241. The child's mind : its growth and training : being a short study of some processes of learning and teaching / by W.E. Urwick, M.A. Urwick, William Eddowes, 1864- [Browse] London : Edward Arnold, 1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
242. The cozy lion : as told by Queen Crosspatch / by Frances Hodgson Burnett ; with illustrations by Harrison Cady. Burnett, Frances Hodgson, 1849-1924 [Browse] New York : Century Company, 1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
243. Education and social life / by J. Wilson Harper. Harper, J. Wilson [Browse] London : Sir I. Pitman & Sons, 1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
244. Herbart and education by instruction / by Gabriel Compayré, correspondent of the institute, director of the Academy of Lyons, author of "Psychology applied to education," "Lectures on pedagogy," "A history of pedagogy," etc. ; translated by Maria E. Findlay, B.A. Compayré, Gabriel, 1843-1913 [Browse] New York : Crowell, [1907]©1907 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
245. Home, school, and vacation : a book of suggestions / by Annie Winsor Allen. Allen, Annie Winsor, Mrs [Browse] Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin, 1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
246. Isaak Iselin und sein Verhältnis zum Philanthropinismus : Abhandlung zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde bei der philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig / vorgelegt von Ernst Gnüchtel aus Auerbach i. V. Gnüchtel, Ernst [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1907]Königsbrück : A. Pabst, [1907] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
247. The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe / by Daniel Defoe ; with introduction, notes, appendix, etc. ; with fifty-two illustrations by J.D. Watson. Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 [Browse] London : George Gill & Sons, Ld., [1907] Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
248. Mental training : a remedy for education / by William George Jordan. Jordan, William George [Browse] New York : Jordan Publishing Company, 1907.©1907 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
249. Die psychologische und pädagogische Begrundung der Notwendigkeit des praktischen Unterrichts : Vortrag, gehalten auf dem Kongress für Kinderforschung und Jugendfürsorge am 1.-4. Oktober 1906 zu Berlin / von Dr. A. Pabst, Seminardirektor in Leipzig. Pabst, Alwin, 1854- [Browse] Langensalza : Hermann Beyer & Söhne (Beyer & Mann), 1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
250. School institutions and school hygiene in the Grand Duchy of Finland / compiled by A. Palmberg ; in cooperation with Hjalmar Basilier, Valter Forsius, Lucina Hagman, Victor Heikel, Taav. Laitinen, Max Oker-Blom, Henrik Stahl and Ivar Wilksman. International Congress on School Hygiene (2nd : 1907 : London, England) [Browse] [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1907]Helsingfors : Lilius & Hertzberg, limited printers, 1907. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
251. The town child / by Reginald A. Bray, L.C.C. Bray, Reginald Arthur [Browse] London : T.F. Unwin, MCMVII. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
252. The wonderful adventures of Nils / from the Swedish of Selma Lagerlöf ; translated by Velma Swanston Howard ; decorations by Harold Heartt. Lagerlöf, Selma, 1858-1940 [Browse] New York : Grosset & Dunlap, [1907]©1907 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
253. Alexander Melville Bell : some memories with fragments from a pupil's note-book / [by S.S. Curry]. Curry, S. S. (Samuel Silas), 1847-1921 [Browse] Boston : School of Expression, [1906]©1906 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
254. Die Assoziation in ihrer Anwendung auf den Unterricht : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Basel / eingereicht von Otto Mautz aus Basel. Mautz, Otto [Browse] Basel : Friedrich Reinhardt, Universitäts-Buchdruckerei, 1906. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
255. Big brother / by Annie Fellows-Johnston. Johnston, Annie F. (Annie Fellows), 1863-1931 [Browse] Boston : L.C. Page & Company (Incorporated), 1906.©1893 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
256. Deutsche Land-Erziehungsheime : Erziehungsgrundsätze und Organisation der Deutschen Land-Erziehungsheime für Knaben, Ilsenburg i. Harz, Klasse VI-IV Haubinda i. Thüringen, Klasse IIIb-IIb, Bierberstien i.d. Rhön, Klasse IIb-Ia, Deutschen Land-Erziehungsheime für Mädchen, Siversdorf d. Bukow, Gaienhofen a. Bodensee. Leipzig : R. Voigtländers, 1906. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
257. Education and national progress : essays and addresses, 1870-1905 / by Sir Norman Lockyer, K.C.B. ; with an introduction by the Right Honourable R.B. Haldane, K.C., M.P. Lockyer, Norman, Sir, 1836-1920 [Browse] London : Macmillan and Company, Limited, 1906. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
258. L'éducation sociale à l'école / par P. Déghilage, ancien élève de l'école normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud, inspecteur de l'enseignement primaire lauréat de l'institut. Déghilage, P. [Browse] Montdidier : Imprimerie Léon Carpentier, 1906. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
259. Elementary pedagogy / by Levi Seeley, Ph. D., professor of the science and art of education in the New Jersey State Normal School, author of "A new school management," "The foundations of education," etc. Seeley, Levi, 1847-1928 [Browse] New York : Hinds, Noble & Eldredge, [1906]©1906 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
260. Die Elemente der Erziehungs- und Unterrichtslehre : auf Grund der Psychologie der Gegenwart / dargestellt von Dr. Paul Barth, a. o. Professor an der Universität zu Leipzig. Barth, Paul, 1858-1922 [Browse] Leipzig : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1906. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark