101. An act to enable women voters to vote at primaries and elections when qualified [electronic resource]. Massachusetts [Browse] [Boston : s.n., 1920] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
102. Amelia Peabody Tileston and her canteens for the Serbs [electronic resource] / [Amelia Peabody Tileston]. Tileston, Mary Wilder, 1843-1934 [Browse] Boston : Atlantic Monthly Press, [c1920] (McGrath-Sherrill Press) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
103. The American home [electronic resource] : a pageant / by Minnie K.L. Karnell. Karnell, Minnie Karine Lund (Mathisen) [Browse] Philadelphia : Westminster Press, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
104. Among Papuan women [electronic resource] / by Mrs. R. Lister Turner of Vatorata. Lister-Turner, R., Mrs. (Edith E.) [Browse] Westminster : London Missionary Society, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
105. Arbetsglädje [electronic resource] : lärdomar från Amerika / Alma Hedin. Hedin, Alma Isabel Sofia, 1876- [Browse] Stockholm : A. Bonniers, [1920] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
106. De Atheensche vrouw [electronic resource] : Amsterdamsche Aula-voordrachten / van K. Kuiper. Kuiper, K. (Koenraad), 1854-1922 [Browse] Haarlem : H.D. Tjeenk Willink, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
107. Auf welche Weise Frauen Erwerb finden können [electronic resource] / von Luise Adelheid Buchtel. Buchtel, Luise Adelheid [Browse] New York : L.A. Buchtel, [1920?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
108. The balance wheel [electronic resource] : a condensed history of the Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1880-1920 / Ellen Coughlin Keeler. Keeler, Ellen Coughlin [Browse] New York : Woman's Home Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
109. Banner bearers [electronic resource] : tales of the suffrage campaigns / by Oreola Williams Haskell ; with an introduction by Ida Husted Harper. Haskell, Oreola Williams, 1875- [Browse] Geneva, N.Y. : W.F. Humphrey, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
110. Beatrice d'Este, duchess of Milan, 1475-1497 [electronic resource] : a study of the Renaissance / by Julia Cartwright (Mrs. Henry Ady). Cartwright, Julia, 1851-1924 [Browse] London : J.M. Dent & Sons, Ltd. ; New York : E.P. Dutton & Co., 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
111. Božena Němcová [electronic resource] : k stým narozeninám / napsal Josef Lelek. Lelek, Josef [Browse] Praha : J. Rašín, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
112. Brèves apologies de nos auteurs féminins [electronic resource] / [Georges Bellerive]. Bellerive, Georges [Browse] Québec : Libr. Garneau, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
113. The busy woman's garden book [electronic resource] / by Ida D. Bennett. Bennett, Ida D. (Ida Dandridge), 1860-1925 [Browse] Boston : Small, Maynard & Co., c1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
114. Canteening overseas 1917-1919 [electronic resource] / by Marian Baldwin. Baldwin, Marian [Browse] New York : Macmillan Co., 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
115. The charm of fine manners [electronic resource] : being a series of letters to a daughter / by Helen Ekin Starrett. Starrett, Helen Ekin, 1840-1920 [Browse] Philadelphia ; London : J.B. Lippincott Co., 1920, c1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
116. Children by chance or by choice [electronic resource] : and some correlated considerations / by William Hawley Smith. Smith, William Hawley, 1845-1922 [Browse] Boston : R.G. Badger, [c1920] (Gorham Press) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
117. Constitution and bye-laws adopted at the first conference, London, July 1920 [electronic resource] / International Federation of University Women. International Federation of University Women [Browse] [London, England : International Federation of University Women, 1920] (Women's Print. Society, Ltd.) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
118. Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association and Congress of the League of Women Voters, Congress hotel, Chicago, February 13-18, 1920 [electronic resource]. National American Woman Suffrage Association [Browse] [New York] : The Association, 1920. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
119. Las cortesanas griegas [electronic resource] / Emile Deschanel ; traducción de Alfonso de Sola ; introducción de E. Gómez Carrillo ; obra inédita en castellano. Deschanel, Emile, 1819-1904 [Browse] Madrid : Editorial-América, 1920 (Alhambra) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks
120. Crowding memories [electronic resource] / by Mrs. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, Mrs., 1841-1927 [Browse] Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1920 (Cambridge, Mass. : Riverside Press) Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO): Women: Transnational Networks