1. Religions around the Arctic : source criticism and comparisons / Håkan Rydving And Konsta Kaikkonen (Editors). Stockholm, Sweden : Stockholm University Press, 2022. Book Online JSTOR Books Open Access Bookmark
2. Essays in Anarchism and Religion. Volume III / editors, Alexandre Christoyannopoulos and Matthew S. Adams. Stockholm : Stockholm University Press, 2020. Book Online DOAB Directory of Open Access Books Bookmark
3. Myth, materiality, and lived religion : in Merovingian and Viking Scandinavia / edited by Klas Wikström af Edholm [and four others]. Stockholm : Stockholm University Press, [2019]©2019 Book Bookmark
4. Myth, materiality, and lived religion : in Merovingian and Viking Scandinavia / edited by Klas Wikström af Edholm, Peter Jackson Rova, Andreas Norberg, Olof Sundqvist & Torun Zachrisson. Stockholm : Stockholm University Press, [2019]©2019 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » BL860 .M98 2019 Bookmark
5. En lektion i gemenskap : ordning och (o)reda bland lärare i Malmö och Marseille / Jannete Hentati. Hentati, Jannete, 1982- [Browse] Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, [2017] Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » LA906 .H46 2017 Bookmark
6. Krig och fred i vendel- och vikingatida traditioner [electronic resource] / Håkan Rydving, Stefan Olsson (red.). Stockholm : Stockholm University Press, 2016.©2016 Book Bookmark
7. Laboring through uncertainty : an ethnography of the Chinese State, labor NGOs, and development / Darcy Pan. Pan, Darcy [Browse] [Stockholm] : Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, 2016 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HD8736.5 .P36 2016 Bookmark
8. Promised lands : memory, politics, and Palestinianness in Santiago de Chile / Siri Schwabe. Schwabe, Siri [Browse] [Stockholm] : Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, [2016]©2016 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » F3285.P35 S39 2016 Bookmark
9. The republic of difference : feminism and anti-racism in the Parisian banlieues / Johanna Gullberg. Gullberg, Johanna, 1972- [Browse] [Stockholm] : Department of Social Anthropology, University of Stockholm, [2016]©2016 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » HM671 .G855 2016 Bookmark
10. Arvet efter Strindberg : elva bidrag från den artonde internationella Strindbergskonferensen = The Strindberg legacy / red. David Gedin [and three others]. Internationales Strindberg-Symposion (18th : 2012 : Stockholms universitet) [Browse] Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, [2014]©2014 Book Loading...Firestone Library - Stacks » PT9816 .I58 2012 Bookmark