1. The psychology of childhood, by Frederick Tracy and Joseph Stimpfl. Tracy, Frederick, 1862- [Browse] Boston, D.C. Heath, 1909. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 64932.911 Bookmark
2. The educational ideal; an outline of its growth in modern times, by James Phinney Munroe ... Munroe, James Phinney, 1862- [Browse] Boston, D.C. Heath & Co., 1905. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6607.665 Online Online Content Bookmark
3. Kant on education (Ueber pädagogik); tr. by Annette Churton, with an introd. by C. A. Foley Rhys Davids. Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 [Browse] Boston, Heath, 1900. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » LB675.K362 U334 1900 Bookmark
4. The science of education : its general principles deduced from its aim ; and, The æsthetic revelation of the world / by Johann Friedrich Herbart, professor of philosophy at the University of Göttingen ; translated from the German with a biographical introduction by Henry M. and Emmie Felkin ; and a preface by Oscar Browning, M.A., fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Herbart, Johann Friedrich, 1776-1841 [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath & Company, 1900. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
5. Organic education; a manual for teachers in primary and grammar grades, by Harriet M. Scott ... assisted by Gertrude Buck. Scott, Harriet Maria [Browse] Boston, D. C. Heath & co., 1899. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6515.833 Bookmark
6. The Herbartian psychology applied to education [electronic resource]. Adams, John, 1857-1934 [Browse] Boston : Heath & Co., 1897. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
7. The psychology of childhood, by Frederick Tracy. Tracy, Frederick, 1862-1951 [Browse] Boston, D.C. Heath, 1897. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 64932.911.11 Bookmark
8. Methods of teaching modern languages : papers on the value and on methods of modern language instruction / by A. Marshall Elliott ... [et. al.] Boston : Heath, 1896. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3003.638 Bookmark
9. Number and its algebra. Syllabus of lectures on the theory of number and its algebra introductory to a collegiate course in algebra. By Arthur Lefevre ... Lefevre, Arthur, 1863-1929 [Browse] Boston, D.C. Heath & co., 1896. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 81101.572 Bookmark
10. The psychology of childhood [electronic resource] / by Frederick Tracy. Tracy, Frederick, 1862-1951 [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath, 1896. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
11. The psychology of childhood / Frederick Tracy. Tracy, Frederick [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath, 1896. Book Online EBSCOhost APA PsycBooks Bookmark
12. The connection between thought and memory : a contribution to pedagogical psychology on the basis of F.W. Dörpfeld's monograph "Denken und Gedächtnis" / by Herman T. Lukens, Ph. D., docent in Clark University ; with an introduction by G. Stanley Hall, LL. D., president of Clark University. Dörpfeld, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1824-1893 [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath & Company, publishers, 1895. Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
13. English in American universities, by professors in the English department of twenty representative institutions; ed., with an introduction, by William Morton Payne. Payne, William Morton, 1858-1919 [Browse] Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1895. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » PR33 .P396 1895 Bookmark
14. Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy, by Dr. Karl Lange. Tr. by members of the Herbart club. Ed. by Charles De Garmo. Lange, Karl, 1849- [Browse] Boston, D. C. Heath & Co., 1894. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 6431.561 Online Online Content Bookmark
15. Apperception [electronic resource] : a monograph on psychology and pedagogy / by Dr. Karl Lange ; translated by members of the Herbart club ; edited by Charles De Garmo. Lange, Karl, 1849- [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath & Co., 1894. Book Online Online Content Bookmark
16. Habit and its importance in education : An essay in pedagogical psychology / Paul Radestock, F. A. Caspari. Radestock, Paul [Browse] Lexington, MA : D.C. Heath, 1894. Book Online EBSCOhost APA PsycBooks Bookmark
17. The student's Froebel ; adapted from Die erziehung der Menschheit of F. Froebel / by William H. Herford. Part I. Theory of education. Fröbel, Friedrich, 1782-1852 [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath & co., 1894. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » LB631 1894 Bookmark
18. Methods of teaching modern languages: papers on the value and on methods of modern language instruction. By A. Marshall Elliott, Calvin Thomas, E. S. Joynes, W. T. Hewett, F. C. de Sumichrast, A. Lodeman, F. M. Warren, E. H. Babbitt, C. H. Grandgent, O. B. Super, C. F. Kroeh, W. Stuart Macgowan, H. C. G. von Jagemann. Boston, D.C. Heath & co., 1893. Book Loading...ReCAP - Remote Storage » 3003.441 Bookmark
19. Émile, or, Concerning education : extracts containing the principal elements of pedagogy found in the first three books / by Jean Jacques Rousseau ; with an introduction and notes by Jules Steeg, député, Paris, France ; translated by Eleanor Worthington, formerly of the Cook County (Ill.) Normal School. Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath & Company, publishers, [1883]©1883 Book Online Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) : Children's Literature and Childhood Bookmark
20. The educational ideal : an outline of its growth in modern times / by James Phinney Munroe. Munroe, James Phinney, 1862-1929 [Browse] Boston : D.C. Heath, 1909. Book ReCAP - Remote Storage » SSB (Munroe, J. P. Educational ideal. 1909) Bookmark