81. A history of the public land policies Hibbard, Benjamin Horace, 1870-1955 [Browse] New York : Macmillan, 1924. Book Bookmark
82. The humane movement in the United States, 1910-1922 Shultz, William J. (William John), 1902-1970 [Browse] New York : Columbia University Press, 1924. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
83. Hyatt on trials: a treatise on the trial of civil and criminal cases in state and federal courts Hyatt, W. H. (William Harvey), b. 1864 [Browse] San Francisco, Calif. : Bender-Moss, 1924. Book Bookmark
84. Illustrative cases on agency Powell, Richard R. (Richard Roy), 1890-1982 [Browse] St. Paul : West Pub. Co., 1924. Book Online West Academic Casebooks Archive Bookmark
85. Insanity and law: a treatise on forensic psychiatry Singer, Harold Douglas, 1875-1940 [Browse] Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's Son & Co., [c1924] Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
86. Insanity and the criminal Goodwin, John Cuthbert, 1891- [Browse] New York : G.H. Doran, [c1924] Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
87. Interpretations of the Civil code of Louisiana since 1898: containing the interpretations which the Supreme Court of Louisiana has given to the articles of the Civil code of that state during the period from 1898 to 1924, inclusive, and to be found in th Herold, J. B. (Jacob Brooks), b. 1888 [Browse] New Orleans : Hauser, 1924. Book Bookmark
88. Keys to crookdom Henderson, George C. (George Cochran), b. 1891 [Browse] New York : D. Appleton, 1924. Book Bookmark
89. Labor disputes and the President of the United States Berman, Edward, 1897-1938 [Browse] New York : Columbia University, 1924. Book Bookmark
90. Labor policy of the United States Steel Corporation Gulick, Charles Adams, 1896- [Browse] New York: Columbia University, 1924. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
91. The law, business or profession? Cohen, Julius Henry, b. 1873 [Browse] New York : G.A. Jennings, 1924. Book Bookmark
92. Law of leases Lewis, Clarence M. (Clarence Martin), 1882-1934 [Browse] New York : Baker, Voorhis, 1924. Book Bookmark
93. Legislative assemblies: their framework, make-up, character, characteristics, habits, and manners Luce, Robert, 1862-1946 [Browse] Boston : Houghton Mifflin Co., 1924. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
94. Man's judgment of death: an analysis of the operation and effect of capital punishment based on facts, not on sentiment Lawes, Lewis Edward, 1883-1947 [Browse] New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, c1924. Book Online HeinOnline History Of Capital Punishment Bookmark
95. Men and issues: a selection of speeches and articles Pepper, George Wharton, 1867-1961 [Browse] New York : Duffield, 1924. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
96. The Minneapolis city charter, 1856-1925 Marcley, Jessie McMillan [Browse] Minneapolis : University of Minnesota, 1924 [i.e., 1925?] Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
97. Murder & its motives Jesse, F. Tennyson (Fryniwyd Tennyson), 1888-1958 [Browse] New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1924. Book Bookmark
98. The national government and business Swenson, Rinehart John, b. 1887 [Browse] New York : Century Co., 1924. Book Bookmark
99. Notes on practice in the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, on appeals from the Commissioner of Patents Burke, Moncure [Browse] Washington, D.C. : [s.n.], 1924. Book Online HeinOnline Judges and the Judiciary: Exploring America's Court System Bookmark
100. Power of Congress to nullify Supreme Court decisions by Dormin J. Ettrude. Ettrude, Dormin J. [Browse] New York : H. W. Wilson, 1924. Book Online HeinOnline U.S. Supreme Court Library Bookmark