401. The essentials of American timber law by J.P. Kinney. Kinney, Jay P., b. 1875 [Browse] New York ; London : John Wiley & Sons : Chapman & Hall, 1917. Book Bookmark
402. Excess condemnation Cushman, Robert Eugene, 1889-1969 [Browse] New York : D. Appleton, 1917. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
403. Federal income tax: including tax on undistributed net income, capital stock tax, and war excess profits tax Holmes, George E. (George Edwin), 1883-1932 [Browse] Chicago : Callaghan, 1917. Book Bookmark
404. Federal rule book, annotated: containing all the general rules of practice in courts and commissions Beecher, Franklin A. [Browse] Detroit, Mich. : F.S. Drake, 1917. Book Bookmark
405. Galusha A. Grow: father of the Homestead Law DuBois, James T., 1851-1920 [Browse] Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin, 1917. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
406. Handbook of the law of torts Chapin, H. Gerald (Heman Gerald), b. 1875 [Browse] St. Paul, Minn. : West, 1917. Book Bookmark
407. The history of legislative methods in the period before 1825 by Ralph Volney Harlow. Harlow, Ralph Volney, 1884-1956 [Browse] New Haven, Connecticut : Yale University Press, [1917] Book Bookmark
408. The history of the Supreme Court of the state of Texas: with biographies of the chief and associate justices Davenport, J. H. (Jewette Harbert), b. 1861 [Browse] Austin, Tex. : Southern Law Book Co., c1917. Book Bookmark
409. A hundred years of the Harvard Law School Rawle, Francis, 1846-1930 [Browse] [U.S. : s.n., 1917?] Book Bookmark
410. Income tax procedure, 1917 Montgomery, Robert Hiester, 1872-1953 [Browse] New York : Ronald Press, 1921. Book Online HeinOnline Taxation & Economic Reform in America, Parts I & II, 1781-2010 Bookmark
411. Inheritance taxes for investors: some practical notes on the inheritance tax laws of each of the states of the United States, with particular reference to their application to non-resident investors Bancroft, Hugh, 1879-1933 [Browse] Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin, 1917. Book Online HeinOnline Taxation & Economic Reform in America, Parts I & II, 1781-2010 Bookmark
412. Jurisdiction and practice of federal courts: a handbook for practitioners and students Williams, Charles P. (Charles Parker), b. 1872 [Browse] St. Louis : F.M. Thomas, 1917. Book Bookmark
413. Justice to all: the story of the Pennsylvania state police Mayo, Katherine, 1868?-1940 [Browse] New York ; London : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1917. Book Bookmark
414. The law of bills, notes and checks being the full text of the Negotiable Instruments Law as adopted by Forty-four states, the District of Columbia and Hawaii ... / by James L. Whitley. Whitley, James L. (James Lucius), b. 1872 [Browse] Rochester, N.Y. : National law book company, 1917. Book Bookmark
415. Law of damages Rogers, William Perry, 1857-1921 [Browse] Chicago : Blackstone Institute, c1917. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
416. The law of interstate rendition: erroneously referred to as interstate extradition : a treatise on the arrest and surrender of fugitives from the justice of one state to another, the removal of federal prisoners from one district to another, and the exem Scott, James A. (James Alexander), b. 1864 [Browse] Chicago, Ill. : S. Hight, 1917. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
417. The life and letters of John Fiske by John Spencer Clark. Clark, John Spencer, 1835-1920 [Browse] Boston ; New York : Houghton Mifflin Co, 1917. Book Bookmark
418. Manual of compensation law: state and federal Dosker, Nicholas H. (Nicholas Herman), b. 1886 [Browse] Louisville, Ky. : Baldwin Law Book Co., 1917. Book Online HeinOnline Legal Classics Bookmark
419. Memoirs of Jeremiah Mason: reproduction of privately printed edition of 1873 Mason, Jeremiah, 1768-1848 [Browse] Boston, Mass : Boston Law Book Co., c1917. Book Bookmark
420. Mine taxation in the United States Young, Lewis Emanuel, b. 1878 [Browse] Urbana : University of Illinois, c1917. Book Online HeinOnline Taxation & Economic Reform in America, Parts I & II, 1781-2010 Bookmark