1. The intermediate sex : a study of some transitional types of men and women / by Edward Carpenter. Carpenter, Edward, 1844-1929 [Browse] Mitchell Kennerley Book Online CRL Open Access Monographs Bookmark
2. Anomalies and curiosities of medicine : being an encyclopedic collection of rare and extraordinary cases, and of the most striking instances of abnormality in all branches of medicine and surgery, derived from an exhaustive research of medical literature from its origin to the present day : abstracted, classified, annotated, and indexed / by George M. Gould, A.M., M.D. and Walter L. Pyle, A.M., M.D. Gould, George M. (George Milbry), 1848-1922 [Browse] W.B. SaundersLondon Rebman 1897 Book Online Biodiversity Heritage Library Free Bookmark
3. The people's common sense medical adviser in plain English : or, Medicine simplified / by R.V. Pierce, M.D (founder of the Invalids' Hotel, and president of the World's Dispensary Medical Association). Pierce, R. V. (Ray Vaughn), 1840-1914 [Browse] World's Dispensary Printing-office and Bindery Book Online CRL Open Access Monographs Bookmark
4. De la prostitution dans la ville de Paris : considérée sous le rapport de l'hygiène publique, de la morale et de l'administration : ouvrage appuyé de documents statistiques puisés dans les archives de la Préfecture de police / par A.-J.-B. Parent-Duchâtelet (membre du Conseil de salubrité de la ville de Paris, de l'Académie de médecine). Parent-Duchâtelet, A.-J.-B. (Alexandre-Jean-Baptiste), 1790-1836 [Browse] J.-B. Bailliáere et Fils Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 2 Bookmark
5. The greatest of our social evils : prostitution, as it now exists in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dublin : an enquiry into the cause and means of reformation, based on statistical documents / by a physician. Richelot, G. (Gustave), 1806-1893 [Browse] H. Bailliere Book Online Gale Making of the Modern World Part 2 Bookmark
6. De fissuris hominis mammaliumque congenitis : accedit fissurae buccalis congenitae cum fissurae tubae eustachii et tympani complicatae descriptio / auctor Conradus Meyer. Meyer, Conrad, 1813- [Browse] Typis Julii Sittenfeldi Book Online Wiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I Bookmark
7. A mechanical and critical enquiry into the nature of hermaphrodites / James Parsons, M.D. (Fellow of the Royal Society). Parsons, James, 1706-1770 [Browse] Book Online Wiley Digital Archives: Royal College of Physicians Part I Bookmark