221. The history of the Society of Apothcaries of London [electronic resource] / by C.R.B. Barrett ; illustrated by the author. Barrett, C. R. B. (Charles Raymond Booth), 1850-1918 [Browse] London : E. Stock, 1905. Book Online Online Content
222. The history of the Speculative Society, 1764-1904 [electronic resource]. Edinburgh : Printed for the Society by T. and A. Constable, 1905. Book Online Online Content
223. The history of the Standard Oil Company [electronic resource] / by Ida M. Tarbell. Tarbell, Ida M. (Ida Minerva), 1857-1944 [Browse] London : W. Heineman, 1905 (McClure Press) Book Online Online Content
224. Die Inventur der Firma Fugger aus dem Jahre 1527 [electronic resource] / eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Jacob Strieder. Fugger family [Browse] Tübingen : Verlag der H. Laupp'schen Buchhandlung, 1905. Book Online Online Content
225. The life of William Ewart Gladstone. Vol. I, 1809-1872 [electronic resource] / by John Morley. Morley, John, 1838-1923 [Browse] London : Macmillan & Co., Ltd. ; New York : Macmillan Co., 1905 (T. and A. Constable) Book Online Online Content
226. The life, times, and labours of Robert Owen [electronic resource] / by Lloyd Jones ; edited by William Cairns Jones. Jones, Lloyd, 1811-1886 [Browse] London : S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1905 (Perth : Cowan & Co.) Book Online Online Content
227. Le mécanisme financier [electronic resource] : de la Belgique et de la France / par Raphael-Georges Lévy. Lévy, Raphaël Georges, 1853-1933 [Browse] Paris : F. Alcan, 1905 (Coulommiers [France] : Imp. P. Brodard) Book Online Online Content
228. De Merchant Adventurers in de Nederlanden [electronic resource] : een bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van den engelschen handel met Nederland / door C. te Lintum. Lintum, C. te (Cris), 1863- [Browse] 's-Gravenhage : M. Nijhoff, 1905 (Nijmegen : Boek-Courant- en Steendrukkerij G.J. Thieme) Book Online Online Content
229. Miscellaneous representations relative to our concerns in America [electronic resource] : submitted (in 1761) to the Earl of Bute / by Henry M'Culloh ; now first printed from the original ms., with biographical and historical introduction by Wm. A. Shaw. McCulloh, Henry, d. 1778 [Browse] London : G. Harding, [1905?] (Edinburgh : T. and A. Constable) Book Online Online Content
230. A new commandment [electronic resource]. [London : W.H. Reynolds, ca. 1905] Book Online Online Content
231. Principles & methods of industrial peace [electronic resource] / by A. C. Pigou. Pigou, A. C. (Arthur Cecil), 1877-1959 [Browse] London : Macmillan and Co., Ltd. ; New York : Macmillan Co., 1905 (Edinburgh : R. & R. Clark) Book Online Online Content
232. The principles of economics [electronic resource] : a fragment of a treatise on the industrial mechanism of society, and other papers / by the late W. Stanley Jevons ; with a preface by Henry Higgs. Jevons, William Stanley, 1835-1882 [Browse] London : Macmillan and Co., Ltd. ; New York : Macmillan Co., 1905 (Edinburgh : R. & R. Clark) Book Online Online Content
233. The problem of the immigrant [electronic resource] : a brief discussion, with a summary of conditions, laws, and regulations governing the movement of population to and from the British empire, United States, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Denmark, Scandinavia and Russia / by James Davenport Whelpley. Whelpley, J. D. (James Davenport), 1863- [Browse] London : Chapman & Hall, 1905 (W. Clowes and Sons, Ltd.) Book Online Online Content
234. The Suez canal [electronic resource] : its origin, constitution, and administration / by Howard Vincent. Vincent, C. E. Howard (Charles Edward Howard), 1849-1908 [Browse] London : Soulden & Co., 1905. Book Online Online Content
235. A women's Malthusian league [electronic resource] : i.e., a women's league for the extinction of poverty and prostitution through the rational regulation of the birth-rate / by Alice Drysdale Vickery. Vickery, Alice Drysdale, 1844-1929 [Browse] [London : Printed by G. Standring, ca. 1905] Book Online Online Content
236. An account of Virginia [electronic resource] : its scituation [sic], temperature, productions, inhabitants and their manner of planting and ordering tobacco &c. / communicated by Mr. Thomas Glover, an ingenious chirurgion that hath lived some years in that country. Glover, Thomas, (Surgeon) [Browse] Oxford : Reprinted from the Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society, June 20, 1676 and sold by B.H. Blackwell, 1904 (H. Hart) Book Online Online Content
237. American tariff controversies in the nineteenth century [electronic resource] / by Edward Stanwood. Stanwood, Edward, 1841-1923 [Browse] Westminster : A. Constable & Co., Ltd., 1904 (Cambridge, Mass. : Riverside Press, electrotyped and printed by H.O. Houghton & Co.) Book Online Online Content
238. La Belgique [electronic resource] : agricole, industrielle et commerciale : étude économique / par Eug. Prost. Prost, Eug. (Eugène), 1861- [Browse] Liége ; Paris : Libr. Polytechnique C. Béranger, 1904 (Évreux : Impr. de C. Hérissey) Book Online Online Content
239. Cartulaire de l'ancienne estaple de Bruges [electronic resource] : recueil de documents concernant le commerce intérieur et maritime, les relations internationales et l'histoire économique de cette ville / par L. Gilliodts-van Severen. Gilliodts-Van Severen, L. (Louis), 1827-1915 [Browse] Bruges : Impr. de L. de Plancke, 1904. Book Online Online Content
240. City development [electronic resource] : a study of parks, garden, and culture-institutes / by Patrick Geddes. Geddes, Patrick, Sir, 1854-1932 [Browse] Edinburgh : Geddes and Co., 1904. Book Online Online Content