988. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HB61 .B52 Bookmark
73. No room! no room! : the costs of the British town and country planning system / Alan Evans. Evans, Alan W. [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1988. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HT169.G7 E92 Bookmark
74. The state of the market / Nigel Lawson ; with a commentary by Alan Budd. Lawson, Nigel [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1988. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HC256.6 .L39x 1988 Bookmark
75. Mr. Hammond's cherry tree : the morphology of union survival : eighteenth Wincott Memorial Lecture delivered at the Royal Society of Arts on Thursday, 8 October 1987 / Ben Roberts. Roberts, B. C. (Benjamin Charles), 1917- [Browse] London : Published by The Institute of Economic Affairs for The Wincott Foundation, 1987. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD6664 .R62 Bookmark
76. Unemployment and the labour market / Tom Wilson ; with a commentary by Geoffrey E. Wood. Wilson, Tom [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1987. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » HD5765.A6 W55 1987 Bookmark
77. Liberalisation for faster economic growth : internal and external measures required : seventeenth Wincott memorial lecture delivered at the Royal Society of Arts on Thursday, 16 October 1986 / Herbert Giersch. Giersch, Herbert [Browse] London : Published by the Institute of Economic Affairs for the Wincott Foundation, 1986. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HC240.G52 L52 1986 Bookmark
78. No, Minister! : a radical challenge on economic and social policies from speeches in the House of Lords / Ralph Harris. Harris, Ralph [Browse] London : Institute of Economic Affairs, 1985. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HC256.6 .H35 Bookmark
79. Two cheers for self-interest : some moral prerequisites of a market economy: sixteenth Wincott memorial lecture delivered at the Royal Society of Arts on Thursday, 31 October 1985 / Samuel Brittan. Brittan, Samuel [Browse] London : Published by The Institute of Economic Affairs for The Wincott Foundation, 1985. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HB72 .B74 Bookmark
80. Wage-fixing revisited : a revised and expanded text of the fourth Robbins Lecture delivered at the University of Stirling in October 1984 / J.E. Meade. Meade, J. E. (James Edward), 1907-1995 [Browse] London : Published by the Institute of Economic Affairs, 1985. Book Loading...Forrestal Annex - A » HC79.W24 M42 Bookmark