741. Further doings of the three bold babes / by S. Rosamond Praeger. Praeger, S. Rosamond (Sophia Rosamond), 1867-1954 [Browse] London ; New York ; Bombay : Longmans, Green, & Company, [1898] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
742. El Gato Bandido. New York : McLoughlin Brothers Incorporated, [1898]©1898 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
743. Georgie's present, or, Tales of Newfoundland / by Miss Brightwell, author of "Annals of industry and genius," etc., etc. Brightwell, C. L. (Cecilia Lucy), 1811-1875 [Browse] London : James B. Knapp, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
744. Gerald and Geraldine : and other stories / by A.G. Plympton, author of "Dear daughter Dorothy," "Wanolasset," etc., etc. Plympton, A. G. (Almira George), 1852- [Browse] Boston : De Wolfe, Fiske & Company, [1898]©1898 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
745. The giant scissors / by Annie Fellows Johnston, author of "The Little Colonel," "Big Brother," "Ole Mammy's Torment," etc. ; illustrated by Etheldred B. Barry. Johnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows), 1863-1931 [Browse] Boston : L.C. Page and Company, [1898]©1898 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
746. The gospel primer. Palmer, W. O. [Browse] Oakland, California : Pacific Press Publishing Company, 1898.©1895 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
747. Grandfather's chair : a history for youth / by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 [Browse] Philadelphia : Henry Altemus, 1898.©1898 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
748. Graphic stories of other lands / edited by M.T. Yates. London ; Glasgow : William Collins, Sons, & Company, [1898?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
749. Green fairy book / Andrew Lang. New York ; Boston : H.M. Caldwell Company, [1898?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
750. The green Toby jug ; and, The princess who lived opposite : stories for little children / by Mrs. Edwin Hohler. Hohler, Edwin, Mrs [Browse] London : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
751. Gwen / by Penelope Leslie, author of "Miss Barton's bicycle," "Troublesome cousins," etc. ; with frontispiece by C.J. Staniland. Leslie, Penelope [Browse] London : National Society's Depository ; New York : Thomas Whittaker, [1898?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
752. Hero-chums / by Will Allen Dromgoole, author of "The heart of Old Hickory," "The valley path," etc. ; illustrated. Dromgoole, Will Allen, 1860-1934 [Browse] Boston : Dana Estes & Company, [1898]©1898 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
753. Heroes of chivalry and romance / by the Rev. A.J. Church, M.A., formerly professor of Latin in University College, London, author of "Stories from Homer," &c. ; with illustrations by George Morrow. Church, Alfred John, 1829-1912 [Browse] London : Seeley and Company Limited, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
754. The Horse and his ways : stories of man and his best friend. London ; Glasgow ; Dublin : Blackie & Son, [1898?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
755. The Howe boys / by the author of "The Fisherman's boy," etc., etc. Baker, Sarah S. (Sarah Schoonmaker), 1824-1906 [Browse] London : T. Nelson and Sons, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
756. Illustrated natural history for young people / by Rev. J.G. Wood, M.A., F.L.S., author of "The new illustrated natural history," etc., etc. Wood, J. G. (John George), 1827-1889 [Browse] Boston : DeWolfe, Fiske & Company, [1898]©1898 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
757. The Ingoldsby legends, or, Mirth & marvels / by Thomas Ingoldsby, Esquire ; illustrated by Arthur Rackham. Ingoldsby, Thomas, 1788-1845 [Browse] London : J.M. Dent & Company, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
758. In the land of the lion and the ostrich : a tale of struggle and adventure / by Gordon Stables, M.D., R.N., author of "Our home in the silver west" etc. etc. ; illustrations by Alfred Pearse. Stables, Gordon, 1840-1910 [Browse] London : Religious Tract Society, [1898?] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
759. Introduction to the Herbartian principles of teaching / by Catherine I. Dodd, Day Training Department, The Owens College, Manchester ; with an introduction by W. Rein (Jena). Dodd, Catherine I., 1860-1932 [Browse] London : S. Sonnenshein & Company ; New York : Macmillan Company, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
760. The island of gold : a sailor's yarn / by Gordon Stables, M.D., C.M., surgeon Royal Navy, author of "Every inch a sailor," "How Jack Mackenzie won his epaulettes," "As we sweep through the deep," &c., &c. ; with six illustrations by Allan Stewart. Stables, Gordon, 1840-1910 [Browse] London : Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1898. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark